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Everyone went speechles at the sight of the young man who was now sitting on the floor covering his face ,crying. Jinyoung and Jimin looked at each other, disbelieve to see their little brother broke down. Jimin went to Jisung and softly patted his shoulder.

"Jisung-ah," Jimin slowly called him. Jisung lifted his head and looked at Jimin, his body was shaking in fear. "Hyung, please we need to find her."

Jinyoung crouched next to Jisung. "Are you and Sarah-"

"Yes, I'm sorry hyung. To be honest Sarah and I have been together for 3 months now. We kept it secret because we were afraid you will not agree with our relationship," told Jisung,wiping his tears with his sleeves. "But hyung, I swear I really love her more than anything . Even if I have to sacrifice my life just to save her, I wil."

Jisung stared at Jisung for a few seconds then stood up.Turning his back with hands in his pocket. He said ,"We shall not waste our time. Let's get back to work."

Jinyoung glanced Jisung through his shoulder. "Just so you know, I will not and never against your relationship. But you know the consequences. I assumed you willingly taking the risk." His words really made Jisung went speechless but slowly a small smile curled on his lips.

"Thanks hyung."



I felt my head was throbbing really bad. I licked my lips, it tasted blood. I tried to move my hands and legs but they were tied up. Then , I suddenly remembered- everything earlier started to flash back in my mind. I opened my eyes widely, only to see an empty room with no windows or any lights. Only darkness. I tried to shout but my mouth was salotaped.

I heard footsteps coming from the outside then a sound of key unlocking the door. My heart pounded nervously and I started to sweat more. The door creaked open and figures on three men standing by the door. I couldn't see their faces. Suddenly , the lights were on and now I could see their faces. I gasped in shocked to see who it was.

"Key?!" I mumbled through the salotape. He had his mischievious smirk on his face and commanded one of his men to unsalotaped my mouth. Finally I can speak.

"You?!" I shouted at him as he came closer to me, crouched in front of me.


"What do you want from me?" I scowled.

Key snickered ,"Simple. I want you. The day that I saw you , you really caught my attention."

I scoffed, "HAHAHA , cliche for you to say it.What a joke."

"Was I making a joke?"

"That wasn't a joke? Oh , I see," I rolled my eyes, my tone was clearly annoyed and disgusted at his whatever cliche statement was. Cringed as hell. "And so by doing this , you really think that I would fall for you? Ew ,no!"

"And you really think that I can't make you want me? I'm going to make you be mine and head over heels on me." His thumb softly rubbed my lips. I moved my face away, not willingly for him to touch me. "I would rather die," I retorted and spat on his face.

Key just laughed ,wiping his face, "This is why I like you." He got up and walked towards the door. "You will be mine soon," and with that he left.

I was alone again. To be honest, I was a little bit scared of what might happened to me. My heart pounded like mad. I remembered what Jeno had told me before about Key- dangerous, possesive and will get whatever he wants no matter what.

"Oh Jisung, I'm scared." At last, the tears that were held back fell down.



I was shocked to wake up after dreaming of Sarah. She was scared and weak in that dream. I couldn't iamgine the suffer she had to face alone. It had been two days now. I wonder how was she right now.

I got up from the bed and went to Jinyoung's office. I knocked on the dorr then entered when I heard 'come in'. When I entered, there were two guests talking with my brother. They turned to look at me and I was suprised to see them.

"Hello Jisung," they greeted.

"Hyung! What makes you both come here?" I shaked my hand with them. They were Jaehyun and Yugyeum , both my brothers' good friends. It has been a very long time since I've seen them. Jaehyun moved to America ever since his girlfriend died two years ago whereas Yugyeom currently lives in Berlin as he has a business to run. Both of them has their own gang. Jaehyun is from 127 Gang but he is not the leader of their gang , same goes to Yugyeom who is from the Got7 Gang, also not the leader. Both of them were just represent their leaders , Taeyong (127 Gang) and Jaebum (Got7 Gang).

"We've heard about what happened to Sarah. I'm sorry," said Yugyeom. I smiled, more to a weak smile. Jaehyun got up and patted my shoulder. "We will help you in every way we can."

"Thanks hyung."

"So , let's gather up," told Jinyoung sternly.

After we gathered up , Jinyoung started the meeting. There were Yugyeom's gang and Jaehyun's gang.

"As you all know, one of our crew had been kidnapped by someone who's very powerful and has the best men around him. So we must well prepare and work together for this mission. I know we can do it despite with only not many of us," explained Jinyoung. Then , Jaemin gave him a document. Jinyoung looked through it and nodded lightly.

"How did you know it was Key who kidnapped Sarah?" asked Taeil.

"We hacked a cctv from a shop nearby where Sarah got kidnapped and saw it was one of his men. I know him so well because of his tattoo at the back of his head. Plus ,Key was acting weird when he came here the other day," told Jaemin.

"Jaemin had found the exact location of them. It seems that they are not at their usual place. Must have been to one of his hideout ,which are pretty far from the city...deep into the forest," continued Jinyoung.

"Which means it's quite hard to track their location," said Jackson, one of the Got7 Gang.

Jaemin nodded," Indeed yes but no matter how good they are at hiding, they can't never hide it from me." He smiled proudly at his work.

"Great job ,Jaemin," praised Taeyong.

"Consequently , we need a strong real plan for this mission. We don't know what they capable of and how many of them would be. There must be a trap ,right?" Jaehyun said. "That place must be guarded up."

"Yes, that's right. And I have a plan," Jimin began to speak after a long silent.

"We all ready to hear it out."


Update again! I'm sorry if this chapter kinda boring :') but I hope you all gonna like it ♥️

Before that, I must say thank you to you all for understanding my problem 😭♥️ you people have given me the courage to keep writing ♥️ so sweet of you guys ♥️ enjoy the next upcoming chapter !

HIDDEN IDENTITY ||Park Jisung|| √Where stories live. Discover now