Chapter 11

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the picture gives me cardiac arrest.


Two days later, I was fully healed, and by that I mean Liam let me out of the infirmary and told me I was good to walk around and stuff but I still had to take my medicine.

"And this is where you'll be staying," Liam spoke as he opened a door and held his arm out motioning for me to walk inside. I glanced at him before walking into the room to see four girls sitting on one of the five mattresses.

They had stopped their talking to turn to face me and my eyes landed on Lia, the only girl I knew in here. Well I also kind of know Stace, not personally but Green eyes said her name when I first came here.

"Ava!" Lia cheered as she stood up from her place on the mattress and walked over to Liam and I. I glanced over to Liam, or to where he previously stood, to see he was no longer beside me. This Bitch.

"Uh, hey," I smiled nervously at her and she smiled back, taking my hand in hers and leading me over to the three brunettes sitting on the mattress. "Hello," I smiled nervously at the three girls who were curiously looking at me. "I'm Ava," I spoke nervously.

"Oh! So you're the famous Ava Jordan keeps rambling on about!" The one with an Australian accent spoke. Jordan? "Well, Hi then, I'm Bee" Strange name, "And this is Stacy and Dul," She spoke, pointing to the other girls.

So her name was Stacy and not Stace, must just be a nickname. Anyway, Bee and Dul? Those are pretty strange names. "Hello," I smiled at them, feeling less nervous than before.

"Sit, sit!" The one with the blue hat spoke, which I assumed was Dul because I remember was Stace-Stacy looked like. "So, Ava, what brings you here?" She asked.

"A Justin Bieber wannabe, a guy with green eyes and a girl with blue hair." I spoke as I took a seat in between Bee and Lia. The four girls laughed and I smiled, knowing that I had made somewhat friends already, other than Isaac but he doesn't count because we were wkind of forced into being friends.

"Ah, fabulous wording" Stacy spoke and I smiled over at her. "So, blue hair is obviously Lia, The Justin Bieber wannabe is Mitch and Green eyes is probably--" she was cut off by the door opening and we all looked in the direction of the door to see- "Jordan." Stacy finished, pointing at Green eyes.

Ahh, so he's Jordan then.

"Hey, Ava, can I speak to you for a second?" He spoke and I furrowed my eyebrows at him, I didn't even know him -properly-. "Please," He added in after seeing my expression.

"Uhm, sure." I shrugged and stood up from the mattress, wiping down my grey top as I walked over to him. "What do you need?" I asked, stopping a few feet in front of him. He motioned outside and I sighed, glancing over my shoulder at the girls before walking out.

I stood out in the dull hallway as Jordan closed the door behind him and turned to me, his eyes just staring at me as he bit his lip. "What..?" I asked, shifting under his intense gaze, feeling uncomfortable.

"Oh shit, sorry." He blushed and I nearly cooed at that. "Uhm, I just wanted to apologise for making you uncomfortable when you first came here," He cleared his throat. "And for that," I laughed slightly at that.

"Yeah, it's uh, it's cool," I shrugged slightly and he smiled brightly at me. Oh my Jesus, he's so cute. "So, you've been talking about me?" I raised my eyebrows, remembering Bee's previous statement.

His hand went to the back of his neck, awkwardly scratching it. "Uh yeah...?" He said with a questioning tone to his voice.

"What were you saying?" I asked, tapping my chin with my index finger as he lowered his hand from his neck and a smirk appeared over his lips.

"Just gloating." He shrugged and I raised my eyebrow at his words.

"Oh really? What exactly were you gloating about then, Jordan?" I asked and he just eyed me, licking his lips as he did so. He leaned slightly and I backed up until my back hit the wall.

"Just about how" He paused slightly, glancing over my face, "I got to hold you, and.." He paused again, his hand reaching up to my face and running a finger over my cheek, "Well that's not really appropriate."

I opened my mouth to answer him when a voice cut me off, "Ava! You're out!" I glanced towards the voice to see Isaac walking towards us with a bright smile on his face. "Wait..." He spoke and his smile turned into a smirk, "Was I interrupting something here?"

"Yes" Jordan spoke at the same time I said "No." I looked over at Jordan to see him looking at me intensely again. "No, you're not, Isaac." I spoke, giving Jordan The Look. 

Jordan groaned slightly and pushed himself off of the wall so his arms were no longer at the sides of my face. "I'll see you later, Ava." He spoke with a wink as he walked away, looking over his shoulder.

"You really do enjoy interrupting me, don't you?" I asked, glancing round to Isaac and he smiled innocently. cutie.





whats up


how are you?

good? good :)

bad? sad :(

so, two questions;

favourite character?

favourite ship? (doesnt have to be one that has been intoduced yet)

example; Chase and Ava = Chava/ Brayden and Ava = Brayva ect


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