Chapter 2

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         Since school was over I didn't have much work to do except get ready for the UA entrance exam. Since I know what we're gonna battle against and what's gonna happen I just need to train my body. But first things first, what's my quirk? I don't know what my quirk is, so I decide to ask my parents what their quirk was. They where watching tv so I decide that this was the perfect time to ask.
Y/N: "Dad, mom what are you're quirks?"
Dad: "I have the quirk void, I can put objects into a space. The space can't be seen and you can take things out whenever you want."
Y/N: "Does the space travel with you?"
Dad: "Yea, but your mom's quirk is almost like mine."
Y/N: "Really mom what's your quirk?
Mom: "I can create portals, but I'm only able to open portal for small things."
Y/N: "That's a convenient quirk, so which quirk did I get?"
Dad: "What do you mean which quirk did you get, you got a version of both."
I was surprised I had gotten both quirks mixed into one, I guess teleportation. If I want to go to UA I have to improve my quirk by overexerting myself. That's going to be a lot of work. I decide to play it off as if i already knew.
Y/N: "Haha... I already knew what my quirk was, I just want to know if it was powerful enough to pass the UA entrance exam."
Dad: "oooh... I'm not sure honey because your quirk doesn't improve your body in anyway, you might be a better as a rescue hero."
Y/N: "Rescue hero huh... maybe I'll do that."
I headed back to my room to try to see if I can use my quirk. I wanted to see how fast my quick worked. To be able to get into UA I have to be able to show them my quick.
          I tried using my quirk for the first time,  I was able to use the void part of my quirk. I guess this body remembers. I wasn't able to use portals very well. I was able to open a portal and make the pencil travel only 3 feet from the desk. I guess using portals is going to be the hardest task. I have some time before the UA entrance exam, I decide to practice using portal every day. It was draining and hard. I was later able to figure out how to use it. To use a portal I have to in vision a tunnel that leads to my destination. When I finally figured it out I wanted to see how far I was able to go, I was able to go as far as a mile radius away. It was a huge improvement, the only problem was that it took 5 seconds for an inanimate object to pass through the portal, it took 7 seconds for one of my body parts to pass through and 10 seconds for my whole body to pass. The time it took was kinda alarming because if I were to really fight I would be caught. The other problem is that when you open a portal a purple and black vortex appears so people will know where you will appear. Void on the other had was easier to control, I could put anything in there and I could pull what I put in, out whenever. I wanted to try a little experiment, I tried to put myself in void. I was scared that I was going to be stuck there and not be able to go out but... I want to be able to go to UA to see everyone. I tried it and it worked. Inside it was a black room but with light, it had all the things that I had used void with. It had my books and pencils, I wonder if I could make it into my second room. Like a rest spot where no one can go into. I was only able to stay in there for 30 minutes. When I was automatically kicked out. Another set back is if I over use my quirk to mush I get really dizzy.
          Throughout the whole break I was exercising in the evenings because I need to build muscle and stamina. I want to be able to defend myself. My dad suggested I take boxing classes after I asked about our quirks usefulness, I  think he felt bad but he didn't need to. I took  the classes and at first it was difficult to workout and box at the same time but I managed to move my exercises to the morning and boxing in the evening. It helped a lot. I wasn't that great at boxing but I was able to defend myself to a degree. Before our break was over dad suggested that we go camping because it had been a while. I wasn't really interested but I decided to anyways as a way to relax but my dad had other plans.
Dad: "I'm sorry Y/N, I know our quirk isn't strong and that it's going to be hard if you want to be a hero. Your going to have to work harder."
He looked worried but continued.
Dad: "I see how dedicated you are to being a hero, I was like that when I was young too, I had to look for skills that would allow me to be a hero..."
He look a bit sad as he talked.
Dad: "One of the most useful skills I think you could use if you don't have a powerful quirk are hand to hand combat and long range attack, like shooting... the skills take time to develop so you're going to have to be patient. I brought you here so we can practice shooting, you con use many weapons such as a bow and arrow, gun, a sling shot and many more. What do you think do you want to learn?"
Y/N: "...Yes... is that why you suggested I take boxing classes."
Dad: "I wanted you to start training if you want to be a hero."
He had decide the he was going to teach me how to aim and shoot. He wanted to teach me how to protect myself. My dad had thought me how to use a gun since a very young age but I wasn't very good. I know how to reload, clean and assembling a gun. Now I was going to learn how use different weapon and how to aim and shoot correctly.
           We started my lessons on how each weapon is used and how far they are able to go. Dad had brought many weapons with him so that he could teach me, he thought me how to focus, how to read my aim and how to stay calm in difficult situations. At first I was nervous but I had to focus if I wanted to be a hero and be in UA. I felt conflicted but I went through with it. I still sometimes hesitate. The skills he thought me weren't bad, they were really useful. He thought me survival skills I could use in case of emergencies. My dad was actually a great teacher with a lot of  patience even though my shots weren't that precise. For those 2 weeks I trained so hard on learning to hunt and exercising, that when we got home l slept for the rest of the day. There was now only one more week till the entrance exam. The whole week I practiced everything. But on the last day before the entrance exam I decide to relax and go get an ice cream from the mall. I went to the mall, I don't have friends so I went by myself. I don't really care about friends honestly, I like being by myself.
             I as I was walking around the mall I saw a fimilar boy. It was Bakugo, he was with his friends. I didn't really want to interact with him so I went the other way, but I heard something and I turned it was one of his friends.
Friend 1: "Y/N!"
I decide to ignore them I pretended I didn't hear them and walked faster and then I hear another voice.
Bakugo: "Damn extra are you ignoring us, we're talking to you!"
Damn I can't ignore them now, why is Bakugo so loud.
Y/N: "Sorry, I couldn't hear you."
Bakugo: "You better not be lying or I'll kill you!"
Y/N: "I have no reason to lie."
Bakugo: "Tsk, you better be ready to fail tomorrow. You are so weak you won't pass the exam with quirkless Deku! HAHAHA!"
I honestly don't care if he thinks I'm weak. I just want to annoy him like he annoys me.
Y/N: "Ok."
Bakugo: "... Yeah, you should prepare to lose."
After that I just walked away I don't want to deal with being yelled at for no reason.
         As I was walking back home, I stopped by the convenient store. I've been working on my quick, I've been putting in stuff like food, drinks, books, pencils, a small table and a sleeping bag. Just in case I ever want to go in to void and take a nap. I also can't forget about my self defense weapons, I put a bow and arrow, rubber bullets and brass knuckles. I know I'm not allowed to use them but I want to keep them just in case I will ever need them. I also put a slingshot and a knife in void. Whenever I put anything in void it all goes to the "floor" in void so I have to organize it. I had a small shelf there to organize the things I put in there.
         when I left the convenient store I saw Midoriya. He was making his way towards the beach, I knew what he was doing. I know Midoriya is probably nervous, I went up and talked to him.
Y/N: "Hey Midoriya, how are you?"
Midoriya: "oh... Hello Y/N. I'm good, how are you?"
Y/N: "Good... Are you ok you seem kinda worried."
Midoriya: "I am, I don't know if I'm able to pass the entrance exam."
Y/N: "Midoriya has always been a hard working person and I know you will pass, we'll both pass."
Midoriya smile, I guess he felt better on our way to the beach we talked about hero's and quirks. When I saw that we where close to the beach I decided to go home. Before I knew it was morning and I had to get ready.

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