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Zayn's pov.

Soon the dining room was filled with everyone, and still no Ivory.

Didn't I make myself clear?

Well I guess I didn't.

I excused my self from the table and went into the elevator, to the 2nd floor.

Ding. Blurted the elevator.

I made my self to the her bed room and knocked quite loudly, so she could hear.

I waited and still no answer.

I finally decided to enter without permission, after all, it was my mansion.

I found her sound asleep on her bed.

I made my way to her and tapped on her lightly, like if I could've break her.

She moved and flutter her eyes opened.

"Didn't I make my self clear? Come to the dinning room now!" I told her with authority.

"No" she said as she put a pillow on top of her head.

"Stop playing games." I said getting the patience out of me.

"Ugh, fine" she said as she got up and made her way out the door.

That's what I thought.


Ivory's pov.

I'm sick of Zayn.

He's so bossy and so idiotic.

I'm so tired of being a slave.

Why me? Why me? I thought to my self as I was picking at my food, not even bothering taking a bite of the delicious desert in front of me.

"Goodness gracious! Eat something sweetie!" Squeaked the Queen.

"I'm not hungry. May I be excused?" I asked her politely.

"Yes, of course you may." She said dismissing me.

Zayn eyed me, but I could care less.

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