Confession Time

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"We should wait until everyone's inside so they will think we went to my house first" Haha said.

We arrived at the carpark of the restaurant our team dinner was going to be in but, since Donghoon lied about me having to help his wife with something, we stayed in the car for a while.

Suddenly someone knocked on the window of the passenger seat. The sun had gone down already and Haha's car had tinted glass making it hard for anyone outside looking in to see us but we could clearly see who it was.

"Ha Donghoon open the door" Jongkook could be heard from outside the car.

I opened the door and jumped out of the car. We walked to the other side of the car that was facing a vast fieled to talk.

"Oppa I'm sorry. I should have told you about Junho-ssi last night but instead you had to find out for yourself. I have nothing to hide really. I promise to call you or my brother if anything like that happened again" I apologized.

He smiled, wrapping his arms around me for an embrace with one of his hand resting on my head and the other on my waist.

"You should have my full trust and I'm sorry for acting irrational. I'm also sorry because of my persistence you have to hide your relationship with me"

"Relationship?" a voice called out in a confusing tone.

We let go of each other and our gaze landed on the person that was peaking out from the back side of the car.



Jongkook and I addressed him simultaneously clearly surprised. The car window rolled down to reveal Haha sticking his head out of the window to see what the fuss was all about.

His mouth formed an o shape and his eyes opened widely at the sight of the person standing a metre away from us.

This person wasn't supposed to find out about us, yet we were so careless, putting our relationship in possible jeopardy.

There was no point in lying, he heard our conversation clearly and just wanted confirmation from us.

"Kim Jongkook, did I hear that right?" he asked.

"Ah hyung, why are you even out here?" Haha groaned.

When Jongkook stayed quiet, I lightly nudged him with my elbow, telling him to say something back to Jaesuk oppa.

"Hyung" was all Jongkook could say.

"Have you been together this whole time? Were you just fooling the rest of us?"Jaesuk questioned.

Jaesuk oppa didn't seem angry but rather worried and disappointed that we didn't let him know and the rest of the members. Somehow, I felt guilty as if I got caught doing a crime.

"Oppa we can explain" I finally said.

"Jihyo" Haha and Jongkook said in unison, reminding me the consequences it might bring if we became honest with Jaesuk oppa.

I was confident that he would keep our secret. Over the years, he had taken care of all of us like we were his real family, treating me like a little sister. There was no reason for him to blurt it out to anyone.

"I'm sorry if we disappointed you and hid our relationship. We just wanted to try it again and see if we could make it work this time, without anyone knowing about it" I added.

"I understand and I'm not disappointed you were in hiding. I was more disappointed in the fact you had to break up. You can trust me with this one. My lips are sealed even when it comes to the others. I'll support your decision"

He took a step forward and patted Jongkook on the back and gave me a hug. It felt like I was opening up to a big brother in which he was so understanding about it.

"Hyung why are you here anyway and not inside with the rest?" Haha asked with his head still sticking out of the car window.

"You! Get out of your car" Jaesuk scolded Haha, pinching him by the ear until he opened the door and got out voluntarily.

"Ah hyung what did I do?" Haha shouted.

"You lied about needing to go home. I called your wife to see where you were and she said you didn't even come home" Jaesuk told.

"Ah but now you know why. Why were you even setting Jihyo up with your friend?"

"Yeah, why did you do it?" Jongkook asked, he looked curious yet annoyed.

"Kookjong ah, I didn't know you two got back together. I just wanted her to be happy"

"I can make you happy by making you go to heaven right now if you want" he threatened.

"That's enough let's all just go in before anyone spills blood" I joked.

"Yah. How can you even say that to me even off camera when I'm older than you" Jaesuk added.

Haha and I looked at each other and started pushing the two men towards the restaurant before a fight broke out between them. We all knew who would win anyway. Jaesuk oppa was just provoking him. The bickering only ended once we were seated.

Although I was seated in front of Junho-ssi, Jaesuk oppa promised to keep his friend away from me.

I may have had too much to drink because after an hour, I was stumbling trying to make my way to the bathroom. Fortunately, Somin was sober enough to help me. She put my hair back as I gagged and threw up in the toilet.

"Unnie why did you drink so much" she groaned obviously drunk but not as much as I was.

"Shut up, you're drunk too"

"You're mean when drunk"

I giggled as a response, wiping away any vomit from my lips with the tissue she handed me over. When it finally felt safe to go back out again, Somin swung my arm around her, helping me to walk.

Just outside of the toilets, Junho was on a call that seemed important, addressing the person on the other side of the call as sir. But, too drunk to take that as my queue to be quiet at least while he spoke on the phone, I screamed out his name.

"Unnie, that man is talking to someone, be quiet" Somin mumbled.

"I'll have to call you back, my apologies" Junho whispered to the person he was talking to.

I looked at him smiling when in my peripheral vision, I saw Jongkook and Jaesuk oppa behind Junho, coming out from the room we were having our team dinner in.

"Jihyo-ssi are you okay?" Junho asked.

My vision started to get blurry and before I knew it, I was falling with Somin losing her grip on me. The last thing I saw was Junho reaching out to catch me while Jongkook and Jaesuk oppa ran towards us.

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