Sakura's Stealthy Pursuit

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The following day seemed to drag on for Sakura and Tomoyo as they observed Eriol being bombarded with questions from their curious classmates. Everyone was eager to learn about his recent activities in his hometown and why he had returned to Japan. Sakura listened as Eriol provided a vague explanation for his sudden return, but she couldn't shake her scepticism. With the class engrossed in their conversation with Eriol, Tomoyo and Sakura found a moment to discuss the unusual aura they had sensed the previous night.

"Hey, Sakura," Tomoyo began in a discreet tone, "any thoughts on that peculiar aura you and Kero detected last night?"

Sakura shook her head, her expression thoughtful. "Sorry Tomoyo, Kero and I racked our brains after you left, but we couldn't come up with any answers."

Tomoyo offered a suggestion, her gaze briefly drifting toward Eriol. "Maybe Hiiragizawa knows something. His return might be connected somehow."

Sakura sighed, her chin resting on her folded hands. "I just hope it doesn't disrupt the peace I've found. I've had my fill of magical creatures and dangers."

Tomoyo offered a comforting smile. "I understand Sakura, but magic isn't all bad. Without it, you might never have met Li"

At the mention of Syaoran's name, Sakura's eyes welled up with emotion. Tomoyo discreetly handed her a tissue to wipe away the tears.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you," Tomoyo reassured her friend, placing a comforting hand on Sakura's shoulder. "I know how much you love him."

Sakura nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Thank you." Her voice carried a hint of longing as she allowed her thoughts to drift back to Syaoran.

As the day drew to a close and the bustling classroom emptied with students eager to get home, Sakura chose to stay behind. She meticulously organised her schoolwork, ensuring that every assignment was completed to perfection. It was a way to keep her mind occupied, to stave off the persistent ache of missing Syaoran.

Placing her books neatly in her school bag, she felt a sudden, inexplicable sensation. What was that? I could have sworn I felt something just now.

Sakura glanced around the empty classroom. A decision formed in her mind. "I should investigate this while I'm still here," she muttered to herself. Her fingers fidgeted with the star key pendant hanging around her neck.

"Release!" She commanded and a radiant light enveloped her. A magic circle appeared beneath her feet, and her star key transformed into a staff with the star at its focal point. Satisfied with the transformation, Sakura withdrew two pink cards and tossed them into the air.

Sakura, ever determined, issued her commands, her voice resonating with unwavering resolve. "Shadow! Shield! Merge together to render me unseen."

A mysterious, dark force field enveloped Sakura, glowing with an otherworldly luminescence that absorbed the surrounding light. As she stood still, Sakura became an elusive figure, completely hidden from view. Her presence was masked, leaving no trace of her whereabouts. In her concealed state, Sakura navigated the empty hallways, searching for the source of the enigmatic aura. 

Safely out of sight, Sakura wandered through the classrooms, scanning for any sign of the source behind the mysterious aura. After about an hour of searching the grounds with no success, she decided to wrap up her investigation. Just as she was about to leave, she sensed a faint trace of the same elusive aura. A smile touched her lips as she followed the subtle signal and found a young woman dressed in traditional Chinese robes, her back turned to Sakura.

"Why did you come to Japan, Clow Reed? What possible reason could you have for being here?" The woman asked, glancing around the school frowning.

Sakura kept her distance, trying to observe without drawing attention. She focused on getting a clearer view of the woman while being cautious not to get too close, aware that her magic might fail her. After following the woman around for what felt like hours, Sakura reluctantly decided to end her stakeout. Not wanting to expend any more magical energy, she stood up and swiftly skated back home, ensuring she kept the two Sakura Cards active.


Upon reaching her front door, Sakura sat down on the doorstep, carefully removing her rollerblades before entering her home.

"Hello, I'm back!" Sakura announced her return, her voice resonating through the house.

Touya's voice echoed from the kitchen, a teasing tone lacing his words. "Running a bit late again, Monster?"

Sakura's brow furrowed in frustration. "I am not a monster," she insisted, abandoning her rollerblades in a pile on the floor and heading straight upstairs, paying little heed to her brother's playful taunts.

Opening her bedroom door, Sakura was met with a visibly agitated Kero. "Sakura! Where have you been? I couldn't sense your presence for ages!"

Sakura apologised, "I'm sorry, Kero. I must have forgotten to drop my magical protection after I'd distanced myself enough to avoid detection." She waved her hand, dispelling the magical force field that cloaked her earlier. Then, a question struck her. "But how did you still see me through the barrier?"

Kero, with a hint of annoyance in his voice, reminded her, "It's my duty to sense the Clow Cards, Sakura. Have you forgotten who I am?"

"Remember, I've been closely connected to the Clow Cards for many years, and I can sense their presence from quite a distance. The force field you created was rather basic, intended to keep anyone you chose from finding you," Kero continued to explain, crossing his tiny arms.

"But I didn't want to be found by anyone, especially since I wasn't sure who or what I was looking for. So how were you able to see me?" Sakura asked again, her tone taking on a touch of frustration.

Kero replied, "I couldn't for a while. Your powers are developing rapidly, but you still don't possess enough magic to maintain that level of power for extended periods. By the time you got home, your magic had weakened enough for me to locate you."

Hearing that her powers were still not quite up to her expectations, Sakura found herself doubting her own magical abilities.

"You mentioned you were looking for someone. Do you have any idea who it might be?" Kero inquired, curious about the reason behind Sakura's use of the force field.

Sakura replied, "I'm not entirely sure who it is. All I could discern was the unusual magical aura that we've been sensing. It seems to belong to a woman dressed in traditional Chinese robes, and she appears to be searching for Clow Reed."

Kero interjected, "Clow Reed? What?"

Sakura took a seat on her bed and explained, "The woman appeared confused as to why her search led her to my school. I stayed back, there's no way I was going to approach her. She appeared really powerful."   

Sitting on Sakura's desk Kero frowned, "Do you think it may have something to do with Eriol's return?"

Sakura sighed, "Maybe, it would explain a lot I guess. All I wanted was a regular school day. I guess that's to much to ask for, huh?" 

A/N; (Edited 05/08/24)

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