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Chapter Eight
Monday 22nd

Armin's POV
Last night with Y/N was a huge move in my life to me. She was just so soft and delicate last night before I left and i couldn't seem to get her out of my mind. Last night was also the first time I got laid after a while ever since that bitch got engaged. It felt good, no not good. It felt fucking amazing.

When I came home last night my smile never left off of my face. The thought of her wearing my shirt when I left for her for sleep made me get butterflies in my stomach. It's just something about her that's so mesmoring that I cant stop thinking about her. I just hope it wouldn't turn out the same like my past relationship went. It was all lovey dovey and first until it turned out into complete chaos and lies.

I remember the first time i got cheated on. It felt horrible and I felt as if i'd never be able to love again. Yes there were times after the breakup that ended up with a few girls. But, it never went pass kissing and hickies. I wasn't in the mood for any sexual acts with another woman, it had made me guilty whenever i was about to sleep with one. I'd often excuse myself saying i needed to tell my friends that i may not come home and then leave the girl in the room alone.

Thank god I never got asked for my number because I know id get constant calls and texts from them calling me whatnot. When I was younger I was that usual shy and introvert person. I never really liked big huge crowds and be the centre of attention. It was until my parents got murdered I decided to become a Bounty Hunter in order to prevent that from happening to someone else, it made my blood boil.

It was then I knew that I had to suck it in and become used to being the attention everyone had on.

To get to that stage I used the last years of my High School life to get there. At first i started regretting it. I started becoming more opened with other people and eventually got into the popular groups of people and to got myself into exclusive house parties. There I started to get along with a lot of people, get girls, get laid and have my name spread around. I was what the girls sometimes called me that 'one blonde pretty rich boy' to whichI wasn't. People were surprised about how much of a extrovert person i've become.

Sometimes I also used to be called a fuckboy and all at how many girls i've been with. I didn't realy it attention to it because i was proud of myself of achieving in being the person i've always wanted to be. A person everyone knew.

It was then when I met my ex. It had been a year since i've met Jean and Connie and got myself into the job. I met her at a surprise birthday party that everyone had made for a collegue of mine named Marco. I was having a coversation with some of the guys that worked with me and she had happened to bump into me and spill her champagne on my suit. She kept apologising and I kept telling her that it was okay.

Ever since then we became closer and closer. After a month of knowing each other we started dating. It was okay at the first half, but in the last four months of us being together she became more distant. It was then when I sensed that she was cheating on me on which I was correct. She slept with one of my collegues at work. Ever since then I haven't talked to him nor seen him because he had 'fired' himself so he wouldn't have to see me and feel instant regret. Which on my perspective was a pussy move.

I never got the chance properly call him out for it. But when he left I guess he got the message.

"Yo Arlert you good?" said Jean shaking my shoulder. I hummed and turned my head facing him. I was currently sitting on my bike with my helmet in my hands outside the café. Great. I dozed off again. "Yeah yeah i'm okay I just didn't really get any sleep today" I said as I got off my bike and kicked the stand so it leaned against it and hung my helmet on one of the handles.

𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚝 • 𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚝Where stories live. Discover now