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Chapter Two
Friday April 12th

You were woken up by faint yelling and laughter. Curiosity peaked your mind at what it may be. You got off your bed sitting on the edge of it, you stretched yourself yawning and rubbed your head looking out the big windows. 'Wow' you thought 'It's so fucking pretty'. Standing up from the bed you looked at the scenery of the lit up Tokyo city up from afar. Taking in the precious moment just for a little bit.

You were disturbed by another faint laughter yet again. You frowned to yourself 'Levi has visitors? .. hm he told me he wasn't expecting anyone but me today' you sighed brushing off the thought and made your way to the bathroom.

Turning the lights on you squinted your eyes by the sudden brightness and grunted rubbing your eyes again. You turned on the sink and pulled away some hair behind your ear that was in the way and splashed the water on your face softly making sure not to miss any spot.

After freshing yourself up, you made your way to your phone curious at how long you've slept. "Six hours?" you said aloud scratching your head and snorted slightly "well i could've slept longer but what can i do now" you said and sighed putting your phone in your back pocket and walking out your room. Opening and walking out the entrance door of your tiny apartment , the laughing and talking got much louder. Closing your door softly you made your way down the stairs.

"Ayo Levi come on don't be so harsh man! we're only celebrating! this is our most favourite and cherished spot in the whole damn city!" proclaimed a deep manly voice followed by a few snickers and laughs. You could head Levi grunt in annoyance and sigh. "Flattering whatever, but fine and be more quieter you idiots i don't wanna wake her up" he said sternly making it clear that you needed rest after a long journey.

"Ooo La La Levi has a girlfrienddd" mocked another voice followed by more laughter. "Quit it! it's not funny" "Levi?" you said taking your last step. The room got silent. You rubbed your eyes and crossed your arms looking at Levi. "Great" he said annoyed. "You woke her up" he looked at you "Go back to sleep Y/N don't mind these idiots". You shook your head "It's fine Levi i've slept enough"

Levi sighed nodding softly "alright" he said "you want something to eat? i'll make it for you" you nodded "a nice bowl of ramen would be great" you smiled tiredly at him. He nodded and looked at the two guys.

They both looked very muscular and looked matured with tattoos that decorated their necks. One on the right had a sharp jawline followed by a light brown stubble on his chin. He was quite attractive with his hair slicked back to a low mullet. It was also a little messy. Must've been from work. While the one on the left had a buzzcut and a left eyebrow that was decorated with a piercing followed by two slits. He was also quite attractive.

"Oi!" said Levi breaking their eye contact from you. Levi pointed his two fingers at them. "Better behave yourself , she's off limits understood?" he said sternly. The mullet man chuckled raising a glass which seemed to be filled with scotch complimented with some ice. "Yes sir" he answered as the baldie chuckled.

Levi made his way to the kicthen. You walked behind the counter and opened the fridge which contained of fizzy drinks and water. Grabbing your water you heard faint whispers. "It's rude talking about a stranger behind their back that you don't really know about" you said, turning around to face them and turning the cap off the new water bottle. The baldie chuckled "Don't worry we weren't talking about anything bad at all we're just.." he said dragging the sentence checking you out slowly "examining you" he said a little seductively and looked up at you without moving his head. You took a sip of your water rolling your eyes.

The mullet man ood at him causing the both of  them to laugh. You scoffed softly. "Not to be rude but..." you started closing your water bottle "both of you guys aren't on my standard list anyway " you said followed by a small sarcastic pout. The both men looked at you and to each other and back at you.

𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚝 • 𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚝Where stories live. Discover now