Veiled Perils

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Sakura's footsteps pounded rhythmically on the deserted street as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long, exaggerated shadows. The evening air was cool but felt heavy with her frustration. "Why did Tomoyo say she understood me?" she muttered, her voice barely a whisper as she pushed herself harder. Her breath came in sharp, uneven bursts, each exhale carrying away a fragment of her swirling confusion and irritation. As Sakura ran, her thoughts swirled around her head. How can she understand? She's never been in love.

Suddenly, Sakura's frustration boiled over. She stopped in her tracks, breathing heavily, and shouted into the empty street, "Why is Tomoyo so obsessed with my love life?!"

Standing still, Sakura looked up at the clear blue sky, her frustration giving way to a feeling of helplessness. She brushed off the curious stares from passersby who gave her weird looks.

"You don't see me meddling in other people's lives, do you?" Sakura vented, still staring up at the sky.To her surprise, a calm voice answered, "No, I can't say that I have, Sakura."

Startled, Sakura spun around, her eyes widening in shock and embarrassment.

"Yukito?" Sakura gasped, her face turning pink.

""I'm sorry Sakura. I don't mean to intrude." Yukito apologised. "It's just I heard you shouting and wanted to make sure you were okay."

Sakura's head gently swayed in a subtle gesture of dismissal. She inhaled deeply, allowing the weight of her emotions to settle, then spoke with a newfound sense of composure. "It's okay, Yukito. I was just letting off some steam; I didn't mean to make you worry."

Yukito's frown deepened, his concern evident. "Sakura," he said gently, "bottling up your feelings isn't healthy. Remember, I'm here if you need to talk." His reassuring smile offered a quiet promise of support.

In response, Sakura offered a soft smile, appreciating her friend's genuine care. "To be honest," she began, her words measured, allowing her thoughts to crystallise before continuing, "There are things weighing on my mind. I...I snapped at Tomoyo not long ago. It's as if she's constantly trying to dictate how I should feel about someone special."

Yukito nodded, his gaze steady and understanding as Sakura began to open up.

"I don't understand why Tomoyo says she understands my pain," Sakura said, her voice tinged with frustration. "How could she? She's never been in love. I miss Syaoran so much it hurts. I don't need a constant reminder of how I should deal with it."

Yukito pulled Sakura into a comforting hug and gently rubbed her back, offering silent support as she cried

"Yukito," Sakura implored, her eyes glistening with tears, "what should I do?"

Just as Yukito was on the verge of speaking, ethereal wings manifested from his back, enveloping both him and Sakura. Distracted by her tumultuous emotions, Sakura remained oblivious to the transformation, failing to notice the subtle shift that replaced Yukito with her guardian, Yue.

"I sense impending danger," Yue declared abruptly, his arms still encircling the tearful girl.

Startled by her guardian's unanticipated appearance, Sakura's head snapped up, her wide eyes reflecting astonishment.

"Yue?" she questioned, her voice filled with bewilderment at her oversight.

With a silent gesture, Yue motioned for his Mistress to maintain silence. Sakura nodded, a gesture of her acknowledgment, as she bit down on her lip to stifle any words that threatened to escape.

Surveying the surroundings with an unwavering gaze, Yue scooped Sakura into his arms, their silhouettes soaring high into a nearby tree. The world below vanished as they ascended, concealed among the branches and leaves.

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