Family Ties and Heartfelt Confessions

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Once Syaoran and Meilin bid their farewells, Sakura embarked on the journey back to the festival alone. Lost in her contemplation about Syaoran, the Void Card, and the Sakura Cards, Sakura remained oblivious to Kero's attempts to get her attention. It was only when Kero darted in front of her face, startling her, that she snapped back to reality.

"Sakura!" Kero shouted, making her jump backwards a little.

"Kero, not so loud. People may hear you." She scolded in a hushed tone, mindful of the people passing by.

"Is something bothering you? You seemed lost in thought for quite a while." Kero asked, concerned.

Sakura halted, pondering for a moment, then sighed. "I'm tired of the Cards being constantly under attack, and I'm worried about what happens if I can't use my Star Staff. Remember when I couldn't transform the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards? I felt so helpless."

Kero shook his head, "Sakura, great power often attracts great danger. The Sakura Cards will inevitably draw other magical beings who want them for their own purposes. Some may seek to convert them, others to destroy them, and some may even turn against you. As long as there's good in the world, there will always be evil."

Sakura's eyes widened in fear, and she blinked back tears at the thought of losing her cherished cards. "I promise, no matter what it takes, I'll protect them from evil."

"That's my Cardcaptor!

After coming to, Touya stood up, rubbing his face in an effort to wake himself up after being stuck in the void for so long. Sighing, he started to look around for his little sister but wasn't having much luck. The confusion of the people milling about made it feel impossible to locate one person in such a big city. He worried for her safety, even though he knew she had powers and guardians to protect and help her. But he was still her big brother after all, and no one would ever take his place—not even the Chinese brat. As he walked around, trying to find Sakura, he couldn't help but smirk inwardly. Knowing her, she's probably gotten herself into some kind of mess again, Touya thought to himself.

Just as he was about to call out her name again, Touya noticed someone in a pink outfit walking his way. Thank God, she's safe, he thought, relief washing over him.

"Sakura!" Touya called to her with a playful grin as he ran to her and hugged her tightly, not wanting to let her out of his sight again. Sakura beamed at him and rolled her eyes, used to her brother's teasing nature. She wrapped her arms around her big brother, equally happy to be safe and next to him again.

"Are you okay, Touya? I was so worried that you may have gotten hurt," Sakura said, her voice muffled as she buried her face into her brother's shirt.

Touya grinned down at her and affectionately stroked her head. "Yes, monster, I'm quite alright."

Sakura pulled away abruptly, her eyes narrowed in mock anger. "I am not a monster!" Her outburst caught the attention of a few passers-by who glanced at her strangely.

Touya chuckled and patted Sakura on the head, ruffling her hair "Of course you are, otherwise you wouldn't have a temper about the name."

Changing the subject, Touya added, "By the way, Yukito told me to tell you that he's safe and sound. He's sorry he missed your play earlier."

Sakura's smile quickly vanished. "Oh no, the play!" Sakura exclaimed, her hands over her cheeks in realisation that the Void card had disrupted their performance. Seriously, what's it with plays and Clow cards? They just don't mix at all, she thought to herself. "I'll make it up to Yukito," she declared.

Touya padded his little sister's head, grateful for her infectious enthusiasm, some things never change.

As they arrived home, their father, Fujitaka, was already waiting for them with tea on the table. "I'm sorry about the play, Sakura, but for what it's worth you did fantastic." Fujitaka said, reassuring his daughter. Sakura smiled softly at him but soon felt sad again due to the play getting cut short. "I was surprised to see Li and Meilin in the play; I thought they had gone back to Hong Kong and were just here visiting?" Sakura's dad asked, causing Sakura to blush slightly.

"Yes, that was the original plan. Yamazaki was cast as the prince, but he had an accident that forced him to step out of the play. Syaoran was helping Yamazaki with rehearsals, so when Yamazaki couldn't continue, it made sense for Syaoran to step in as the prince," Sakura explained to her father, taking a sip of her drink. "And since Syaoran was part of the cast, Meilin wanted to have a role as well, so Naoko wrote some lines for her."

"I thought Syaoran did quite well, considering the short notice. His acting felt very natural," Fujitaka responded, smiling with understanding.

"I never expected the 'brat' to be in the play, let alone as the prince, dancing with you," Touya interjected disdainfully.

"He's not a brat or a bad person. In fact, he's been there for me whenever I needed him," Sakura defended, glaring at him.

"But what about when he tried to take your things by force a couple of years ago?" Touya challenged, slamming his fork down on the table.

"That was a long time ago. He hasn't shown any such behaviour since," Sakura responded, her voice unwavering.

"Do you genuinely believe that, Sakura? Perhaps he's just waiting for the right moment, being kind to you in order to eventually get his hands on the Cards. Can you truly trust him? You've always had a tendency to trust people too easily, and he might exploit that," Touya yelled.

"I know he isn't perfect, but he really does love me and I love him!" Sakura stood up, her voice trembling with every word.

"You're too young to understand love!" Touya continued, now out of his chair as well.

Sakura stormed out of the kitchen and up the stairs, slamming her bedroom door shut.

Touya let out an exhausted sigh as he slumped back into his chair at the table, next to his father. "I'm worried about her; she might put her trust in the wrong person."

"We need to remember that Sakura is growing up, and she will make choices about who to trust. That's where we come in to guide her. Personally, I don't have any issues with Syaoran. They seem to have a strong connection now. After all, Touya, I remember you being involved with someone I didn't approve of in the past," Fujitaka said, offering a knowing smile.

A/N; (Edited 31/07/24)

I had fun writing this chapter, Touya and Fujitaka both know about the Sakura Cards and her Guardians. Touya does have a valid point about Syaoran and Sakura trusting people too easily, but we both know that Syaoran does love her right?...RIGHT?

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