Chapter 10

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"When can I get out of this place?" I asked, sighing up towards the ceiling. It was now four days (approximately) later and Isaac had left yesterday. "It's so boring without you in here." I spoke, glancing over at Isaac.

"I know, I know, i'm hilarious and the world seems so dull without me in the bed across from you," Isaac spoke with a giggle and I laughed. "But I miss talking to you too, I wish I could get shot again, actually no, that was pretty sore." He laughed.

"You're so lame." I rolled my eyes at him. I was sat in bed and Isaac was sitting in a chair next to my bed, his arms crossed over on the bed frame with his chin on his arms. "But yeah, how long are you allowed in here every day?" I asked.

"As long as I want, except at night or if I have guarding." He spoke. "Though I doubt they'd let me do that, my arm's not completely healed yet." He spoke and I glanced over at him to see him poking into his arm.

I sighed quietly and Isaac glanced up, smiling when he noticed I was looking at him. "You have pretty eyes," He told me and I smiled. "They're very blue, like the sky, or the sea, or uhm, what else is blue?" He asked me with a smile.

"Uhhh, H's eyes." I suggested.

"Nah, yours are nicer than H's." He complimented.

"Really?" I asked with a smile and he just nodded. "Well thank you, Lucky Charms, I like your eyes too, they're very brown like..." I paused trying to think of something brown. "Dirt."

"Aww thank you so much." He answered sarcastically and I laughed again. "Anyways, how's your leg?" He asked.

H had 'refreshed' my bandaging three times now and every time stung worst than the last, which H said was a good sign but i'm not entirely sure if I trust him on that one.

"I don't know honestly." I answered, "I mean I can move it better than I could before and it doesn't hurt as much when I bump into things I guess." I shrugged, not knowing if I was progressing well.

"Well that's good, right?" I glanced over at Isaac to see he had his eyebrow raised. "I mean if it doesn't hurt as much as it did then it must be healing, at least a little." I nodded at that and he smiled.

"I guess." I shrugged again, returning my gaze to the ceiling. "Hows life in the outside world?" I asked and he sighed.

"Boring without you, Av'" He spoke and I smiled, "They're all so boring compared to you, they all mope around all the time and they never wanna go explore." He paused, "Hey, when your leg gets better wanna go out?" He asked.

"Sure, why not," I shurgged.

"See, that's why you're better than all those boring doofuses out there, you're willing to explore the dangerous world with me, we could be Dora and Boots, oh my gosh, how cool would that be? WE could walk around like we're Dora and Boots!"

I laughed at his immaturity and nodded. "Yeah, but you'd have to protect me, be my knight in shining armor so I don't get stabbed again, ay?" I laughed as he stood up and posed as if he was a knight in shining armor.

"'Course i'll protect you, you're like the coolest person here, if you died, so would my spirit" I laughed at his joke and he just smiled at me as he sat back down. "Anyway, what was life life before this for you?" He asked.

"Like the before the whole zombie thing happened?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and he nodded.

"Uhm, I don't really remember, I was only eight at the time.." I paused, trying to think of anything. "I remember my dad worked in the city so he was away a lot but whenever he was home, we'd always go out for ice cream and stuff." He smiled at my words.

"Anyway irish, how did you end up in New York?" I asked.

"Well, I was a little nine (Pretend hes 19, not 16, k?) year old leprechaun, and my mum had just died so my dad and my gran and I all came to New York to celebrate her life, 'cause she always wanted to go here." He shrugged.

"And like, a day before we were due to fly back to Ireland, the news broke loose that the apocalypse had started," He shrugged again and I nodded. "How did you find out and like, what did you do?" 

"Well, I remember this precisely surprisingly," I laughed slightly, "so yeah, I didn't find out on the news or anything, I was at dinner with my parents for their anniversary and when I looked out the window, a guy got attacked outside," I paused, tearing up slightly at the memory.

"Everyone freaked out and we all like ran to the back exit where the staff lead us to, and the things had gotten into the restaurant at the time.. my dad picked me up and ran outside. He grabbed my mum's hand but she just shook her head and said im not letting innocent people die  and then ran inside and distracted all the things until she..." I shook my head at the memory, tears streaming down my face.

"Oh... oh, i'm so sorry." Isaac spoke and pulled me into a hug.

"Don't be, it wasn't your fault, you didn't know." I whispered, tugging on his shirt slightly.

"I'm still allowed to feel apologetic for you though, and i'm so proud of you, Av." He spoke into my hair and kissed my forehead. "I couldn't have dealt with seeing something like that." I felt him shaking his head. 





sad chapter

but sorta cute ending

#Avaac / #Isva anyone?

ahah idek anymore ;-;

cover thoughts?

if you dont like it, ill change it back :)


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