chapter 2 😆😆😆

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Hugo's Perspective:

My eyes fluttered open as the maid gently woke me from slumber. After a quick shower and dressing, I made my way downstairs for breakfast. Axel, my ever-smirking brother, greeted me as I sat down. We chatted about sports until Dad dropped a bombshell.

"Oh, almost forgot, Hugo. Remember Princess Sofia? You're betrothed to her," Dad announced casually.

My heart skipped a beat. Excitement and nerves tangled within me. It had been ages since I last saw Sofia. Trying to maintain composure, I felt my cheeks flush under Axel and Dad's knowing gazes.

Dad decided we'd visit Sofia's family for dinner that night. I finished my breakfast and headed to school, forgetting entirely about my duty to show the new student around. Hastening to the principal's office, I found a stunning girl waiting.

"Sorry I'm late," I stammered.

The principal welcomed me, addressing me as Prince Hugo. introducing me to the student sofia who looked awfully familliar

Sofia's Perspective:Hugo: "Wait, Sofia? But you can't be her. She's, well, she's much smaller, and her hair—"

Sofia: "I know, Hugo. It's been a while, hasn't it? But it's really me."

Hugo: stares, trying to reconcile the image before him with his memories

Principal Elizabetha: "Is there a problem, Prince Hugo?"

Hugo: shakes his head "No, no problem at all. Just surprised, that's all."

Sofia: offers a smile "Don't worry, Hugo. It happens. But I'm still the same Sofia you knew."

Hugo: slowly nods, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks "Yeah, of course. Sorry, it's just...unexpected."

Sofia: "It's okay. Let's just catch up and move on from here, alright?"

Hugo: grins "Yeah, sounds good."

Sofia's Perspective:

As I waited in the principal's office, a familiar voice broke through the silence. Hugo stood before me, apologizing for his tardiness. Principal Elizabetha recognized our connection, appointing Hugo as my guide.

Shocked, I revealed my identity, but Hugo struggled to recognize me. Reminiscing about our shared memories, I watched as realization dawned on his face. He embraced me, and despite my surprise, I welcomed the hug.

Hugo's Perspective:

Principal Elizabetha assigned me as Sofia's buddy, and we left the office together. She handed Sofia her timetable, and we made our way to our first class, Flying Derby. Donning our gear, I noted Sofia's presence as the only girl on the team.

As we met up with our friends, I introduced Sofia to Alistair and Victor. Victor wasted no time in challenging her to a race. Sofia accepted, selecting a stallion named Crystal. I warned her about Crystal's usual aloofness, but she remained undeterred.

During the race, Sofia's skill astounded us all. She effortlessly surpassed Victor and Alistair, leaving them speechless. Even our coach, impressed by her talent, invited her to join the championships.

Victor: "Impressive riding, Sofia. You've got some serious talent!"

Sofia: "Thanks, Victor! It was a fun race."

Alistair: "You're a natural, Sofia. I've never seen anyone handle Crystal like that."

Sofia: "I guess we just clicked! Thanks for the challenge, though. It was exhilarating."

Hugo: "You definitely showed us what you're made of. Can't wait to see how you fare in the championships."

Sofia: "I'll give it my best shot, that's for sure. Thanks for believing in me, guys."Sofia's response was humble yet determined, accepting the challenge with grace. As we left the stables, I couldn't help but admire her resilience and skill, eager to see what other surprises she had in store. 


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