Falling from Grace: Sakura's Midnight Plunge

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I will be addressing Kero as Cerberus while he is in his true form.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the room, Sakura sat cross-legged on her bed, her face lit by the soft light of her lamp. She took a deep breath, mustering her courage, and picked up her phone to call Eriol. The quiet hum of the evening outside, punctuated by the occasional chirp of crickets, contrasted with the anticipation she felt inside.

"Hello, Eriol," Sakura began, her voice steady but laced with a hint of nerves. The determination in her eyes matched the resolve in her tone. "I'm really interested in learning how to use my Sakura Cards without the staff." She paused, waiting for Eriol's response, while her heart beat a little faster. This was a new step, and she felt ready to embrace it.

"It's certainly within your capabilities, Sakura. Your magical prowess is more than sufficient. However, it's crucial that you work on forging a personal connection with the Sakura Cards independently, without relying on the staff. Also, be vigilant not to let your emotions overwhelm you."

"I understand completely," Sakura assured him with a determined tone. "I'll dedicate myself to refining my magical connection and everything else it entails."

Eriol continued, "I believe Cerberus or Yue can assist you in channelling your magical energy correctly. They would be valuable guides in this endeavour."

"Great. Thank you for your guidance, Eriol," Sakura replied. "Good night."

After exchanging goodbyes, Sakura hung up and turned to Kero, who was comfortably seated on her bed, indulging in a serving of pudding.

"I assume Eriol gave you the green light," Kero remarked, noting the grin on Sakura's face.

"Yep," Sakura confirmed, her enthusiasm radiating. "He also mentioned that you or Yue could help me along the way."

"Indeed. Either Yue or I can provide the necessary guidance," Kero acknowledged, a touch of concern in his tone. "I wanted you to speak with Eriol first to ensure you approached this with caution. We wouldn't want you to get hurt."

Sakura nodded in agreement, appreciating Kero's protective instincts. With a sense of determination and newfound confidence, she left her bedroom, ready to embark on this magical journey.

Touya spotted Sakura wearing a contented smile as she stood in the hallway while he and Yukito made their way to his bedroom.

"Hello, Sakura. You seem rather cheerful tonight," Yukito greeted the grinning girl.

"Oh, good evening, Yukito. I didn't realise you were staying over," Sakura replied with surprise. "I just finished a call with an old friend," she added, her gaze darting away from her brother's intense glare.

Touya, in his usual protective manner, questioned, "Was it that Li kid?"

"No! It was Eriol, actually," Sakura retorted with a touch of irritation, then stormed off down the stairs.

Yukito intervened gently, his hand resting reassuringly on Touya's shoulder. "Now, now, Touya. There's no need for such a strong reaction," he advised, his voice calm and measured.

Touya confessed with a sigh, "I just don't want Sakura getting too close to him, if I can help it."

Yukito responded with unwavering resolve, "She's already quite close to him, and you're well aware of her feelings. If you continue like this, you'll only succeed in driving her away, inevitably straight into Li's arms, much sooner than you realise."

Touya looked down at the floor, his expression pensive. He understood that his fear of Sakura growing apart from him and forming a deep bond with Syaoran was driving his actions. However, deep down, he knew that Sakura would always need her older brother, even if she didn't openly admit it.

"I'm sorry, Yuki. I'll go talk to Sakura," Touya conceded, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
Later that night, Sakura's anger at her brother for not giving Syaoran a chance still festered within her.

"Dammit!" Sakura erupted in rage, her voice echoing through her room.

"Wow, Sakura, I've never seen you this worked up about anything," Kero muttered quietly, observing Sakura's furious pacing around her room.

"I just can't believe he won't let go of this whole Syaoran issue!" Sakura shouted, her face flushed with anger.

"Sakura, please, calm down for your own sake," Kero implored, concerned for his Mistress.

"I'm sick of Touya targeting Syaoran. It feels like I have to choose between my family and the person I love!" Sakura continued to shout, her anger unabated.

Kero sighed heavily to himself. He understood that it was about time Sakura released the pent-up anger she had been harbouring. He figured that as long as she was safely in her bedroom, she could let it out. Unbeknownst to either of them, the Sakura Book had started to glow and was now hovering in mid-air behind them.

"Please, Sakura, no one is asking you to choose between anyone. We're all just concerned for your well-being."

"Then why does it feel like that? I have the same right as anyone else to choose who I want to be with!" Sakura continued to shout in frustration.

As Sakura's tirade escalated, her bedroom door swung open with a loud bang, revealing Yue and Touya standing there. At that very moment, the Sakura Book burst open, and the Fly card floated out of it. To everyone's astonishment, Sakura sprouted large angel wings from her back and wordlessly flew out of the window. Yue wasted no time and chased after her. Realising the gravity of the situation, Kero followed suit, transforming into his true form as Cerberus. Left alone in Sakura's room, Touya stood there with wide eyes, processing everything he had just witnessed.

"Crap," he muttered to himself as he picked up Sakura's abandoned phone and quickly dialled a certain number.
Yue and Cerberus continued to try and catch up, flying through the dark night sky, desperately attempting to reach Sakura. However, her anger was propelling her forward at a speed they couldn't match, and it seemed hopeless.

"Yue, we must find Sakura before she harms herself. She's not in the right state of mind to control her Cards at the moment," Cerberus urgently informed his companion. "I always knew Sakura had the potential to summon the Cards without her staff, but I didn't expect it to happen like this."

"It appears Sakura has unintentionally tapped into her magic," Yue acknowledged with a hint of concern. "But I fear that once Sakura calms down, the Fly Card will revert to its card form since she can't control it without her staff at the moment."

"Agreed. Let's hope we find her before that happens," Cerberus said, his determination shining through.

As Sakura flew through the night sky in her anger, she neglected to concentrate on her surroundings, narrowly avoiding a head-on collision with the clock tower. All she could do was curse and cry, unable to decide whether to return home to face her family or seek solace in someone's arms and hear those comforting words, Everything's going to be okay.

Instead, she continued flying aimlessly through the night sky, her thoughts racing. Gradually, as she began to sort through her emotions and ponder the situation, a sense of calm started to settle within her. Unbeknownst to her, her magical connection with the Fly Card weakened, eventually returning to its original state and disappeared. In a panic, she found herself falling rapidly from the sky, powerless without her Cards or anyone to save herself.

"Wind God, answer my call!" a young male voice shouted from below. Just as Sakura's body was hurtling toward the ground, a powerful gust of wind emerged beneath her, breaking her fall moments before impact. She slowly descended into the arms of the mysterious boy who had saved her. However, she had already lost consciousness by the time Yue and Cerberus arrived.

"Will she be alright?" the boy inquired anxiously, cradling Sakura gently.

"She will be fine once we get her back home and let her rest," Yue assured him, his gaze fixed on his Mistress. Cerberus reverted to his borrowed form, hovering next to a worried Yukito.

With a sigh of relief, the young boy joined Kero and Yukito, carefully carrying the sleeping Sakura back to her house.

A/N; (Edited 31/07/24)

I guess it's no surprise that her magic got out of control when she became very angry, at least no harm had come, thanks to the mystery boy saving her in time ;)

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