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I walked in the building we were filming in and almost everyone was already there, the staff and other members besides Seokjin oppa and Kwangsoo.

We were filming in a house by the mudflats, the same place where Kwangsoo ran to the water just to avoid Jaesuk oppa catching him.

I remember that day so clearly. Everyone scolded Kwangsoo for making the game so difficult. One of the PD's even playfully kicked and punched Kwangsoo for running out so far into the mudflat when all he had to do was hide.

Somin ran up to me as soon as she saw me walk in the front door.

"Unnie did something happen?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Jongkook oppa's hand is all bandaged up. We asked him about it but he won't tell us what happened. We didn't want to probe too much because he looked angry"

"I don't know what happened"

I left my shoes by the door and walked inside to find everyone seated in the living room. I glanced at Jongkook who sat the furthest away from everyone at the corner. His hand looked badly beaten with a bandage on but fresh blood seeped through.

It couldn't have been because of punching that woman's boyfriend. I heard it myself that Jongkook only punched him once and the police saw it then arrested him.

"Hyung, you should get that bandage changed before we start filming" Sechan told Jongkook.

I knew Haha would know what had happened to him so I sat down quietly beside him.

"How did he get hurt?" I nudged Haha lightly.

"He drank again last night and called me to come over to his place. When I got there I found him smashing his fist into a wall"

I felt bad for him but also angry that he would do such a thing. He was hurting himself now too but I couldn't do anything. He didn't want to listen to me and kept saying that we were basically strangers, that I should stop caring about him.

"I'll talk to him after filming" I mentioned to Haha.

"Jihyo, it was my first time seeing Jongkook hyung cry last night. After punching the wall out of anger, he just collapsed and cried non-stop"

I glanced back at Jongkook again. His stylist was helping change his bandage. She unwrapped the bandage off his hand to reveal his badly bruised and bleeding knuckles.

I got up to grab a wet towel and ran back to where Jongkook sat. I told his stylist I would finish it instead. I placed the towel on top of his hand carefully to get rid of the excess blood.

"I can do it myself" he insisted.

"If you can then why was your stylist helping you out?"

"Why did you make her leave? She was doing fine in fixing me up"

"Kim Jongkook you're still so stubborn. I saw you bleeding so I came to help, can't you just accept it?"

He looked away and didn't say anything else but allowed me to bandage him up. I cleaned his wound with the wet towel I brought. He flinched and I took the opportunity to tease him.

"The great commander can't take the pain from a small boo boo?" I exaggerated.

"Have you been hurt punching something before? You'll understand my pain"

"Then why did you punch a wall?"

He turned his head to face me. He didn't speak but his eyes spoke for him. He told me it was because he wanted to get back together silently.

"Forget it! You're done fixing me up right?" he said, flicking his hand away.

"Oppa are you still angry with me?" I whispered.

"Is there anything I should be angry about? Everything was mutual and you can date anyone freely"

"Date? Do you really think I would do that to you? It hasn't been long since we ended things but it doesn't mean I don't feel anything for you anymore"

His face abruptly lit up upon hearing that. It was the first time he smiled again in a while and it made me happy to see it.

He acted cute by poking at my shoulder while saying "really?" with a big grin.

"Yah are you crazy? You really have gone completely mad haven't you? Punching a wall should have only affected your hand not your brain" I marveled.

"You make me go crazy Song Jihyo"

I felt my heart race as soon as he finished his sentence. I still felt the same for him and I couldn't deny it.

"You are crazy" I repeated.

"We'll start now" the producer announced.

While I was preoccupied with taking care of Jongkook, we didn't realize Kwangsoo and Seokjin oppa had come in.

We played countless of physical games and without a doubt, filming ended with all of the members exhausted. The others went back inside the house while I stayed outside to stare out into the mudflats.

I sat at the edge of a wall, my feet hung out swaying to the rhythm of the breeze when all of a sudden I felt someone cover me up with a jacket.

"What are you doing out here in the cold" Jongkook asked as he sat down beside me.

"I was just looking at the view"

"What view? Mud and water at night where you can't see anything? Song Jihyo you really are something else"

"Why did you come out anyway. What are they doing inside?"

"Most of them passed out in the living room and some started drinking after the staff bought drinks"

"Surprisingly you're not drinking tonight"

"How can I when I have the chance to spend it with you instead"

"Kim Jongkook are you sure you're not drunk already?"

I remembered how fun it was to tease him especially when he started to get clingy and cheesy. It's like we were back to normal and just had a big fight but fixed it eventually.

"Jihyo!" someone called out.

We turned around and saw Junho waving at us, standing beside his car.

Suddenly, Jongkook's mood turned sour. He went from being happy to looking like he was cursing Junho.

"I guess he came for you" Jongkook said.

I glanced at Jongkook and he looked emotionless. He stood up and walked back inside the house as Junho walked over to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Junho.

"Did you forget about dinner tonight?"

"Ah. I couldn't even think about it sorry. We've been so busy today"

"Understandable but are you still up for going out? Actually I got us tickets for a movie and it would be a waste if they weren't used"

"Oh, uhm sure. Let me just get my things then we'll head out"

I worried about Jongkook thinking badly about the situation. I knew he was right about Junho and didn't want to hurt him any further. I was determined to tell Junho it was never going to happen.

Spartace: Love AgainWhere stories live. Discover now