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3rd Person's POV

Hyunjin ran as fast as he could despite the pain he suffered. He kept on thinking about Sarah's safety but at the same time confused with the things happened. He was shocked and dumbfounded when Sarah fought against those bad guys. He knew Sarah was hiding something from him but didn't want to force her to tell him about so and chose not to think about it. He believed there was a reason why she kept it a secret and he respect that.

Hyunjin glanced behind to check if there was anyone chasing after him but none. He continued to run without stopping. He needed to be fast before anything happens to Sarah.

"Come one Hyunjin!" he grunted to himself. Finally, he arrived Sarah's neighborhood and her house was just a few blocks from him. From afar,he could see Mark's car parked outside.

Gain all of his strength, he proceed to run then stopped right in front of the house.

"Mark hyung!" Hyunjin called Mark. Mark was locking the door when he heard someone called his name. He turned around and smiled when he saw it was Hyunjin.

"Yo, Hyunjin. Where-Oh my God! What happened to you?!" Mark rushed towards injured Hyunjin.

"Hyung..." whispered Hyunjin ,couldn't hold the pain he had. The throbbing in his head made him unstable therefore he tried to reach the gate for a support. However he was too weak to move and so fell onto the ground.

Luckily Mark was fast enough to catch Hyunjin from falling. He pulled Hyunjin's arm around his shoulder then wrapped his left arm around Hyunjin's waist to help him stand on his feet. Then , Mark wanted to bring Hyunjin inside but he stopped Mark.

"Hyung, Sarah is in danger now. We have to go to her now!" told Hyunjin. Mark quickly turned his head towards Hyunjin and asked, "What do you mean?"

Hyunjin coughed before replied, "On our way back, there was a black car stopped us and then two guys came out and attacked us. Sarah told me to get to you."

"Sarah what? In da-danger?!" Mark stuttered with eyes wide opened shocked. His face turned pale and things horrible started to play in his mind.

"We must go to her now ,hyung! She needs you ," snapped Hyunjin.

"Bring me there," was all Mark could said. Hyunjin curt a nod and they got into the car. Hyunjin told him the place and Mark immediately drove off. Mark took out his phone and dial his assistant's number.

"Jaemin , I need your help now ! Sarah is in danger. I'll share the location," and with that he hung up then the sent the location. Without wasting any time , Mark speed off. Soon after ,they arrived however there was no Sarah to be insight neither the two men-except for a body lying lifelessly on the pavement. Mark told Hyunjin to stay in the car meanwhile he went out to look around. There was a lot of blood plastered around. Worries started to overwhelmed him as he imagined that those blood were from Sarah's. His heartbeats couldn't stop pounding by looking at the sight.

Not long after , he heard a car roaming and stopped next to his car. It was Jaemin and Jeno. They got out of the car and ran towards Mark.

"What happened here?" asked Jaemin worriedly.

"They got Sarah," said Mark, almost audible. "I failed to protect her. Jaemin ,I failed!" Mark devastated , disappointed with himself for not be able to protect his one and only sister.

"It wasn't your fault, Mark. Don't blame yourself ," told Jeno.

"We have to go back right now ,let the others know. We will figure this out together ," remarked Jaemin , earning an agree nod from Jeno.

"That's right. We have to go now . You and Jaemin just go back ,let me handle the rest. Now go." Jaemin and Mark got into Jaemin's car and they speed off to the mansion ,leaving Jeno and Hyunjin .

"Who are you?" asked Hyunjin the moment Jeno got into the car.

Jeno smiled, "Hi Hyunjin. It's nice to meet you. I'm Jeno, Sarah's friend."

"Oh ,hi. Pleasure to meet you too," Hyunjin waved his hand in awkward.

"Now let's get you a treatment and then I'll send you back home, sounds good?"

"Yeah ,good," replied Hyunjin.



I glanced my wall clock , the time showed 3:00pm yet I haven't see Sarah back from school. Earlier she told me she will be back home a bit late but this is too late. I texted her but she didn't reply or read it. I even called her but it went straight to voicemail.

My heart was pumping fast and nervous and I started to get this weird feelings . Something was not right. However I shrugged off those feelings and the thoughts out from my head. Why the hell I was thinking like that. Sarah will be safe and fine. To get these thoughts out of me, I went to the kitchen and made myself a coffee. Sarah usually made it for me. Now ,I miss her so much. I felt butterflies whenever I thought of her.

I opened the cabinet to the mug but then it slipped from my hand then fell down ,broke into pieces.

"Shit!" I cursed underneath my breath. Suddenly,these feelings came again ,even stronger than before. A feeling of anxious. Something wasn't right.

"Sir ,are you okay?" asked one of our maid, Mdm Soyeon.

"I'm fine. Can you help me to clean this?"

"Of course sir," replied Mdm Soyeon then rushed to take the broom.

I took out my phone and wanted to call Jeno but Jeno's called came in first. Without a second, I answered the call.

"Jeno,where are you?" I asked immediately.

"Boss, Sarah is in danger! Someone took her ," told Jeno.

I went speechless. I felt like my whole world had stopped,my heart stopped its beat and all my body can't react. So all this time , my feelings were right. Nervous, scared, anxious-everything started to kick in me. At the same time,anger and frustration swept over me. Ignoring Jeno's calling , I rushed towards Jinyoung's office. It turned out, all of them were in the office except Jeno and I.

"Hyung, what happened? Where is Sarah? Who took her?" I exclaimed,tears started to form ,ready to fall anytime sooner.

"Jisung ,calm down. We are still tracking her. Mark told us that he put a tracker device in Sarah's watch. So we have to wait till Jaemin to trace her," said Jimin calmly.

I turned to Mark, he was covering his face and I could hear soft sob coming from him. He was crying.

"Hyung, we must find Sarah now. Please .." I pleaded and for the first time after so many years ,I broke down into tears. I kneeled on the ground ,crying in frustration. I couldn't hold the devastating feeling in me.

"Please ,I can't lose her. I can't lose someone I really love anymore... She's my everything,my life... I love her so much. Please,we gotta do something quick!" I finally confessed in sob.

That moment ,the whole room went silent.



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