Chapter 10

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Bakugo's POV

       I didn't take much notice of Y/N. Till (She/He/They) stood up for Deku. Y/N always seemed uninterested and indifferent to everything. It seemed like (She/He/They) only cared when we talked about hero's and Villains. On the last day of school Y/N acted different but same in a way. (She/He/They) still slept through all there classes and still manage to get good grades. But the look in Y/N eyes kinda changed. It was more... alive... (She/He/They) usually have dull eyes, like everything is boring.
      I kept running into Y/N. (She/He/They) didn't seem to like me but (She/He/They) needed my help. So I helped even if Y/N was ungrateful. Y/N would follow me like a lost puppy, (She/He/They) always tried to make it seem inconspicuous. Y/N became kinda annoying always behind me and never walking beside me and always giving a damn apology. Y/N would always sleep through class and never cared about it but (She/He/They) took an interest in Deku and Half-Half, Y/N would go talk to them. (She/He/They) was usually quite but when there  was no one unless people around Y/N would be talkative.
      During the entrance exam Y/N got lost so I helped, now (She/He/They) sticks to me like glue. If I don't keep my eyes on Y/N, (She/He/They) goes and does some crazy shit or gets lost. It's like Y/N has no damn sense of direction. I don't even know how (She/He/They) even passed the entrance exam. Y/N looks so weak, like (She/He/They) would never hurt a fly. I only knew Y/N passed when I saw (She/He/They) walk with me on the first day of school. Y/N then made it a routine to always walk to and from school with me. We lived close, I was surprised that (She/He/They) had such a lavish house but never talked about it. Actually Y/N never showed off or cared about money. I later found out Y/N's parents owed a hero custom company, they've designed customs for some famous hero's.
      The  practical exam I noticed Y/N wasn't trying and didn't seem to care. The only time (She/He/They) seemed interested was when Deku was doing any of the test. She suddenly was very interested in Deku, why? Y/N was always paying more attention to him than anyone else. (She/He/They) didn't even care when that useless Deku lied to us about having a quick. Y/N was ok with it like it was nothing. How was he able to get a quick just as we entered UA, this makes no sense. He should have be quirkless. I don't know, what changed? He should still be the weakling no one cares about.
         Me and Y/N ended up doing a group project with half-half which lead to me going to her house to finish the project. (Her/His/Their) mom was very kind, she kept insisting that me and Y/N would be a good couple and how much (She/He/They)'s changed due to me. Which is hard to believe cause (She/He/They) still the same. (She/He/They) doesn't act much differently, maybe (She/He/They) talks more. I think. As I explored there house I went into a room Y/N didn't want me to go into but I found a photo album. I looked through it, there where so many photos or Y/N with another girl which I assume is her sister because she looked like  Y/N. Y/N always looked happy in those photos but now she kinda doesn't smile like that. She looks happy, I've never seen her like this, this was new to me... (She/He/They) bursted through the door flustered and sweaty. Y/N's eyes where red as if  (She/He/They) was crying. Who made Y/N cry? Why was Y/N crying? Was it half-half? He's done! Y/N denied that (She/He/They) were crying but i could tell Y/N was lying but I let it slide cause  (She/He/They) looked tense.  Like (She/He/They) didn't want to talk about it, (She/He/They) seemed kind of anxious.
        Y/N's father and brother came, I got to meet them. The brother was really annoying! He was too overprotective of Y/N. He was trying to pick a fight with me but I decided not to fight back because Y/N would get mad. Why do I even care? I don't know anymore but it was disrespectful and I shouldn't do it. Y/N's family was nice and clam compared to mine but Y/N looked pleased to how I was getting along with them. (She/He/They) was smiling like a dumbass the whole time. It was a cute smile... Like how much I would smile at their mother. Why was she so happy? Y/N looks kinda... cut- what am I even thinking?! (She/He/They)'s just a weakling why am I thinking like this? I should probably head home it's getting late that's probably why. I had to go and Y/N led me out. Everything was fine  till Y/N pushed me to the ground, that fucking hurt. I was about to yell at (Her/Him/Them) when I saw (She/He/They) were panicking. Y/N was so worried for my safety even though (She/He/They) had fallen as well. It's like (She/He/They) cared about me more than (Her/His/There)  self. We both had actually fallen pretty hard. I don't know what goes on in Y/N's head. As I was leaving Y/N came back and I thought (She/He/They) was going to annoy me again but instead Y/N kissed me on the cheek and called me by my first name, not my sir name but my NAME! What the hell is Y/N on? I was shocked, I thought she didn't like me. I don't know how I felt about it, I didn't feel as bad as I thought it would feel. Why is (She/He/They) acting like this? I was flustered by Y/N's sudden affection.
