Florence (TU, R)

43 3 6

I realized in a conversation with Theblackorb9 a couple of days ago that I'm sort of like Florence from The Unwanteds.

We both like to use a bow-and-arrow on rare occasions.  (Granted, our reasons are different, mine isn't enchanted!)

I'm a powerful warrior woman.  (Uh, thanks?  Is this just another excuse to point out that I can be violent occasionally, or..?)

Very strong.  (Yes, just because I'm a woman, that doesn't mean that I can't have more muscle than most of the guys I've ever met in my life!)

A good leader.  (I'm going to lead people into battle, apparently.)

I have a face of stone, and don't express my emotions much.  (Heeeeey..!)

Good thing I'm not a heavy ebony statue, though, am I right..?!

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