Hearts in Transition

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After their day at the Amusement park, Sakura invited Syaoran to stay over for tea that evening, cherishing the chance to spend more quality time together before he had to leave. As the clock struck 5 pm, Sakura and Syaoran stepped through the front door.

"I'm home," Sakura announced, her voice resonating through the hallway as she changed her footwear, Syaoran doing the same beside her. The silence that followed her call provided a subtle sense of relief. Touya, her older brother, hadn't returned from work yet, sparing them the potential scrutiny of Sakura bringing a young man home.

Surveying the ingredients in the kitchen for that night's dinner, Sakura's mind raced with the choices she had. With an air of purpose, she began preparing the evening meal, the aromas of the cooking filling the air, a warm and comforting backdrop to their time together in the living room.

Hearing a few noise complaints emanating from the kitchen, Syaoran decided to investigate. Sakura had paused her cooking by this point and turned around to see Syaoran walking towards her.

"Be careful, Syaoran. I spilled some water on the floor and haven't mopped it up yet," Sakura cautioned, but her warning came a moment too late. Syaoran had already stepped into the puddle and lost his footing.

"Ah!" Syaoran exclaimed as he stumbled forward, unintentionally taking Sakura down with him. He quickly apologised for his actions, his cheeks turning a shade of pink as he mentally scolded himself, Get off her, you idiot! Syaoran's body, however, seemed to betray him, refusing to move as he remained sprawled atop Sakura. 

Sakura, equally flustered by the unexpected turn of events, found herself in a daze, her body immobilised as she gazed up at Syaoran. The atmosphere between them had shifted, and the unspoken tension hung in the air. Unbeknownst to them, the door swung open, and footsteps approached the scene. The intrusion would soon draw them back to reality, forcing them to confront the implications of their newfound closeness.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Touya's enraged voice reverberated through the room, his piercing eyes locking onto Syaoran with an intensity that sent shivers down their spines. Syaoran hastily scrambled to his feet, allowing Sakura to sit up and regain her composure.

Syaoran stammered, "I... uh... fell. Nothing happened," his voice quivering as he tried to defend their actions. Sakura, feeling vulnerable, retreated behind him, desperately wishing for an escape.

Touya's fury was palpable, radiating from him like an intense heat. His eyes locked onto Syaoran with a glare that was both icy and piercing, cutting through the air between them. When he spoke, his voice was low and cold, each word sharp and deliberate, "You're damn right nothing happened, and nothing better ever happen under my roof."

As the tension in the room remained thick, a new voice broke through the silence, diffusing the palpable unease.

"Hi, guys," came a calm, soothing voice. Yukito stood in the doorway, his warm smile and gentle presence cutting through the charged atmosphere. "Touya invited me over for dinner this evening."

"Yukito?!" Sakura exclaimed in disbelief, hoping that his presence might ease the mounting tension.

"Good evening, Sakura. Li. Are you joining us for dinner tonight?" Yukito asked, addressing them with a polite nod, seemingly oblivious to the cold stare from his friend.

Syaoran, still wary of the situation, glanced over at Touya and replied, "I don't think that would be such a good idea."

But Yukito dismissed Syaoran's concerns with a warm smile, dropping a substantial bag of groceries onto the table. "Nonsense, Li. We have plenty of food for the four of us, and besides, you're practically part of the family now."

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