Chapter 17: Meet And Greet

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🎀Aines' POV🎀
I woke up and saw I was the first person to wake up. I made my way to my room and picked out my outfit (above). I showered and put on my makeup. I quickly changed into my outfit and woke everyone up. It was mad rush to get all 7 people showered and changed! We all finally headed out the door and parted our separate ways.

Hayes drove me and the girls to my meet up and left. I walked onstage and hooked up my iPhone to the speakers. I blasted the song 'Sugar' by Maroon 5. People rapidly started to arrive. There was a stand selling my merch, and the line was all the way out in the parking lot. I signed as much stuff as I could and took as many pictures as I could. All the girls that I wanted to get to know better gave me their phone numbers and I decided to call them and we could have a girls night.
A couple hours later, the meet and greet ended, and the girls and I were starting to pack up. We got everything into Hayes's car and started to get in the car. Two really tall cake faces(girls that have way too much makeup on their face) grabbed us and dragged us into an empty alley.

One of them said "I'm Prissy and this is Rinella. We are wondering how you stupid girls got close to 5SOS before WE did. We are giving you 10 seconds to explain yourselves." She started to count down, and all the girls and I exchanged looks. We all silently agreed to not tell them because the guys are our friends. "5...4...3...2...this is your last chance...1. Ok, so now you want to do this the hard way." Prissy grabbed Willow and Lauren when Rinella grabbed me and Joan. They pulled us in opposite directions. Rinella let us go and said "Look, I really didn't want to do this. Prissy forced me to, otherwise at my school I would become a total outcast. I'll help you guys if you can help me get rid of Prissy. I'll call up her parents to meet me here and you keep her distracted, ok?" Joan and I agreed and sprinted towards Prissy. She had punched Willow in the gut and had thrown her to the ground. Prissy was about to slap and kick Lauren when Joan jumped on her. Joan wrestled her to the ground and kept her in a headlock. Hey, that's what you get when your friend does wrestling for 4 years. While the fought, I tended to the girls' cuts and bruises. I moved the girls in our car and ran to the store and bought some ice and bandages and other things. I applied the bandages and gave them the ice for their bruises. When I had finished fixing them up, I ran back to the alley where I saw 2 adults. They were Prissy's parents. They fussed at her and told her she would be homeschooled for the rest of her life and would be grounded for the whole year! I thought that was a little harsh, but when Rinella told me about her smoking and bullying kids I thought she deserved everything that came at her. After that whole ordeal was sorted out, we got home and everyone was worried sick about us. Nash fussed at me and I was like dude, I didn't get hurt the others did. But I apologized anyway and told him I helped the other girls. Joan and Willow decided to go home. Lauren wanted to spend the night just her and I, so Nash called her mom and she said ok. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to my room. I grabbed her purse and threw it towards her. She caught it and asked me why she needed it. I told her I wanted to go out to Starbucks then the mall and she said she wanted to as well. I grabbed my purse and phone and headed out the door. Before we left, Bryce grabbed me by my arm and told me he needed to talk to me. He said "Ainesleigh, what is wrong with you? I saw you prancing around with other guys. I thought we had something." I replied, pushing back tears "I thought we did too, but you have been ignoring me for the past few weeks. I really like you, but if you don't feel the same way, I think we're finished." I walked out of the room into Lauren's arms and started to cry. She said Bryce would want me back and told me we should have fun and forget him for tonight.

When we got to Starbucks, I rushed in and ordered. I ordered a White Chocolate Mocha and 2 cake pops. Lauren ordered a Mocha Frappe and a chocolate chip cookie. We ate and went straight into the mall. We shopped in Charlotte Russe, Victoria's Secret, Forever 21, Coach, Nike and more! I bought a lot because I hadn't been shopping in a while. Lauren only bought a couple things because she went shopping with her boyfriend earlier in the week.

After we finished shopping, Lauren and I decided to head home. I changed into my jumper and my jogger, and turned on Netflix. Lauren finished changing and we decided to have a Pretty Little Liars marathon. We had school tomorrow, so Lauren and I decided to go to bed a 12:00. We watched PLL until 9, so we still had 3 hours left. I felt like making brownies, so Lauren helped. When we finished, it was 10:45. We snacked on the brownies then decided to go to the work out room and, ya know, work out. I did 10 push ups, 30 suicides (the work out way, not the killing oneself way, which idk how that would work, killing urself 30 times but whatevs, back to the chapter), 50 sit ups and 75 jumping jacks. After a while, I decided to use the bench press and the treadmill. It was 11:00 when we stopped, so we changed into our pjs and went to bed.

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