chapter 1

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 do you all remember the little girl who became a princess over night well she's not so little anymore .hello I'm Sofia I'm not a little girl anymore I'm 17 and it is my my first day after the school holidays. but I have this wired feeling that ERA (ever realm academy ) just isn't right for me . as my made Violet came in my room and helped me pic a something for school to wear

 as my made Violet came in my room and helped me pic a something for school to wear

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At breakfast, I gathered the courage to talk to my parents. "I feel like Ever Realm isn't right for me," I admitted.

They sighed knowingly. "We've anticipated this. You want to transfer, don't you?"

I nodded, feeling relieved that they understood.

Amber's Perspective:

I was shocked when Sofia expressed her desire to transfer schools. Despite my initial horror, I knew she wasn't happy. Approaching her, I gave her a hug, reassuring her that it's for the best. Dad suggested Corinthian Sports School (CSS), mentioning its benefits for Sofia's interests. James and I smirked, knowing she'd excel there.

After Breakfast:

As we headed to the car, Dad mentioned a family meeting in his office later. Sofia wondered aloud about its purpose, fearing trouble. I assured her it was likely something important.

At School:

As the popular girls, Amber and I met up with our friends, Princess Peyton and Princess Aramina. Sofia's decision to transfer wasn't a surprise; she hadn't seemed happy lately.

End of the School Day:

We parted ways, heading home. Dad awaited us, summoning us to his office. There, he and Mom discussed our futures, suggesting potential matches with other royals. Feeling uneasy, we escaped to plan a sibling sleepover.

Sofia's Perspective:

After changing, we gathered in Dad's office. He presented us with a list of potential matches, but we fled to have a sibling sleepover. At dinner, the topic of betrothals never arose, much to our relief.

Later, we confessed our crushes: James on Vivian, Amber on Desmond, and me on Hugo. Checking our scrolls confirmed our suspicions.

At dinner, we lounged in our family dining hall, the weight of potential discussions hanging over us like a storm cloud. But thankfully, the whole betrothal topic never reared its head. Instead, we enjoyed the feast, cracking jokes and sharing stories, letting the tension melt away with each passing dish.

Later that night, in the cozy confines of our rooms, reality hit. We had to face guests from the kingdoms linked to our crushes. Zumaria, Compare, and Welshire suddenly felt closer, their names now tied to our potential futures. It was like stepping into a royal drama, and we were the main characters.

As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring. Royal courtship was about to get real, and we were smack dab in the middle of it. It was both thrilling and nerve-wracking, like living out a plotline from one of those fancy novels Mom loves. But hey, it's all part of being royal, right?


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