Chapter 7

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      Bakugo and Todoroki couldn't decide where to meet up. I decided that it was probably for the best we meet up at my house. I've never had friends over, I was nervous. I need everything to be perfect. I need tell my mom to prepare everything.
I walked in to the living room.
Y/N: "Mom do you mind if I have some friends over?"
Mom: "What?! Friends?! Do you really have friends, I never thought you would bring any home after..."
Y/N: "...I know I haven't brought friend over for a long time, but these are different and I want everything to be perfect."
Mom: "If that what you want honey of course I'll help you."
Y/N: "Thanks!"
Mom: "lately you've been smiling and talking a lot more than you used too, what happened?"
Y/N: "...I dont know."
We had our study session at 6pm. I helped clean and organize the house. I just hope my brother and dad don't show up. They usually stay at the company for at least 2 to 3 days doing work. I cleaned the library where we were going to do the project. I didn't want to bring them into my room, there's nothing special about it.
It was 5:45pm when I headed the door bell, I rushed to open the door but my mom had already answered it. Bakugo and my mom where having a normal conversation, that kinda startled me. I walk up to them.
Bakugo: "Hello Mrs. L/N, it's nice to meet you, is Y/N here?"
Mom: "Oh my hello, come in!"
Bakugo walked in
Y/N: "Hey Bakugo, how come you're early?"
Bakugo: "what do you mean early, I got here on time! Arriving early is being on time and arriving at the exact time is being late."
Y/N: "Okay, sure."
I walked Bakugo into the living room. My mom was seated in the sofa, on my side. It was kinda awkward having a friend over. I didn't know what to do.
Y/N: "Would you like anything to eat or drink?"
Bakugo: "Water."
I went to go get the water but could faintly hear what they we're talking about.
I came back into the living room and Bakugo's face was bright red and he was pouting. My mom on the other hand had a smile on her face but it was a mischievous smile. I kinda want to know what they talked about.  I went and sat next to Bakugo which made him  scoot over. It didn't bother me maybe he wanted personal space. I think Bakugo felt uncomfortable with my mom monitoring us.  I got up.
Y/N: "Bakugo, do you want to get a tour of our house while we wait for Todoroki?"
Bakugo's tensed face softened a bit.
Bakugo: "Yeah, sure."
My mom only chuckled. We left the living room, Leaving my mom. I showed him around the kitchen, dining hall, library and game room. We where heading towards the library when he stoped.
Bakugo: "Hey!"
He grabs my arm. I looked up at him confused.
Y/N: "What's wrong?"
Bakugo: "You haven't showed me your room! Why?"
Y/N: "Well I don't think it's necessary, there's nothing interesting there."
Bakugo: "What do you mean? No, I want to see your room."
Y/N: "Why do you insist on seeing my room?"
Bakugo: "I want to see what you're hiding?"
Y/N: "I'm not hiding anything and it kinda messy so I don't think it's a good idea."
Bakugo: "I don't care, show me!"
Y/N: (sigh) "...ok."
I started walking him towards my room, my room is at the end of the hall And next to my room was my sisters room, it was on the left. We where almost at my room when he grabbed the handle to my sisters room. I quickly rushed and  blocks the door. My hands were gripping onto the frame of the door
Y/N: "...Haha. This isn't my room... my room is that one."
I was pointing to the next door ahead and I tried to act normal but I couldn't I was nervous which cause me to start sweating. I could feel Bakugo's stare, I was looking away I didn't want to look at him in the eyes.
Bakugo: "...Ok, but what's inside this room? I only wanna look..."
He was staring  at me with a confused and curious look, I didn't know what to do, I can't let him go in. I have to lie.
Y/N: "We actually can't go into this room, my mom doesn't allow it."
Bakugo was looking at my face to make sure I wasn't lying. I was nervous. Then I heard the door bell ring.
I was saved, this was perfect timing.
Y/N: "Come on Bakugo, Todoroki is here!"
I walked behind him making sure I closed the room. We go to the door way, where my mom was greeting him. He seemed awkward with meeting you mom.
Todoroki: "Hello ma'am, is Y/N here, we have a project to work on?"
Mom: "Oh, you must be a friend of Y/N, you're quite the cutie aren't you, she should be coming down. Oh, there she is."
Me and Bakugo went to greet Todoroki.
Bakugo: "Yo, half and half."
Y/N: "Welcome, Todoroki."
Todoroki: "Hello, am I late."
Y/N: "What no, you're just in time, it's just that Bakugo got here early."
Bakugo: "I wasn't early!"
I ignored his little comment I motioned then towed the library where we would be doing our work. Bakugo didn't look to pleased. I think he was still curious about what was in the room. We started to work on the project. We sat in a circle.
Y/N: "So, what quirks did you guys pick?"
I was eager to see what they would choose.
Bakugo: "Ha, you know mines going to be super strong!"
Todoroki: "I chose All Mights quirk, even though we don't know completely what it is."
Y/N: "Oh, that's a nice quirk, what about you Bakugo?"
Bakugo: "I think eraser heads quirk it a good one, being able to erase quirks. It would be convenient during a one on one battle. What about you Y/N?"
Y/N: "The ability to rewind time... it could be the best quirk to help in a dire situation!"
I was staring at the ceiling thinking. I was feeling melancholy. Bakugo and Todoroki were staring and I realized I was spacing out.
Y/N: "I think we should start our project, let's split the work load evenly so it fair."
We started to get to work, we where half way done with it.
Bakugo: "Yo dumbass, where's the bathroom?"
Y/N: "Oh, it's down the hall to the right."
Bakugo walked out and it was just Todoroki and me. This was the perfect chance to
become friends with him.
Y/N: "Todoroki what do you do for fun?"
Todoroki: "Fun? I guess I train."
Y/N: "How is that fun! That's tiring. Why don't we hangout one day and do something fun."
Todoroki: "Look I don't mean to be mean but I didn't join UA to have fun and make friends."
Y/N: "Haha, nice one. I don't want to make you uncomfortable so we can be friends out side of school and opponents in school. I just want you to know what having friends is like."
Todoroki: "Thank you but-"
I heard somethings fall, I got up and ran to my sisters room.

A/N: Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, I got busy working and school but I finally finished a chapter. I'm going to try to upload more often. Also this chapter is kinda short.

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