A Clash of Magic

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Following the same ethereal aura that had guided the determined young girl to the desolate house, Sakura hurried through a labyrinth of winding corridors, her footsteps echoing through the abandoned structure. Her heart raced with a mix of fear and determination as she ascended a decaying staircase, its wooden steps cracking in protest beneath her weight. Approaching an ancient, weathered door, a ghostly figure materialised through it, casting an eerie pallor over Sakura's complexion. The apparition's voice, laden with frosty disdain, pierced the stillness of the room. "You again?" The ghostly presence inquired, her words laced with a sense of accusation. "How did you find this place?"

A tense silence hung in the air, only to be dismissed by the spectral figure's indifferent wave. "Nevermind," she stated, her voice now tinged with resignation. "I take it you're here to rescue your friend?"

Sakura remained rooted in place, her eyes fixed on the spectral figure that floated before her. The woman's ethereal appearance sent a shiver down Sakura's spine. She recognized the woman immediately, though the last time they had crossed paths, she hadn't appeared in this translucent form.

"Ca...lis...ta...?" Sakura's voice trembled as she stammered out the name, her face pale.

Calista's eyes widened in astonishment, grappling with the notion of how an intruder had managed to locate her concealed abode. She had meticulously fortified it with magical barriers to deter anyone from entering. Adding to the perplexity, the intruder addressed her by name.

"Well, well. Look who's the clever one?" Calista responded, her words laced with bitterness. Her attention then shifted to the small, yellow-winged creature hovering alongside Sakura. A sneer curled across her spectral visage before she vanished once more.

"Did she just give me the evils?" Kero's perplexed voice filled the void left by Calista's disappearance. He turned to Sakura, concerned about her well-being.

"You okay, Sakura?" Kero inquired, his eyes probing his Mistress's pale countenance.

Sakura cleared her throat, attempting to regain her composure. "Has Calista been a ghost this whole time and I just didn't realise it?"

"If I'm not mistaken, that was an astral projection of herself. Astral projection is an out-of-body experience that allows one to travel to any location while their physical body remains behind. The projection can appear as real as you and me, provided the one doing it has the magical capabilities to create a flawless image. So please, Sakura, don't be scared. I promise you, that wasn't a ghost." Kero said, patting her shoulder.

Sakura's unease began to wane as Kero's words settled in. She nodded, slowly accepting the explanation.

"It would have been nice if Eriol had shared with us what powers Calista possesses. It would make facing her a little easier." Kero said, annoyed

"Perhaps he didn't know, or he couldn't be one hundred percent sure of her powers," Sakura counted.

Kero shook his head vehemently. "No. Clow Reed would know. He retained all memories of her for Eriol, so why not her powers? Eriol simply chose not to share that information with us. That's so typical of Clow Reed, and it infuriated me when he did things like that."

"Kero! What have you done?!" Sakura yelled, as she pulled her soaked book out of her bag.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, his gaze low.

Holding the wet book away from her Sakura watched as brown droplets formed and fell to the ground. She glared at her guardian.

"We will talk about this later," Sakura declared through clenched teeth, her determination unwavering. "Let's just hope for your sake the Cards are fine."

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