Elimination Game

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"The last game is couple's elimination" the producer announced.

In order to oust a team, only the girl can rip the name tags off with the help of the boy. In the case where a girl ripped another girl's nametag off, the boy on the same team was to be immediately out too.

We were scattered in different places by the producers in the SBC building. My starting point was in the middle of a hallway on the second floor and didn't know where Jongkook was.

"Race start" the producer's voice sounded through the intercom.

I had to be careful of where to go in case I ran into another team. I made my way through the second floor, cautiously looking left and right. We were five minutes in the game and still couldn't find Jongkook.

"Kim Jongkook out!" a voice announced on the intercom.

Great, I thought. If Jongkook was out that meant I was everyone else's target to fully get rid of our team. I was left vulnerable without Jongkook guarding me from the others.

I got into the elevator when I heard Kwangsoo's voice nearby. As soon as it stopped on the first floor, I was greeted by Sechan and Seokjin oppa. They overpowered me and mercilessly ripped off my nametag.

"Song Jihyo out!" another announcement was made.

I followed one of our staff members to 'prison' and found Jongkook sitting at the table eating snacks left out by the staff.

I sat on one of the chairs but left a gap between us. We were alone except for a guard that waited outside the door.

"Jongkook-ssi how did you get ousted?" I asked him, annoyed that we were the first team to go.

"They ganged up on me on the first floor. Seokjin and Jaesuk hyung's team. Where were you?"

"I got put on the second floor. I was looking everywhere for you. You should have gone up"

"How would I know you were there. Obviously I searched the floor I was on first"

The bickering only ended when the producer spoke on the intercom.

"Haha out!"

Seokjin and Jaesuk oppa's team must have made a pact to stick together and oust the others but sooner or later they would need to fight against each other. It wouldn't be a surprise as well if one of them teamed up with Somin and betrayed the other.

"I'm sick of this game. I can never win" Haha ranted as he entered the room.

"Let me guess, they ganged up on you too?" Jongkook assumed.

"No. Kwangsoo cornered me and screamed for Jaesuk hyung who was in the next room. I was still looking for Somin when they ousted me"

"Ha Donghoon you need to start working out to win this kind of game" Jongkook chuckled as he got up and walked out of the room to go to which I assumed was the toilets.

"That punk! He can talk like that because everyone's afraid of him" Haha fumed.

"You know Jongkook oppa speaks his mind" I blurted out.

"Jongkook op-pa?" Haha raised an eyebrow.

It slipped out of my mind that I was pretending not to know Jongkook. I had been adddressing his name formally, as strangers would with each other. I got nervous when Haha restated what I said and stayed quiet.

"For someone who sees Kim Jongkook as a stranger, you seem to know him well Song Jihyo" Haha continued.

"It's from my observation" I told him.

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