Ocean Blues

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For better experience listen to slide by chase atlantic (slowed and revered) & Gesaffelstein and The Weeknd Lost in Fire (slowed )

Chapter Ten

Armin's POV
I sped up a little as I drove out the cafè parking lot with Y/N behind me. As soon as she wrapped her arms around me I flushed red behind the helmet and smiled. I was planning on bringing her over somewhere. I was sorta second guessing on it, either bringing her to a restaurant or back at mine until it hit me, the beach.

It was around a half an hour drive there. Usually it bore me while I drove there. But with Y/N behind me I felt less bored. I stopped at the red light and balanced us on my feet. She hugged me a little tighter and I placed my hands on her knees and patted them. I heard her giggle and I smiled.

Ten minutes later we stopped by a gas station for some snacks and beverages that we'll have at the beach. I parked at a parking space beside the station. I turned off the ignition. "Why'd we stop?" I heard her asking me. I took the helmet up and ruffled my hair with my hand and looked at her. She had already taken her helmet off and shook her head to move her hair away off of her face.

I was in awe by her beauty "Armin?" she asked. I blinked a few times and cleared my throat "I thought it be a good idea to get some snacks and a few drinks that we could eat there" I said helping her get off the bike after I get off of it and place the bike on its stand taking the keys off the ignition. I held my helmet and looked at her. She hugged her helmet and looked at me nodding "Yeah, that's a good idea" she said softly. I smiled at her.

I raised my hand towards hers and she smiled softly interlocking with mine and walked with me inside the gas station. "We should get some beer don't you think?" she asked. I looked at her and smiled "I'll be driving, but two for me won't be a big deal" she giggled and let go off of my hand. "I'll go get a few bottles and i'll meet you at the register?" I nodded softly "yeah, is there anything specific that you don't like?". She shook her "anything is fine"

We both smiled at each other and I winked at her as she made her way to the alcohol section. I walked over to the snack area and grabbed some snacks. I made my way over to the register. "Well if it isn't the Arlert" laughed Oluo.

"Sure is" i answered chuckling.

Oluo was a good friend Levi's. I remember I first met him when there was a huge chase that almost half the Scouts had to run after. The criminal ended up having Oluo on gun point. I ended up finding them and successfully capturing him without hurting Oluo.

"I see you're not alone tonight" he smiled and started checking out the goods I got. "Yeah i'm gonna take her to the beach for our date" "Really?!" he says surprised and I nodded. "Never in a breath did I think Armin is going to bring someone to his safe place" he chuckled.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes playfully and looked at Y/N who was holding her helmet with four bottles of beer inside. She looked at me and smiled softly placing them on the counter. "Oluo this is Y/N and Y/N this is Oluo" I introduced. She nodded at him and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Y/N" he said smiling and checking out the beers.

"You too Oluo" she said smiling and hugged her helmet again. "I guess you're new around this town huh?" he asked. "I'm not really actually, used to live here years ago and I came back so now i'm staying at my uncles Levi" she says and he froze.

"Hold on" he looked at her and she frowned, he looked back at me and I nodded. "No way you're Levi's niece?!" he said crossing his arms in shock. She giggled a little nervously "well not really but my mom is a good friend of his" "Aria isn't it ?" she widened her eyes. "Yes!" she giggled "Thats my moms name!" "oh my god!" they laughed together.

𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚞𝚒𝚝 • 𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚝Where stories live. Discover now