A Fateful Encounter

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She shook her head, unable to fathom the consequences of his creations.

Yue persisted, his voice heavy with emotion, "You still didn't answer my question. Why did Clow erase Calista's existence?" 

Eriol, in a sombre tone, replied, "I'm sorry, Yue, but I am unable to answer any more questions. It seems we have company." He rose to his feet, signalling the end of the discussion, leaving a chilling air of mystery surrounding the past events.


Eriol's voice was low but serious, carrying a sense of urgency. "Quickly, we must leave this place, it's not safe."

Eriol's Sun Staff glowed brightly, briefly illuminating the room and conjuring a dark barrier around them. Still reeling from Eriol's sudden warning, Sakura blurted out, "Wait, Eriol, what's going on?"

In a blink of an eye, Sakura found herself back safe and sound in the middle of her bedroom, "What?"

A voice spoke out interrupting her thoughts. "Where have you been? I've been worried sick for hours!"

Sakura spun around, alarmed by the unexpected voice. She let out an exasperated cry, "Kero!"

Annoyed at Kero's stealthy approach, she yelled at him, "Please don't do that again. How many times have I told you?"

Kero, undeterred, retorted, "Me? You're the one who disappeared without a trace. If this continues, I might have to accompany you to and from school again."

Sakura narrowed her eyes at Kero, maintaining an unwavering stare. Kero, unfazed, retreated to his makeshift bed inside one of the dressing table drawers.

"Looks like the kid passed on his death glare to you," Kero teased, bringing a touch of humour to the situation."

Ignoring her guardian, Sakura hurried downstairs to inform her brother and father that she had safely returned. But as she approached the living room door, she hesitated. What could she possibly tell her brother? He must have noticed something was amiss when Yukito didn't come home from school today. Sakura peeked through the half-open door, spotting Touya seated on the sofa, engrossed in the TV.

Sakura knew she had to explain her absence, yet she grappled with whether to divulge the truth. Would it worry Touya more if he knew about the new threat in town? Or perhaps, after years of secrecy and deception, the truth might be a bridge to rebuilding trust between them. With a deep breath, Sakura pushed the door fully open and entered.

Touya broke the silence with a stern voice, "You're late."

Sakura stammered, "I...Um..."

Interrupting her, Touya turned off the TV and directed her, "Sit," maintaining his firm tone.

Sakura took her place beside her brother, clasping her hands in her lap. She couldn't muster the courage to meet his gaze, fearing what she would find in his eyes.

"Where in the world have you been? Do you have any idea what time it is?" Touya demanded. "I've been sitting here for hours waiting for you to come home."

Sakura replied in a soft and apologetic tone, "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to cause you worry. I promise." She hesitates for a moment before continuing. "I got caught up with a few things after school and was unable to leave until now."

"What things are those then, Sakura? I know it must have been serious enough for Yuki to leave college grounds as quickly as he did, he was practically flying by the time I caught up with him."

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