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I glanced at my watch, still a long way to go.

I smiled, imagining how would her reactions be. I hadn't text nor call her for a few days now but I had my own reasons for that. Two months without her by my side made my life feel incomplete. I just miss her so much. I miss her laugh, her sweet smile, her beautiful sparkling eyes every time she looks at me, her jokes, her touch, her warm hug- I just miss her so bad. I cant wait to meet her soon and imagining her reactions would be as soon as she sees me.

"Jeno, Sarah doesn't know about me going back right?" I asked Jeno, who was sitting in front of me with Renjun beside him.

"Yes, sir. I told the others not to mention anything to her," told Jeno. I nodded in respond.

I told her that I'll be in Italy for three months but because my task was completed fast, I chose to return earlier than I should have. I cant stay there any longer especially without Sarah with me. The next visit, I will tell Jinyoung to bring Sarah instead of replace her with the others.

I turned to look outside the window, then my eyes slowly closed. The next thing, I fell asleep.


"It feels so good to have you back brother," said Jimin excited, pulling me into a hug.

After the discussions and telling them about the progressions, I excused myself and went up to my room to get ready. Soon, Sarah will finished her class and I told Jeno that I'll be picking her up.

There would be half an hour before her class ended and so I decided to get something for her. I went to the nearest flower shop and get her favourite flower; daisy. Then I went to the nearest store and bought some chocolates for her and strawberry yogurt drink, her favourite too. It is a must for her to drink it.

After bought everything that I needed, I waited her by the parking lot. 5 minutes left but it felt like ages waiting for the bell ring. As I was looking around, I saw a black car behind from my side car mirror. There was a guy and he seems familiar but I couldn't recalled where I've seen him but the weird thing is, he was looking straight at my car.

Therefore, I decided to go out and get a little closer to check who was it. However, the moment I got out from the car, the guy drove away. I didn't have the chance to look but I managed to read his car's plate number. I tried to remember where I have seen this guy before but still I couldn't remember where.

I glanced at my watch, one minute left before the bell rang. I quickly took the flowers and waited for Sarah at the front gate. A few minutes waiting, there I saw her with Hyunjin and a few of her friends were talking and laughing. She said her goodbyes to her pals, and the minute she glanced directly in front of me, she frozed. I spread my arms for a hug and so she raced to me and hugged me tightly.

"I miss you so much, baby," I whispered into her ears. She hugged me even tighter then pulled away from her hug. I could see happiness glowed inside her.

"Since when you are back ? Why didn't you tell me ? And why didn't you reply my texts? And why-"

Before she could say anything, I smashed my lips into hers, wanting so bad to have her lips on mine. She was startled but kissed me back.

I pulled first,"One by one, princess. I just wanna give you a surprised. And here you go." I gave her the flowers and her smile got even wider. She took and sniffed the flowers, her face was full of happiness.

"You must tell me everything from A to Z, young man," told Sarah.

I laughed, "Yes, my dear. I will tell you everything. So , shall we?" I opened the car door and gestured her to get inside. We went to a park and talked for hours. She kept asking me so many questions and so I replied to each of them.

Finally, I get to see her again.


"Sir, I heard that you called for me. Is there anything I can help?"

Jaemin sat down once I signalled for him to do so.

"This afternoon, I saw a suspicious guy at our school. I didn't get to see his face but I did get his car's plate number. As usual, do your job and give me any details of him that you can get," told I and gave him a piece of paper with a plate number written on it.

Jaemin took it and nodded to my command. He was about to leave but then stopped and turned to me with a worry look. "Sir, actually I have something to tell you."

I frowned, his voice seems serious. "What is it?"

He went back to his seat, "We suspected that there's someone spying on us and we are still investigate about it. And I think, it might be this guy."

"A spy?"

Jaemin nodded. "We don't know his motive but don't worry, we are trying our best to get informations as soon as possible. But for the time being, we need to be careful and extra alert. I think you should talk this with Mr Park."

I nodded as he explained, "Alright, thanks. I'll talk with him in the morning."

Jaemin excused himself then left me alone with ton of thoughts. Worry and fear started to creep in me, what was the spy doing at our school? Was he spying on Sarah? Targeting Sarah? Oh my goodness. How can this be happening again? Why must Sarah?

I wont let this thing happen twice, never. I will protect her at any cost, despite I have to sacrifice my life for her.

HIDDEN IDENTITY ||Park Jisung|| √Where stories live. Discover now