Chapter 2

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I held my gun between my knees and made sure it didnt fall before raising my hands to my head. I tightened my ponytail, after feeling my hair swish over my face. I then held my gun tightly again, now just realising how much of a stupid decision that was.

What if I got jumped?! You're not in a group anymore, Ava. You're ALONE.

I closed my eyes at this and let out a puff of air as my eyes searched across the almost empty street. A few upside down cars were here and there, and some random items were scattered around the place. 

I sighed and stared infront of me as my shoes made a soft kick as I walked. It turned to Spring a month or so back, so i'm sort of alright, considering that I could barely survive in the winter with a group, nevermind without.

I started to wonder about how the group were doing with out Alex and I.. Lucy would probably be crying, Jase would probably be in charge, Kelly would be comforting Lucy and Chase... Chase would be silent.

Chase never really opened up when I first met him. He is the sort of guy that is secluded. Hell, it took me like three or four years to get him to talk to me properly. Chase was one of the only people I literally trusted with my life.

Well, when we first met, he did save my life.

* Flashback *

It was one and a half years into the 'Zombie Invasion' and my mother had been killed, my father was seperated from me. I have been alone for around two days now and I was starting to worry about my dad.

A small clatter was heard from around the corner and to took up my pocket knife that my dad had trained me to use. Not very safe for a ten year old to own a pocket knife but considering thecircumstances, it's fine... I guess.

I noticed a zombie was hunched over in the bushed, clearly investigating something. I ran over to the zombie and stabbed it in the back. It instantly threw me off and made a loud yelling noise. I stabbed it's leg a few times before it collapsed, another yell heard.

I ran my hand through my hair nervously as I looked around, making sure the zombie hadn't attrackted any others.. It did.. A hoard of five or six zombies were running towards me.

I was only ared with a knife! I was stealthy! I didn't have anything to shoot them with, or even attack them with because there was two walkers are four runners. I made the stupid descsion of throwing y knife at them, hoping it would hit one.

It took one of the runners out and now I had no weapons with three runners and two walkers after me. I screamed loudly and stood up, running out of the small corner shop and running down the street.

The noise of my converse hitting the ground and my nervous breathing were the only things taht could be heard until a gunshot ran through the air. I stopped dead in my tracks and turned round to see a boy around twelve or thirteen shooting the zombies.

He had taken out the runners and was now killing the last zombie. Soon enough, the last gunshot was heard and the boy looked in my direction. Panic filled my face as I thought he was going to shoot me too.

He started to walk towards me and I squealed, turning on my heel as I started to run for my life. I could hear his footsteps behind me and I started to cry a little. This was the end. The guy that saved me was going to kill me.

Soon enough, I heard the sound of his footsteps right behind me stop as he jumped on my, making me scream as he dragged me to the ground, which luckily was grass. I tried to claw my way away from him, kicking my legs fiercely, trying to knock him off of me.

He then held my wrists and pinned them to my chestm, as he slowly stopped panting. "Why..." he paused "Why did you run?!" He yelled the best he could with him being out of breath.

"What?" I asked, rather schocked. I then noticed his gun lying on the ground beside him. "WHY DO YOU THINK?! SOMEONE WAS CHASING ME WITH A FRICKING GUN!" I yelled with a 'duh' voice and he pursed his lips.

I rolled over and pushed him  to the ground, grabbing his gun and sitting on him so he couldn't move. "I'm going to kill you now." I spoke shakily. I hadn't killed humans, only zombies, which are technically also humans.

I raised to gun so it was a few inches away from his forehead and placed my finger on the trigger, my heart beating extremely fast. Was I really about to kill someone? Do i have the guts for this?

I closed my eyes and got ready to pull the trigger when I was yanked off of the boy by someone that seemed extremely taller than me. The gun was ripped out of my hand as I started to kick whoever had grabbed me.

"Jesus Christ! Calm down woman!" The boy that chased me yelled loudly, making me stop wriggling in the person's arms. I stared at the boy as he got up, him staring right back at me. "Now, listen." He spoke.

"If you run, I shoot you." He spoke, taking his gun back and I nodded as the guy behind me let me go. I stayed completely still, not wanting to die. "Good." He smiled, as if he expected me to run away.

"So, I wasn't going to kill you, I was going to check if you were alright." He spoke and I eyes him, nodding as I showed my arms. "Cool. Okay, I'm Chase, and him behind you is my brother Jason." He spoke, pointing behind me. 

I turned round to see a boy around fifteen standing there. "Oh, Chase and Jase. Ironic." I spoke, sniggering to myself a little bit. 'Chase' stared at me and I instantly shut my mouth. "So.. why did you save me?"

"You seemed like you needed help and besides," He paused and glanced behind me at 'Jason'. "Jason and I need more people. It's just us right now. We used to be a huge group." Chase looked away.

"Alright... I'm Ava."

* Flashback Over *

I sighed, remembering how awkard I was on the first few days with the guys. Then a month or so later, we met Kelly, then Alex and finally Lucy who we only met two years ago. It feels extremely wierd not being with the guys.

I was with the for Eight and a half years and now...

I sighed, and continued walking down the street when I noticed  three or four boys walking my way. I bit my lip nervously, knowing the dangers of meeting new peope, especially since they could be body hunters.

I started to walk inthe opposite direction when one of them started to run towards me.

I panicked internally, knowing that they were most likely body hunters. I looked down to mkae sure my laces were tied before I started to sprint down the street, gaining distance on the four boys. Alex and I did trials in our spare time to make sure we could run from danger.

I heard faint yells in the distance and I smirked, knowing I was getting extremely far away from them. I started to slow down a little as I looked over my shoulder, seeing the group of boys still half way down the block.

As I turned again, I seen a bunch of clickers walking around, not aware of my prescene. Praise jesus they couldn't see. I stayed silent as I glance dover my shoulder again, seeing them getting extremely close to me.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath.




So do you guys think that the body hunters are the Cube Guys or do you think the Cube guys will come and save her? ooh idk... ;)

Oh and btw, a Body Hunter is when the people like hunt people for parts of their bodies for food or something idk.

I forgot what the official name was in The Last of Us... awkos

So uhm, are you guys enjoying this so far? tbh I am :)



okay then bye bye. :)


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