Chapter 5

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"Shit, Shit!" I called as I ran out of the building without anyone noticing. "Wake up! C'mon, please!" I stared down at the girl in my arms, I didn't even know her name... Jeesh.

She stirred in my arms and winced in pain as she bumped her thigh against my arm. I could tell she was trying to cover up her pain and it wasn't working very well.

She was shivering in my arms and I bit my lip, worried in case anyone noticed that I had escaped with the girl. I looked down at her again to see her curling up in a ball, facing my chest.

It was rather surprising how light she was, she wasn't twig light but she also didn't seem the right weight for a girl her age. I looked up again and ran out of the small town we had set up in with the girl in my arms.

I had nothing to lose anyway, my mother and father left me and my little brother before the breakout even happened and Coby, my brother, had run off to find them during the night and never came back...

I blinked away the tears that were pooling at my eyes as I ran as fast as I could towards the end of the street I had now entered. I glanced back at the girl to see she had now fallen asleep and had curled up into my side.

My breath hitched, wondering if she was breathing. I stopped in my tracks and bent my head down, placing my cheek in front of her mouth. I felt soft breathing against it and I bit my lip happily and continued to run, checking on the girl every once in a while.


I was beginning to get exhausted from all the running, I was a good two miles or so from the terror building and the girl was semi-awake now, muttering things I couldn't understand.

I looked at her and she was already looking at me. "Why?" She asked quietly and I raised my eyebrow, silently asking her what she meant, "Why did you save me?" She said, barely audible.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked, shocked that she would ask such a question. "I had no idea what they were doing in there, I've just turned twenty, the age you start.." I shivered "hunting."

"It's sick, how could you live with yourself, knowing you were eating others, people you may have known." I spoke and she looked at me. My arms were pretty sore from carrying her all this way but I stayed silent.

She had been stabbed and you're thinking about your sore arms?! Pathetic.

"I know... My frie—" Her voice wavered as if she was about to cry. She cleared her throat again. "My friends knew all about it, the oldest one, Alex, worked in one of those factory thingies and ran away from it within her first week." She spoke.

"Alex?" I asked quietly, wondering who he or she was.

"Yeah.. I um, I was in a sort of group thing with another five people and we got separated during a fight.." She whispered and I instantly felt bad for her. If she hadn't lost her group, she wouldn't be out here alone... well I guess we're sticking together now.

I smiled weakly at her and she smiled back before glancing over her shoulder and gasping loudly, hitting my arm as she turned round again. "Ryan!" She called and pointed in the direction she looked.

I glanced in the direction to see two boys and a girl walking towards us, one of the guys armed with a gun and the girl had a knife. Shit. "I'm going to run, okay? I need you to hold onto me as tightly as possible." I whispered and she nodded.

I turned on my heel and started to run down an alleyway which was a rather bad idea. I ended up knocking over two bins and smashing bottles, which made a lot of noise.

I gritted my teeth and continued running, my legs shaking slightly. I heard gunshots and I looked over my shoulder to see the three people fighting off two clickers.

As I was facing backwards, I obviously wasn't looking where I was going. I almost screamed in pain as I tripped over my ankle, bending it backwards.

I fell down almost instantly and turned on my back, trying to hold the girl, who's name was Ava as she had told me, up so she wouldn't hurt herself. As my back hit the cold pavement, Ava flew out of my arms and landed a few feet away from me.

I tried to stand up but as soon as I put pressure on my ankle, I was done again. I crawled over to Ava and rolled her body over to her back was now on the stone.

She had a rather nasty looking gash on her nose and a small cut on her chin. Her eyes were watering. "I'm so sorry." I spoke and she shook her head and opened her mouth to speak when I was yanked away from her.

The person yanked me up to my feet and I stood on one foot, trying to avoid hurting my ankle even more. I watched as the brown haired guy pulled Ava up from the ground.

"Oh, shit, she's bleeding." The only girl in their little 'squad' spoke and I noticed my flannel was lying on the ground, covered in blood. I tried to pull my arms away from the guy behind me to help Ava but he just pulled me back.

I looked over my shoulder at the guy and noticed he had brown eyes and a Justin Bieber looking haircut. I glared at him and tried to pull my arms away again and he just held them tighter.

"Yeah, her face is pretty 'ruffed up too." The guy that was holding Ava spoke. "Any thing up with the dude?" The guy asked, looking towards me. I glared towards him and his green eyes just stared back at me.

"I think he twisted his ankle when he was running, why else would he have just fallen like that?" Justin Bieber wannabe spoke. I gritted my teeth as I noticed that the guy that was holding Ava was whispering to her.

..and she looked pretty uncomfortable.



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anyone guess what it is ?

lmao idek

so, does anyone have a guess of who the three people are.

if you do please do it like

i think the;

Justin Bieber wannabe is; graser

Green eyed Guy is; rusher

The girl is; dul

btw, those are AAAALL wrong

so, one person has been ruled out for each category

meh, it's pretty obvious anyway

maybe not the girl one, most of you guys will get that wrong


k bai


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