Mister Chan's Noodle Hut (N, R, O)

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Kai is chilling with the chicken when he receives an emergency text from Skylor.

Skylor: Kai.  Meet me at my restaurant, NOW.  Bring many weapons.  It's urgent.

Kai leaps up, and the chicken tumbles off his lap with an indignant squawk.

"Oops.  Sorry, Sparky, but my Lady needs me!"

The chicken ruffles her feathers in annoyance, and blue electricity arcs through them.

Kai glances at her and smirks.  "Actually, she needs us."

-At Skylor's-

Kai and the chicken run up to Skylor, panting.

"Who knew that a bazooka could be so heavy?"  Kai gasps.  The chicken clucks in agreement.

"Uh, where'd you get a bazooka?"  Skylor asks.

"From my sister."  Kai answers.

"Oh, that explains it."

"So, what's the big emergency, Skylor?"  Kai questions.

"That."  She growls, jerking her thumb savagely behind her and pointing at a sign.

"Mister Chan's Noodle Hut."  Kai reads.  "Seriously?!  Somebody's ripping off your franchise?!"

"That's what it looks like."  Skylor grits out.  "Somebody made a knockoff of my cursed evil father's empire!  I won't stand for it!!!"  She punches the sign, rage etched into every line of her face.

"-But why'd you want weapons?"  Kai continues.

"-Because I want to take care of the problem myself.  You've got plenty of space to bury a body back at your monastery, don't you?"

"I- I don't think that's a good idea."  Kai squeaks out, horrified.  "People will ask questions."

"Like what?"

"Like, why is there a body buried in the courtyard?"

Skylor shakes her head despairingly.  "Dummy.  Courtyards are the first places they look."  The chicken nods and rolls her eyes at Kai.

"How do you know that-?"

"-My father was an evil maniac.  He taught me a few things, you know.  Now, the first thing that we'll need to do is to stuff the body into a freezer, so that they can't tell when the guy expired.  That part's easy, we'll just use mine-  No, wait.  Scratch that.  We'll use his.  Then they can't trace it back to me.  And as for alibis, we were on a date together.  Got it?"

"Yes, and-"  Kai groans and facepalms.  "What am I saying?!  Skylor, no killing anyone today, okay?!!"

Skylor and the chicken both make disappointed sounds.  "Aaaw!"  Skylor complains.

"We'll just walk in and find out what's going on, alright, Sky?"  Kai asks affectionately.

Skylor takes a deep breath.  "Alright, Hot Tamale."

-Inside the Noodle Hut-

Skylor yanks the door open and sashays in with Kai, and then she slams the door closed behind her again, hard.

"What does it take for someone to get served around here?!!"  She shouts aggressively.

A tiny middle-aged man in spectacles and an oversized kimono greets them with a brilliant smile.  "Greetings, my dear friends!  I am Mister Chan, the owner of this fine establishment!"

"I'll bet you are."  Skylor mutters.

"Pardon, miss?"

"Uhh...  I said, the tables are far!"

"Not at all, my dear!  There's a table right here!"  He ushers them over to it and seats them. "Please feel free to browse the menu.  I will return shortly."

Skylor immediately snatches up the menu as soon as Chan leaves, and she quickly reads through it.

"Look at this, Kai!"  She whispers savagely, "White chocolate-covered snap peas?!!  Everyone knows that white chocolate has the least flavor!  This nincompoop doesn't know the first thing about fine dining!  And poofy panstickers?!  Moo shu-moo sha?!  He changed moo shu-moo shu to moo shu-moo sha?!!"  Skylor's eye begins to twitch.  "That man's got to go!"  She hisses.

"Easy, Sky-"  Kai begins.

Chan returns at that moment.  "Have you decided-  Gurk!"

"YOU!!!"  Skylor snarls, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him easily up into the air with one hand.  "What do you have to say for yourself, thief?!!"

"I-...  Don't know- what...  You mean!"  Chan gurgles unhappily.

Skylor wordlessly jabs her finger at her work uniform's lapel.

Chan mouths the words 'Master Chen's Noodle House' and lets out a squeaky groan.  "Ohh..!"

"That's right!"  Skylor gives him a vicious shake and a wolfish grin.  "What are you going to do now, Mister Chan?"

"Security!!!"  He screams hoarsely.

Kai snorts.  "Security?!  We know Spinjitzu!"

-1 Minute later-

"-And don't come back!"  Chan shouts angrily, as several burly security guards roughly deposit Kai and Skylor outside.

"This means WAR!!!"  Skylor screeches.  She rolls up her sleeves and starts to march back to Chan's restaurant.  Kai quickly takes hold of her hand and pulls her back.

"Wait.  I've got a better idea."  Kai crouches down and whisper something to the chicken, whose expression changes into what can only be described as malicious glee as she toddles into the restaurant.

"Hello, how may I-"  Mister Chan's query ends in a desperate, high-pitched scream.  "HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

The chicken clucks furiously at him, and he runs out, squealing.  "I QUIT!!!  Ninjago is far too dangerous for me!!!"

Kai and Skylor high-five, smirking.

"Come here, you beautiful bird!"  Skylor picks up the chicken and kisses her on the head.

"Great job, Sparky!"  Kai laughs.  "Thanks!"

The chicken winks at him and clucks contentedly, snuggling into Skylor's arms.


A.N.  Since this has the chicken in it, I'll probably be publishing this in both books.

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