Storms of Sibling Strife

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Please note;

I will be addressing Kero as Cerberus while he is in his true lion form but Sakura and Tomoyo won't. instead they will be addressing him as Kero, like normal. Only Eriol will address Kero by his true name of Cerberus regardless of form, as demonstrated in the TV series and movies.


Storms of Sibling Strife

The room was still, the air thick with tension as the young man began to recount the life he had lived centuries ago. His voice was calm but carried the weight of memories long buried, drawing everyone's attention as the past came alive in the quiet space.

"Clow Reed tried everything to bring his nephew back from the brink of death. He even resorted to using the new Cards."

"What?" Calista's voice quivered with astonishment. "I have no memory of this."

"No. I'm afraid you won't," Eriol confirmed. "Clow Reed resorted to using the Cards, and unfortunately, things went from bad to worse.

"What happened?" Sakura asked,

"A Time loop," Eriol stated.

"Wait. What?" Sakura said, struggling to believe what she was hearing.

"Clow Reed used the Time Card to go back," Eriol began. "He tried everything to prevent Liang's death, but nothing worked. Days turned into months, months into years. Eventually... he gave up."

"How long?" Calista's demand sliced through the silence, the urgency in her voice amplifying the gravity of the revelation.

"Well, to the outside world, it was as if no time had passed—" Eriol started, but Calista quickly interrupted.

"How long?" she repeated, her voice breaking.

"Decades," Eriol finally admitted.

Calista inhaled sharply, her eyes moist with unshed tears. "I hadn't known he spent his life trying to save my son's." Her voice wavered with deep regret.

She looked down, her shoulders slumping. "If I'd known then, I wouldn't have made things so difficult for him." Her apology was soft but heavy with remorse, her hands gripping her clothes tightly.


The cityscape of China was briefly illuminated by a searing flash of light, an ethereal beacon that cut through the darkness. In the aftermath, Clow Reed emerged, standing in the heart of the city, the lifeless form of Liang cradled in his arms.

Clow Reed's gaze fell on his sister, standing nearby with her hands clasped tightly in silent prayer. A deep sigh escaped him, as he closed his eyes briefly, steeling himself before he began the slow, deliberate walk toward her.

Calista's eyes widened as she saw her brother carrying her son's lifeless body. Hope and desperation surged through her, propelling her to her feet as she rushed toward them, her heart pounding.

"What happened? Did you save him?" she asked, her voice trembling with urgency.

"Calista..." Clow Reed began, taking a breath. "I'm so sor—"

"No!" Calista interrupted, her voice sharp with pain. "Don't you dare tell me you couldn't save my son."

"Calista, please listen to me," Clow Reed pleaded, a heaviness in his words.

"No!" She cried, her anguish reverberating through the air. "I won't hear anything you have to say! This is your fault. You hear me. Your fault!"

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