Chapter 12

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The wind was knocked out of me with the force of the ice. I was wheezing, gasping for air. I was shoot towards bakugo and slammed into him. My back hit his side, I landed on top of him. He had tooken the impact which probably hurt. I could feel his chest on my back. I was still gasping for air, struggling. He pushed me off him.
Bakugo: "What the hell is your problem! Can't you see I'm fight Deku!"
Y/N: *gasp I'm s-sorry *gasp
He was starring at me. He grabbed my face.
Bakugo: "Hey calm down. Take a deep breath."
He looked me in the eyes and didn't break eye contact. Was he concerned, he doesn't look like he cares. When I was finally able to breathe easier Bakugo continue to go fight with Deku leaving me and Todoroki to fight. I got up we were standing face-to-face, now I was gonna have to take this seriously. The problem is I fight close range, and Todoroki fights long range. This was going to be hard. I start running towards him and he attacks me
With ice, I dodged. I continued to run towards him. I have no choice but to use my quirk.  I opened a portal and punched through it and he managed to block my punch with the side of his arm. Shit... I guess using my quirk wasn't going to be useful. I have to think... how can I beat him. I can't just mindlessly charge at him. I got an idea, but I don't think I can defeat him... but there's a chance. I took off the hair tie that I had on my wrist and took a rock from the rubble Bakugo created. I have to distract him to be able to get a good shoot. I opened portal behind him. He quickly turned to where I opened it. He was waiting for me to punch through it like the first time but this time it was just a distraction. I pulled the hair tied back creating a slingshot placed the pebble. This was going to take so much precision and I don't want to hurt Todoroki so I'm going to have to be careful not to miss. The pressure point I'm aiming for is in between his shoulder and neck, the brachial point. I moved the portal and he moved with it being wary of it. When I found a good angle I shot him on his right side. He's only using his right side so his right arm will be immobilized. He was distracted and it hit him exactly where I wanted it to and his arm became limp. He looked surprised that he couldn't move it. I smirked, I had actually done it.
Y/N: "Haaa, I thought I would miss and now you can't use your power."
Todoroki: "Do you actually believe that"
He still had a blank face as he said that
Y/N: "Wha-"
Before I finished he started to freeze the floor with the stomp of his foot. Damn... I'm just going to teleport out of here. I'll go see where Uraraka is.
Y/N: "See you!"
I waved a him and opened a portal on the floor and jumped through it. I teleported to the room where the missile was and to my surprise I saw Uraraka lung towards it. I could technically stop her by opening a portal in front of her but don't want to change the future. I don't want things to be messed up or changed to much. Maybe... I shouldn't interact with the students... I don't know what to anymore. It took me a moment but I didn't do anything I just saw as the actions played out. With that I hear the alarm to signal that the game was over. Mydoria was carried out of the destroyed building and was to be taken to recovery girl while Todoroki seemed to have regained movement of his arm and Uraraka was happy to have won. Of course Bakugo was complaining.
       After the game Bakugo looked kind angry and disappointed. He wasn't interacting with the students at all. All might announced who was the MVP and it was Iida. He was technically the only one to follow the rules. I was honestly surprised at the adrenaline rush that I had got for that game. All might and I made eye contact as he announced the next group. I think he knew, I didn't try to stop Uraraka. I saw Bakugo walk out. I didn't want to bother him, plus he needed space so I walked the to the other way and went out for fresh air. I was walking mindlessly thinking about all the things that could've gone wrong if I actually made us win. Maybe it's for the best that I don't involve myself to much with the characters.
Y/N: *sigh "I don't know what to do anymore..."
I looked up to the sky. Then I heard some one.
Todoroki: "I don't accept that win. You could've easily won but didn't. Why?"
I turned and looked at him and looked away. I had an expressionless face.
Y/N: "Why? I don't know... I just don't feel like trying. Im not as motived as the rest of the student, I can't pretend to actually want to win. I only tried at the beginning because I promised Bakugo. I don't know what do anymore..."
Damn I started ranting. I continued walking not waiting for him to respond.
Todoroki: "This is why I don't like you, you never try. You act like you car but you don't. Why are you even in the hero program if you aren't interested in being a hero?"
I glared at him, what did he know. I quickly turned so he wouldn't notice and continued with my walk. I didn't know where I was walking but I walked. Before I new it I was lost. Then I spotted a blonde young man and instantly knew who that was, Bakugo. I followed him as was about to call out to him when he stated to yell. I turned and it was Mydoria. I didn't want to interrupt so I hid and waited. Maybe I should leave him alone today. He looked upset. I took my phone out and called my mom.
Y/N: "Can you come get me today mom?"
Mom: "of course honey, what happened? You're not walking with Bakugo? Are you guys fighting?"
Y/N: "Don't worry mom everything's fine, it's just he's busy."
I walked to the front of the gate and saw Bakugo was leaning against the wall. He still looked upset. I didn't know what to say.
Bakugo: "Let's go dumbass!"
I have to tell him I can't today.
Y/N: "Wait, I called my mom to pick me up today"
Bakugo: "Haaa, why?! Do you think I can't protect you because I couldn't win against Deku?!"
He started to walk away, I grabbed his sleeve.
Y/N: "What? No, I just thought that... you'd be mad at me because we didn't win. I. Sorry..."
Bakugo turned. He looked me in the eyes with intensity.
Bakugo: "Did you try?"
Y/N: "...yes."
I lied I couldn't tell him I didn't try at the end so it wasn't really a lie... right? It's a white lie so it won't really matter.
Bakugo: "Let's go then."
I started to walk side by side with but it made me feel guilty. He thinks of me as his equal, I could've won but didn't... I feel like I betrayed him.
It was a quite walk but it was calming. Then I remembered I left my math book and needed to go back.
Y/N"Ummm... Bakugo... I forgot my book, I need to go back."
Bakugo: "Dumbass, let's go then."
Y/N: "No! It's fine just wait here, I'll go quickly."
Bakugo: "Fine but hurry!"
I walked down an ally that was deserted and opened a portal to the classroom. No one was inside so I grabbed my book and was about to open a portal when All Might walked in. We made eye contact.
Y/N: "Good bye."
I said politely.
All Might: "Young Y/N! I actually want to ask you something."
Y/N: "Yes sir."
I was cerios as to what he wanted to know.
All Might: "You have a very unique and powerful quirk. So I want to know why you didn't try in today's battle."
My eyes widened. I stayed silent for a second. Then scowled at him.
Y/N: "I'm trying to be polite but it's none of your business so let's drop this topic."
Why was he so interested in knowing. He looked shocked but that didn't matter I needed to leave. I opened a portal on the wall and left. The problem was that I didn't know Mydoria over heard us. He was behind the door which was slightly opened.

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