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"You need to hold the gun tighter and when you shoot , make sure you aim the target ." I listened carefully to Mark said. I was a bit nervous for today's training even though I started my training with Mark yesterday. Yesterday , Mark just taught me all the types of guns , the speciality of each guns and many more. I can't wait to try each of them. Mark told me to practice with the pistols first ,to make myself comfortable with the guns.

I raised my gun,aiming the target. I remembered Mark's instructions then took a deep breath. Mark stood just a few feet away from me,watching me carefully. One..two..three.. BANG ! I pulled the trigger without hesitation but confidence. The bullet hit directly through the target and I thought it was a coincidence so I shoot more and more.

"Wow, impressive! You didn't even missed it ,not even a shot !" exclaimed Mark, clapping his hands. I put down the gun and ran to the shooting board. Mark was right- I hit the target precisely. "Yahh, I didn't know my little sis can shoot so well in just first try. You'll be good in sniper," said Mark, clearly looked proud of me. I chuckled to his statement ,not gonna deny that . "Let's do it again."

I tried all the guns-M416,AKM , mini-uzi ,M4 ,the snipers and more ... I spent 4 hours practicing with my shootings and I was very satisfied with it. It turns out ,I was born to be a professional shooter, perhaps sniper too. I hit all the targets precisely and I was proud with it, so did Mark. Exact at 6.00pm , we stopped. I was pretty exhausted because the guns were all heavy and whenever I shoot, my body will jerked to the back. I have to get used to it. Overall,it was totally fun trying new thing in my life. Mark gave me a pistol ,in case I need one for myself. Both of us were relaxing at the basement,talking random stuffs. It has been awhile since we didn't talk so much. I was busy with my training and school meanwhile Mark was busy with his work. I heard they had a little problem with their business.

"How's business?" I asked Mark .

Mark sighed ," There's a little problem and we are trying to solve it. We're having problems with the deals," told Mark. I nodded ,hoping everything's gonna be fine. Then , something came into my mind. I've been wondering about it since yesterday but didn't have the chance to ask Mark yet.

"Mark , there's something I wanna ask."

"Go ahead," respond Mark.

I fidget my fingers before asking the question that had been hunting in my mind. "Yesterday ,I saw a picture of Jisung, Jeno and a boy. Do you know who he is ?"

Mark befuddled with my sudden questions. "W-why do you asked that ?" Mark sputtered.

"Why can't I ?Do you know him? Umm ,where is he ?" I asked more. I want answers right now and I hope Mark could give me the answers. Mark rubbed the scruff of his neck, speechless. " He was one of us but not anymore." I grunted to his answers- same as Jeno gave me yesterday.

"That was what Jeno said. I want more than that ," I urged. Mark looked at me with guilty. "I'm sorry but I can't say much. Those questions you have to ask Jisung or Jeno."

And how am I gonna ask Jisung ?


"Alright student , today's activity is you're going to do some fitness. It's easy and for sure you all gonna like it ," our PE teacher ,Mr Kim apprised. He had a mischievous smile on his face and I know it's something the others not gonna like it. However to me, PE is one of my favorite class because I don't have to sit in the class and listen to teachers' teaching which was always boring.

"Our fitness would be push up ,sit up and 100 metre run." The whole class started to grunt and whined ,some of them even shouted 'no' . I hold my laugh from bursting seeing them behaving like little kids.

HIDDEN IDENTITY ||Park Jisung|| √Where stories live. Discover now