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Sarah's POV

Where am I ? I looked around, trying to find someone that I know but there wasn't a single person except me. I was in a sort of a big garden with beautiful flowers all around. I wondered around the garden, it was hard to search for people as I don't really know the ways. I kept on walking and walking while my eyes roamed around.

Then I saw a figure at th end of the garden-it looked like Jaemin. "Jaemin-ah!" I shouted his name but he didn't even turn. I saw him walking away so I ran and followed him. I speed up as he was getting further from me. I stopped when he entered a big cottage. What is that place ? I pushed the wooden door and everyone was there-except Mark. I searched for him but nowhere to be found. Where's Mark?

My heart beats fast , sweats started forming on my forehead. There was only one thing that cross in my mind but I couldn't say it. No ,it can't be. He's fine. I shoved away those thoughts in my mind and think positive but I can't as I saw Mark's picture.

I walked to the picture and behind it there was a coffin. Every steps I took , my heart beats even faster than usual until it feels like pumping out from my chest. As I get closer ,I could see the person who was in the coffin. My whole body started to shake in fear.

I felt like my whole world has stopped for a moment,my heart dropped to my feet seeing the truth all these things.

"No ,it can't be ...this is not him..."

This is not true, lies..fake... Mark is not dead yet ,he's still alive. Jisung told me he will be fine. That's not him. No..no..this can't be true. I flinched when a hand rubbed my back. It was Jaemin.

"This is not true right ?" I asked despite my voice was cracking and it almost came out like a whisper. Jaemin looked at me with sympathy.

"I'm sorry,Sarah. He's not here anymore," Jaemin said . There was a tear slipping down his cheeks. I shooked my head , disbelief what I just heard.

"No ,this can't be true Jaemin. He's strong ,I know that ," I denied.

"Sarah ,this is true." Jaemin stepped closer to me.

"No..this is not true ..NO !"

I jolted up from the bed. My breath fluctuated and I was soak with my own sweat. I was still on the bed ,in Jeno's room. So it was just a nightmare ?I let out a relief breath . Wait ,where's Mark ? I pushed aside my blanket,rushed out from the room and went straight to the medic room. Once again ,I let out a relief breath to see Mark was in there ,still unconscious. Jaemin was sleeping on the coach. He must be exhausted after what happened.

"Jaemin," I shaked his shoulder softly. He squinted his eyes for a few times and got up. "Sarah,what are you doing here ?" he asked in a hoarsely voice.

"You can go to your room now. Let me look after Mark. You need to rest ," I said with a small smile.

"Okay ,thanks Sarah. Goodnight dear ." I watched him as he walked out from the room. I turned to Mark and held his cold hand. Please wake up dear brother ...I miss you ... I pecked his forehead like he always did to me before go to sleep. I went to couch and laid down ,pulling the blanket up to my neck. It was just 1 o'clock in the morning and I was still sleepy. I closed my eyes,hoping there's no more nightmares.


Sorry for the short chapter 🙏 I don't feel really good these days but I'll try to write more hoho 🤣

HIDDEN IDENTITY ||Park Jisung|| √Where stories live. Discover now