A Happy Ending Or A New Beginning?

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Disclaimer; I don't own CCS or CLAMP

I have picked up straight from where the second movie ends with Sakura confessing her love as she jumps in the air towards Syaoran.

Chapter One

A Happy Ending Or A New Beginning?

"I love you!" The words echoed through the air passionately declared by a girl with auburn hair that framed her cherubic face, her eyes filled with love. 

On the other side of the staircase, a young boy with tousled chestnut brown hair and warm amber eyes stood poised, his arms outstretched in anticipation of catching the girl. As she soared through the air, with the help of the Jump card the girl's vibrant pink and gold attire billowed in the wind. Her arms instinctively wrapped around the boy's neck, causing him to lose his footing and fall backwards onto the cold concrete.

"Ow!" he groaned, his hand instinctively going to his head in discomfort.

The girl, noticing her friend's discomfort, swiftly disentangled herself from his lap. Her face flushed with embarrassment as she averted her gaze. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Sakura," he said softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear with his gloved hand.

Sakura turned to face him, taking in his distinctive attire. His outfit featured a striking combination of two colours: teal on the outside and gleaming gold on the inside. His battle attire consisted of a short-sleeved shirt adorned with matching gold trimmings on both the front and back. The shirt's design extended into twin coattails that cascaded down to his feet. The boy also wore teal pants, teal boots adorned with intricate gold lacing, teal gloves, and a stylish hat.

Sakura's gaze dropped, and she gasped as her eyes fell upon a gash just above Syaoran's knee.

"Syaoran, you're bleeding!" She exclaimed, her voice filled with worry.

Syaoran shifted his attention to his injured leg, inspecting the wound. He used his hand to wipe away some of the blood, smearing it over his ripped pants.

"It's just a cut, Sakura. Nothing to worry about," he reassured her, his vice calm.

Sakura's initial frown began to soften, and a sense of warmth replaced her worry as she saw Syaoran gazing at her with a loving expression. As if guided by some mysterious force, their bodies moved in unison, drawing them closer together. Sakura's heart raced as nervous energy coursed through her. Unable to suppress her emotions, she instinctively flung her arms around his neck once more, a mix of excitement and trepidation preventing their lips from accidentally meeting. Caught off guard by the hug, Syaoran sighed, feeling a little disappointed but didn't say anything and returned the hug nonetheless.

Several minutes drifted by before Sakura gently pulled away, a shy yet contented smile gracing her features.

"I love you too, by the way," Syaoran confessed, his voice filled with warmth and a chuckle in his tone.

Her eyes sparkled with happiness, and a wide grin broke through on Sakura's face.

"We should probably go find our friends before they start to worry about us," she suggested, rising to her feet. Syaoran nodded in agreement, taking Sakura's outstretched hand and pulling himself up.

As they strolled together down one of Tomoeda's bustling streets, the newly formed couple couldn't help but notice the sea of people either sprawled on the street or sitting, muttering to themselves in bewilderment. After approximately ten minutes of navigating through the crowd, Sakura's discomfort grew as she became increasingly aware of the attention she and Syaoran were attracting.

"How much further do you think we are from where we left the others?" Sakura whispered, attempting to ignore the curious stares directed their way.

"Not too far. Please don't worry," Syaoran reassured her, casting a reassuring glance her way.

Sakura let out a wistful sigh. "Easy for you to say. Your outfit looks way more acceptable than mine," she remarked, her gaze drifting down to her bare, bruised arms and legs.

Syaoran raised an eyebrow, considering her words. "I thought you liked the outfits, Daidouji designs?"

Sakura chuckled softly. "I do. Although some have been a tad over-the-top, I still love them. I just wish Tomoyo would design something that would protect my arms and legs," she said, gesturing to her short, two-tone mini pink dress.

Still walking through the city streets, Sakura and Syaoran's attention was abruptly drawn to distant voices calling their names. They swiftly recognized the two distinct voices approaching them.

In the distance, two young girls hurriedly approached, their expressions filled with concern.

"Sakura, Li, are you both alright? What happened back there?" inquired the first girl, her long, wavy violet hair cascading gracefully around her shoulders, her amethyst-coloured eyes reflecting genuine worry.

"We're both fine, Tomoyo, no harm done. I promise," Sakura reassured her best friend.

"Thank goodness," Tomoyo sighed in relief upon hearing the news.

"I'm a bit confused. I thought you had to sacrifice your deepest emotions to seal the Card, right?" inquired the second girl, her ruby-coloured eyes reflecting her curiosity. She had jet-black hair neatly tied up in two buns.

"I was worried about that too, especially when the Void Card engulfed Syaoran. I was so scared," Sakura began, recounting the experience. "But then, a brilliant light appeared, and it forced me to shut my eyes. When I was finally able to open them, I saw the new Card floating to me, sealed away. The girl who's been taking my Cards had her arms wrapped around the Nameless Card that I created a few weeks back."

As Meilin inspected the card closely, Tomoyo's eyes lit up, and she read between the lines of Sakura's story.

"I still don't quite understand. I thought you had to trade your special feelings to seal the card?" Meilin questioned, raising her voice.

Tomoyo, who was simultaneously filming the conversation with her advanced camcorder, smiled knowingly. "Yes, that was the original deal, but since Sakura had already created The Nameless Card using her magic shortly after Li left for Hong Kong, there was no need to take away either of their special feelings."

With a quick tap on her touchscreen, she effortlessly captured a candid photo of Syaoran, his arms gently encircling Sakura, preserving the moment in a snapshot.

A/N: (edited 31/07/2024)

Thanks for reading this first chapter. I know it's short but I hope you like it. I promise the rest will be longer.

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