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Ivory's pov.

"You're a royal douche"I said as I shut the door on his face.

That fucker deserved it.

After all, he's an idiot for doing that.

Not that I didn't like it.

He's bloody hot, but his personality just ruins his whole image.

I snap out of my thoughts when someone knocks on my door.

Who the fuck could it be?

I get up from my bed and go open the door to reveal another slave.

"You need to go downstairs to have dinner with us. It's the last supper of the day." Said the slave.

"Okay" I simply said as he was leaving.

"Wait!" I yelled at him as he stopped in his tracks.

"Yes?" He answered, quite confused.

"May I have your name?" I asked him politely.

"The name is Niall, what's yours?"

"Mine is Ivory" I smiled at him.

"Ah, the cherished one" he said in his noticeable Irish accent.

I stared at him confused as he began walking away, out of my sight.

What does he mean by that?

I ponder about it, until I realized I had to go downstairs.

I make my way downstairs to dinner.

What did Niall mean by that?

I suddenly bumped into another human body on my way there.

As I regain my senses, I look up and see that it's only no other than, Zayn.

"Get the fuck out of my way" I said as I pushed him back.

I started walking away when I felt him grab my arm.

I turn to face him.

"Do you have something to say?" I asked him.

"Look Ivory, sorry about me snogging on you a few hours ago" he told me, looking straight at me with his hazel eyes.

"Let's forget about it, shall we go to dinner?" I asked, smirking at him.

"We shall" he said, returning the smirk.

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