Flirty Kookie

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"We'll be living together anyway when we get married" Jongkook announced.

"Oppa don't you think you're thinking too far ahead? We're still in hiding and don't know for how long. Also usually you date people for a long time but we've only been going out for a few months" I rambled on, giving him reasons why it couldn't happen yet.

When the car halted at a red light, he gazed up at me and smiled a little.

"I know you're not ready" he acknowledged.

"Huh" was all I could mutter up.

The stop light turned green and he focused on the road again.

"Are you afraid I'll propose to you" he smirked.

"You know you can't with the situation we're in"

"We can have a private wedding and no one needs to know about it"

"Oppa. Are you serious?" my voice slightly getting louder.

"Of course not. I'll wait until you're ready and we can reveal our relationship when the world is ready too"

Right. Will the world be ever ready to know about our secret when a part of it were what was holding us back, I thought to myself.

We reached his apartment after driving for an hour. Jongkook was undoubtedly tired from working all day then having to go to their family dinner but never complained.

It shocked me since he was known to complain for everything but decided to drive instead of me.

"Oppa you should sleep soon, I know you're tired" I told Jongkook who was in the kitchen drinking a glass of water.

"What about you?"

"I think I'll watch a movie first before heading to bed"

"Okay, I'll watch with you too"

"Do you want to pick the movie?"

"You can pick anything, I'll be watching you anyway"

I subtly rolled my eyes at him, trying so hard not to cringe at his comment. Jongkook had always enjoyed pestering me with his cringeworthy remarks but never understood why since he knew I hated it. All he ever says was that it gives him my attention at the least.

"Let's watch a horror movie then. Your love for horror movies are beyond comprehension so I doubt you'll be laying your eyes on me" I smirked.

"Are you challenging me?" he replied, settling himself down on one side of the sofa while I sat at the other end, leaving a gap between us.

"Not so much of a challenge oppa if it's true"

As soon as I found a horror movie to watch, he stretched his hand out to reach the switch to turn off the lights. There was pure darkness with only the television screen being the source of light.

Occasionally, I glanced at him to check if he really was watching me instead but surely enough, his eyes were on the screen. I picked an interesting movie which I thought he'd like and only proved me right.

Thirty minutes into the movie, the real frightening jump scares started. I tried refraining myself from flinching but I had never been good with horror movies.

I covered my face with a pillow only for Jongkook to take it away from me and when I covered myself with my hands, leaving a tiny gap in between, allowing me to still see the screen, he would pull it down off my face.

"Yah why would you put this on if you're too scared to watch it?" Jongkook laughed.

"Who said I was? I like the movie"

"Says the one covering her face all the time"

The last scene of the movie contained one final scare for its audience which made me jump towards Jongkook, clinging onto him and burrowing my face onto his bicep.

He started laughing at my actions while patting my head in an attempt to comfort me.

"I'm starting to think you made us watch this movie for a different reason" he spoke.

After realizing what I had just done, I slowly lifted my head up from his arm, avoiding his gaze and took the remote from the coffee table to change the channel.

"What do you mean oppa?" I asked him.

"I think you have other intentions for putting a horror movie on. Jihyo, you don't like those type of movies. Did you put it on so you could cuddle with me?"

"You really think I would do that?" I snapped looking at him with his big grin annoying me even more.

"You're right, so it probably was just a coincidence that you were startled then threw yourself onto me" he teased, laying his head down on my lap.

"Yah. I didn't throw myself and what are you doing? There's so much space on the sofa"

"Give me a minute. I'll shower in a while"

He looked so harmless especially with his eyes closed. It was hard to imagine people found him terrifying because of his character on the show.

I placed a hand on his cheeks and began caressing him, my thumb going in a circular motion.

"You better not fall asleep. I can't carry you back to the room" I told him.

All of a sudden, he got up on his feet and instantly carried me bridal style. Automatically, my arms snaked around his neck for further support.

"Then I should carry you instead" he suggested.

"Kim Jongkook what's wrong with you tonight?"

Disregarding my question, he continued to carry me inside the bedroom, placing me down on the bed.

"Wait for me here" he said before going into the bathroom to take a shower.

In that short amount of time, I explored his room more thoroughly than before. On a table with his computer and some paperworks, there was a framed picture of him with his family and beside it was a picture of us during a date at the beach late at night.

I never knew he still had that picture of us let alone that he had it framed and displayed in his house.

After a while, Jongkook called out from the bathroom asking me to grab a towel for him from the closet. I grabbed the first towel I saw and made my way to the bathroom door and knocked.

I covered my eyes, turning the other way while stretching my arm out with the towel in hand for him to take. Little did I know, he was peeking out the door and saw what I was doing.

"Are you trying to act innocently?" he chuckled.

He did grab the towel from me but afterwards pulled me inside the bathroom with him as well.

"Yah, are you crazy?" I screamed.

"Crazy for you? Always"

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