Emotions Unleashed

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Please note;

I will be addressing Kero as Cerberus while he is in his true lion form but Sakura won't, instead she will be addressing him as Kero, like normal. Only Eriol and Yue will address Kero by his true name of Cerberus regardless of form, as demonstrated in the TV series and movies. I will be continuing this pattern.

Emotions Unleashed

It wasn't long until the two guardians of the once Clow book, now known more commonly as the Sakura book, started to talk about the pressing issue of their Mistress's powers.

"I am worried. Sakura's magic has gone into overdrive with no sign of slowing down," Cerberus stated, then continued. "If you ask me, I think Sakura is far too young to even consider a romantic relationship with anyone, especially with Syaoran Li."

Yue remained stoic, but offered a nod. "Yes, she is a bit on the young side for these kinds of feelings, but I have faith she will pull through and learn to handle them."

After a few moments of silence, Cerberus decided to address another pressing issue. "Look, Yue. I'm afraid that someone has tampered with Sakura's memory of last night," Cerberus began. Yue's body tensed at this revelation. He didn't like anyone who would harm their Mistress in any way.

"It seems she is unable to recall Eriol and yourself being here last night. Even if it was only for a brief few minutes."

"When did this transpire?" Yue inquired, his head slightly bowed.

"This morning. Upon her return home with you and Eriol, her recollection was intact, extending even to her attempt to escape through the window," Cerberus responded, his gaze drifting toward the open bedroom window.

"What happened next?" Yue asked, looking alarmed.

"I cannot say for certain. She suddenly lost consciousness and when she awoke this morning, her memories had vanished."

Yue pondered, his brow furrowing. "I see."

"Who would do such a thing? And at a time like this?" Cerberus demanded, frustration evident in his voice.

"Exercise your intellect, Cerberus. Whom do you suspect possesses such formidable power?" Yue responded with another question.


Across town, a young boy with midnight-blue hair was seated at a long dining table, which was covered with hundreds of open books in various states. The boy was engrossed in one of the volumes when the door swung open. In the doorway, a tall dark-haired woman who didn't look much older than twenty appeared.

"Master," the dark-haired girl announced loudly, scanning the room. Spotting the young boy at the table, she approached him. "Master Eriol, please take a break. You've been immersed in those books since you arrived in Japan."

"I'm sorry, Nakuru. I know I've been very occupied with expanding my magical abilities, but I promise I'll take a break from it soon," Eriol replied, his gaze fixed on his research.

"Fine, as long as you don't allow yourself to become consumed by your work," Nakuru replied with a huff.

"Why are you so concerned?" a voice chimed in from across the room. "That's not like you at all."

"I'm not worried about our Master. I'm worried about myself," Nakuru retorted bluntly. "If Master Eriol uses too much of his energy, there won't be enough left for me."

"You really do only think about yourself, don't you?" the male voice observed, not expecting anything more from Nakuru.

"Of course. If I didn't think about myself, who would? You?" Nakuru replied, twirling a strand of her dark hair around her finger.

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