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Sarah's POV

"Hey Jaemin!"

I barged into his room without knocking. I always did that to him and Renjun despite they warned me for thousand times but I didn't care. "Sarah,how many times do I have to tell you. Knock before you enter," Jaemin sighed as he shaked his head. I just grinned. I can't stop myself. I hopped onto his comfy bed,sat beside Jaemin who was looking at his laptop.

"So where do we start first ?" I asked after some time watching his doings.

"Today, I'm going to teach you basics. Which is hack a password. So basically with the methods I'm going to teach later ,you can use it to hack social medias, PC's password and phones too," explained Jaemin. "And I bought you a laptop." He gave me a brand new laptop. My eyes sparkling in excitement as this was gonna be my first laptop. I took the laptop from him and switched it on. "I've set everything you need in there so don't worry too much ," said Jaemin with a wink. "Thanks Jaemin. This is awesome!" He beamed . "My pleasure,dear."

For the whole day, Jaemin taught me about computers and everything including all those codes and some tips about hacks. I swear to God , it was fucking hard and confusing with all the numbers,codes and everything. I barely use computers or laptops so it took some time for me to understand how to use it. If I was in a cartoon ,you could see my eyes definitely turn into numbers and brain full of codes and information. However, I was really enjoying learning despite it can explode my brain in any time.

First,Jaemin taught me how to hack passwords from any mobile or computers then social medias. We hacked Haechan's Twitter but then got caught by him. He gave us bunch of complains then left. Me being me , Jaemin being Jaemin ,we didn't care and weren't afraid of Haechan so we continued with our lesson.

"So that's all for today. We'll continue tomorrow,"Jaemin said as he shut down his laptop ,so did I. "Thanks Jaemin. It was really hard but I enjoy learning with you ." I hugged him before bid him goodbye and left his room.

Learning to hack is fun but stressing...


The bell rang,showing the first lesson which was Mathematics just end. Students scrambled out from the class to the canteen to get their meals quick. The school that was quiet before now fills with noisy students' chattering and laughing with their friends. I looked at my best friend beside me,sleeping soundly since the class started until now. I shooked my head at him, luckily Mr. Sohn didn't notice as our seats were the second last row.

"Wake up ,sleepy head." I nudged his arm but he didn't move. I poked him by the waist and made him jolted up with a frown. I laughed. "Sarah ,please let me-- eh ,the class is over ?" he asked , confounded. "Ummm,it's not over yet. The students went out so did Mr. Sohn," I replied with a sarcastic smile.


"So if you know ,why did you asked ? You literally slept for the whole lesson and then copy my notes after that," I exclaimed as I threw my hands in exasperation.

"Cause you're my best friend so we help each other. Plus maths is boring. I can't brain whatever those symbols and formulas,"Hyunjin grinned toothly.

"Boring or not ,you need it in your life. No complaining."

"Whatever ." He annoyingly rolled his eyes then put down his head again. I shaked my head with his statement. I kept my books in my bag then stood up. "I'm going to the toilet." Hyunjin just hummed then continued with his sleep.

Done with my business,I went  to the canteen to buy my favourite strawberry milk then headed back to my class. As I was walking,I heard some students started to whisper to each other then ran to the garden. I looked at them strangely and wondered what was going on. I stopped two boys who was running towards the garden and asked ,"What's going on?"

"Some students fighting at the garden," said the brown haired guy and his friend nodded. "Oh,thanks."

I wondered who was fighting ?
Whatever,it's none of my business so I better stay away from it. However,my heart pounded to see who was fighting so I made my way towards the crowd,pushing everyone aside. There was a boy yelling at another boy but I can't see his face as he was been blocked by another boy. I had an uneasy feelings all of sudden and those situations feels like dejavu.


Eventually ,one of the boy moved aside and my eyes widen seeing a boy grabbing another boy's shirt collar and that boy was Jisung! Without hesitation, I ran to the boys and pushed away the boy's gripped from Jisung.

"Sunwoo?!" I half shouted, shocked to see someone unexpected to do rude actions.

"S-Sarah ,this is mi-misunderstanding ." Sunwoo stuttered as he was trying to reach my hand.

"Don't touch me. So it's been you all these while."

"Sarah ,no--"

"Stop Sarah." Jisung cut Sunwoo's word and I spun my head to face Jisung.

"Stop ?why did you let him do that to you when you can fig-"

"Sarah!" I flinched a bit when Jisung raised his voice sternly. The students started to whisper to each other again.

"Whatever but ," I turned back to Sunwoo and looked at him sharp in the eyes, "Don't disturb Jisung anymore or else you'll face the consequences." I warned as I pointed my finger right in front of his face. Before I could say any further ,Jisung pulled my hand ,leaving all of them dumbfounded.

We walked back to the class ,not saying a word. Then he let go of my hand ,walked in the class and took his bag. I stopped his track. "Where are you going ?" He looked at me once then walked off.

Is he gonna skip school again?


Chapter 19 is on its way ~~
Enjoy ! 💚🙈


Do you guys mind if my chapter is super long ?? 🙂

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