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"Where were you yesterday? Did you forget we were supposed to play games together?"

"Why you didn't tell me that you were out yesterday? I'm your partner ,you should tell me everything!"

"I texted you so many times! You promised me to bake cookies together!"

"Are you hiding something from me? I can smell something fishy about you. Remember ,you're still my little sister and I have every rights to know."

The next day , I was attacked by the others including my brother and bombed me with questions. I can't even focus or answer their questions one by one.

"One by one! Don't asked me all at once, oh my goodness," I exclaimed as i covered my ears.

"Answer my question first. I'm your brother," said Mark sternly,arms crossed over his chest with his sharp eyes glaring at mine intensely. I gulped hard when Mark started to take a step forward. His eyes didn't left from my mine ,like a predator aiming for its prey.

"Umm ,I—I was at..." I stumbled with my own words. I virtually hit my head, this will make Mark even curious with me and that's a big mistake. My hands were trembling so I hid it behind my back before Mark notice about it. I didn't know what to answer him cause I can't even think any relevant answers.

"You were at what ?" Mark asked with his eyebrows raised.

"I was—"

"She was with me yesterday. I asked for her helped with my maths exercises so we went to the library. I'm sorry for not telling you all and made you all worried," said Jisung ,who appeared out of nowhere. The others quickly bowed to him.

"Oh that's okay,sir. If she was with you then I'm fine with it," told Mark calmly.

"I'm sorry once again if I made you worried." Jisung bowed as an apology to Mark,causing all of us were shocked to see him like that.

"Umm,err... that's okay, sir. No big worries," said Mark nervously as he waved his hands in no.

"Hey! I'm talking to you. Are you even listening?"

I snapped out from my avery when Hyunjin clapped his hands right in front of my face. "Urghh, what?" I grunted. And now I have to deal with this boy and he was really pissing me off since just now. Non-stop questioning me.

"Where the hell were you yesterday? And you didn't even reply to any of my texts."

"I had something to do and didn't have the time to check my phone. Geez,chill bro. And sorry," I uttered.

"And what did—"

"What did I do was none of your business. So please ,could you please stop nagging? My ears are about to bleed," I prodded.

"Fine, fine," snorted Hyunjin. Then I saw him took out something from his bag and gave it to me. I looked at him in a questioning look.

"It's your homework. I've listed it for you. I'll give the notes to you later."

"Aww,thank you! You're the best!" told I then gave him a quick hug.

"Yeah,yeah. You're most welcome," he smiled.

"The teacher is coming! Back to your seats peeps." One of our classmates shouted. Students immediately went back to their seats and waited for the teacher to come in.


"Hyunjin, do you have plans after class? Let's have some ice cream. I'm craving for it."

HIDDEN IDENTITY ||Park Jisung|| √Where stories live. Discover now