Me: "Ugh! What's with Y/N."
I said to myself in my room. I touched the cheek Y/N kissed still feeling the heat from Y/N's lips. The way (She/He/They) said my name had a good ring to it. I sigh. What's going on with me. I stare at the ceiling till I feel sleepy.
        The next morning, I left my houses earlier than usual and I knew (She/He/They) won't be able to find there way so I waited in front of Y/N's house. I only waited for about 5 minute when Y/N came walking out of her house. (She/He/They) looked surprised but happy to see me. I don't get Y/N, no matter how mean I am to Y/N, they does stop following me around. (She/He/They) doesn't even care that I'm mean. We walked to school lol usual, we don't really talk. Y/N quietly listens to music. I do the same. When we go there (She/He/They) started walking slower, Y/N was walking behind me now. I was about to yell at Y/N but notice (She/He/They) were texting. I continue to walk ahead of Y/N till we got to the stairs. Shit, Y/N's going to fall, I'll wait till (She/He/They) notices. (She/He/They) didn't even notice but ran into me cause me to almost fall. Y/N's such an air head,(She/He/They) doesn't pay attention to their surroundings. We started to go up the stairs, we where almost at the top when someone pushed Y/N. I didn't notice fast enough. I tried grabbing onto Y/N hand had but I couldn't reach. I was about to jump when Shitty Hair caught Y/N. I let out a breath of relief. Wait... why did I care? (She/He/They) was/were just a nobody! I took me a minute to realize Y/N was in shitty hair's arms, in bridle style. Why the hell was he holding (Her/Him/Them) like that. Why hasn't he let go of Y/N. Shit, this is making me mad... wait why? Why should I care so much? I don't... know. I left feeling confused and frustrated at what I had just witnessed. I walk to class and take my seat. I saw as the door opened and shitty hairs helped Y/N walk to there seats. At least he wasn't carrying Y/N. (She/He/They) sat behind me, I didn't say anything. I couldn't face Y/N after leaving like that.
          The teacher walked in, he looked the same as always, tired. He told the class we had a few minutes to finish the project before we where going to present it. I have to focus, I can't get distracted. Y/N, Half-Half and me got into a circle and finished the last few finishing touches.
Y/N: "I don't really like presenting, I'm feeling nervous."
Half-Half: "Don't be. It won't be hard."
Me: "Being nervous is for losers!"
Y/N: "...haha..."
Y/N Stayed silent the rest of the time, listening to music and not saying much. Before we new it, it was time for groups to present and we were 2nd. I wasn't nervous, I was confident in our work. Who cares what people think. As we sat I noticed as Y/N's leg went up and down. (She/He/They) did it for a bit till the teacher announced group 1 to go. Group 1 was Kirishima, Denki and Mina. During the presentation I was concentrated till I felt someone tug at the hem in my shirt. I was about to slap the hand away till I turned around and saw it was Y/N. (Her/His/they're) hand was shaking.
Y/N: "Bakugo, I'm scared. I don't think I can present."
Me: "What? What are you scared of don't be a wuss."
We where whispering as to not make much noise. Y/N looked anxious and disappointed at what I had said. (She/He/They) looked discouraged. I wasn't very good at motivating people. So I just grabbed Y/N's hand. (She/He/They) looked me in the eyes. We made eye contact for a while till, not breaking it till Y/N tightened there grip on my hand.
Y/N: "Thank you!"
Y/N was smiling like a dumbass. (She/He/They ) are/was such an air head, Y/N seemed to have stopped shaking. Half and Half didn't seem to have noticed our interaction. I was getting nervous at how close Y/N was to me now. (She/He/They) was just a few inches away. I could feel Y/N's body heat. It was making my hands sweat. Shit... my hands.
I usually don't let people hold my hand because of my sweat, I fear that I could... harm them. I usually avoid any time of physical contact but with (She/He/They) slowly started to get me used to being so close, physically. Y/N doesn't even fear the fact that I could cause harm... Y/N never hesitates to be with me, which is why Y/N is an air head. Because Y/N's so careless I feel I need to be more aware of what I'm doing. I feel like I need to... protect Y/N.

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