Chapter 5

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Me and Bakugo actually lived pretty close to each other. When I saw Bakugo's house I was surprised as to how nice it was. My house wasn't small either, mostly due to the fact that my parents own a company, they create hero costumes. My hero custom is actually made by my parents company. I live 5 houses away from Bakugo. Which made sense as to why I kept seeing him when ever I left my house. On the way home we actually didn't talk much, Bakugo doesn't like to much noise, neither do I. Bakugo walked me to the front gate of my house.
Y/N: "Thank you so much for helping me get home. Do you want to come in?"
Bakugo: "STOP THANKING ME, why would I go inside your house when my house is right there."
He was pointing toward his house.
Y/N: "I was just asking, well then see you tomorrow."
Bakugo: "Tsk, yeah whatever."
He turn around and left but I waited till I saw him get home.
I entered the house and my parents where home, they usually work, if they where home that meant your brother would also be home. I love my brother but he's annoying, he's so overprotective of me it's crazy. I made my way to the living room and sure enough my brother was seated on the sofa looking out the window. He didn't say anything and was just stare at our front gate. I then realized he had seen me with Bakugo. I wasn't sure what to say, I didn't want to anger him.
Y/N: "B/N (Kai) how have you been? I haven't seen you in so long."
I walked to the sofa where he was sitting and sat close to him.
B/N (Kai): "... I've been good until just a while ago. Do you want to guess what interesting phenomenon I just saw."
Y/N: "... I don't know brother, was is something at work..."
B/N (Kai): "No. I just saw you walk home with a BOY, you don't have friends so... how? Is he your boyfriend?!"
Y/N: "NO, WHAT?! He was just helping me get home, you know I have a way of getting lost."
B/N (Kai): "...I think you like him. He must be... your  boyfriend, after what happened to you sister you refus-"
Y/N: "STOP!! Don't talk about her! I don't want to here it."
I ran to my room, I don't like it when he brings up sister. I'm just not ready to move on, I... miss her so much. I was laying in bed with my face buried into my pillows, thinking about my sister. In my original world someone had  killed her so I wonder what happened to her in this world. I heard foot steps getting closer, it's probably brother. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He didn't knock again cause he know I wasn't going to open in and he proceeded to walk in and sat at the end of my bed. He didn't say anything for a while.
B/N (Kai): "... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up sister. I know how you feel about the situation. I'm just surprised you want to became a hero after everything that happened... you hated heros. You said you would never be one... I just want you to be happy."
Y/N: "..."
B/N (Kai): "I also know how you feel... she was also my sister. We are all hurting but we are trying to move on... so should you. We are still looking for the villain... in hopes that he pays for what he's done."
I didn't say anything and kept my face buried in my pillows. When he had said the word villain something cause me to feel like my head was splitting in two but it was only for a second. I could see part of a memory but not all, it was blurry. I didn't know what was happening. Am I recovering the memories of this life?
             I stayed in my room all day and didn't leave not even for dinner. When morning came my brother and dad where gone so it was just me and my mom. I sat to eat breakfast. My mom kept staring at me.
Mom: "Did you and your brother have a fight? He didn't look to good this morning. You guys shouldn't fight, I don't like it."
Y/N: "... We didn't fight... I just got mad."
Mom: "You better apologize when he come home and don't fight you know how much I hate it."
I finished my breakfast and head toward the direction I think the school is at, when I see an ash blond hair boy. I go up to him and walk behind him till he turns and sees me.
Bakugo: "You really are a stalker huh? You are always following me. Tsk!"
Y/N: "It's cause I'm a huge fan of Katsuki Bakugo, and it's easier to follow you."
Bakugo: "YOU DAMN EXTRA USING ME AS A GPS! How dare you!"
Y/N: "I can't help it, without your help I would be lost right about now. Thanks for the help."
Bakugo: "Tsk. You idiot."
We walked to school not really talking, I'm not really a talkative person. I tend to just go with the flow and keep silent. But on the way to school we passed a small bakery, the smell of the bread was so nice, it was sweet.
Y/N: "Bakugo, do you mind if I go in for a bit, I just want to look."
Bakugo: "You always get so distracted you dumbass, just hurry."
Bakugo started to rummage through his pants and pulled out his wallet, he extended his hand offering it to me. It didn't feel right to accept it because I was the one who wanted pastries. I also have my own allowance, I can't accept it. I pushed his hand towards him. He looked bewildered.
Y/N: "Its not fair that I accept your money to buy something I want, that's selfish. If you want to buy me something then you should take me out to eat sometime instead."
Bakugo just stared at me in the eyes, he was confused most people would accept it.
Bakugo: "Tsk damn extra rejecting me, suit yourself I'm never buying you anything!"
I smiled and walked in. I saw a box of macaroons and a fruit tart. I didn't know whether to buy him something or not. It would look bad if I didn't give him any so I bought the macaroons for myself and a fruit tart. I put them in void and walked out I wasn't sure when to give it to him. We continued walking and I spotted a café.
Y/N: "Wait here! I'll be back quick I promise!"
I didn't give Bakugo time to reply and I ran to the café. Luckily there weren't that many people there and ordered 2 iced caramel macchiatos. This what I usually like, I hope he likes it. I put the drinks in void and ran back to Bakugo. He looked confused as to why I went to the café.
Bakugo: "Why did you go to a café if your not going to buy anything are you wasting our time we are going to be late, hurry or I'll leave you!"
He didn't give me time to reply, he was walking fast it was making my legs hurt. I couldn't handle it anymore, I known it's against the law but nothing was going to happen. I walked up to Bakugo and grabbed his hand, he just looked at my hand. He was about to slap my hand away when I teleported us to the front gate of the school.
Y/N: "But no one saw and nothing bad happened."
Bakugo: "Just cause no one saw doesn't mean it's okay" *sigh*
Y/N: "I apologize, you said you didn't want to be late so... I didn't want it to be my fault.
Bakugo: "What did I say about apologizing, Tsk you're so dumb... you never learn."
I looked down and realized that Bakugo was still holding my hand, he hadn't let go. I let go but he was still holding mine.
Y/N: "Ummm... Bakugo..."
Bakugo: "What!? Just spit it out!"
Y/N: "your still..."
I pointed towards my hand and he throw my hand. He looked mad but his cheeks where a little red, he was embarrassed. This caused me to be embarrassed as well. He stood there in awkward silence.
Y/N: "Actually I wanted to make time so we could enjoy this!"
I opened void and  pulled out the pastries and coffees. I held out my hand giving Bakugo his share.
Bakugo: "... Why did you buy me some, you should have just gotten something for yourself. I'll take it since you already bought it, I don't want it to go to waste."
Bakugo's cheeks got red again, he accept the food with out saying thank you but I knew he was alright with it.

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