Chapter 11

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     For some reason Bakugo was actually being considerate towards me. He's never the one that makes physical contact, it's usually me. He held me hand before we presented. He didn't really say anything but it felt warm and nice. I liked it, it helped me calm down. We where next and Bakugo let go of my hand. I tried reaching for his hand again but stopped... he probably didn't like it. He's not a very touchy person.
Our trio got up me and Bakugo held the poster while Todoroki was speaking. I was nervous, I was messing with the poster till Bakugo bumped me with his shoulder. I looked up at him. He was glared at me, he wanted me to stop. I smiled he always looked like an angry dog when he frowns. It was funny. I couldn't help but giggle a bit, which made Todoroki turn his attention towards me. I felt embarrassed, I was a blushing mess. We luckily finish the presentation without fail. The rest of the class people continue to present, till it was time to leave. Me and Bakugo had packed our things and decided to leave. Bakugo finished first and started to walk out. Ugh... I'm always left behind. I hurrry and run after him. As I was out the door I noticed he was leaning against wall on his phone. He actually waited for me... Does that mean he considers me his friend? He's been acting more considerate towards me. He's actually kind of nice. I walk up to him.
Y/N: "Bakugo! You waited for me! Does that me you're my frie-
Bakugo: "Shut up, loser! Why would I wait for you? I was just distracted by my phone."
I chucked. He always acts like he hates me but still waits to walk me home. He always acts uninterested. We continued the same route as always. No matter how many times I go the same route I never seem to memorize it. It was as peaceful as always on our way home. The rest of the day I trained, trying to keep my skills and hone them.
The next day me and Bakugo arrived at school we were told to put on our hero costumes because we had hero training. Everyone was super excited to wear the their hero costumes, I didn't really care but as long as everyone is happy. My hero costume was made to be comfortable and breathable. It's easy to move in. I liked it. It was my F/Cs. As I was walking out I heard people complement each other. Most of the girls costumes were skin tight, The boys costumes were very open. We all walked into the court yard, everyone started to comment on each others customs. I saw Midoriya he seemed kind of nervous but excited at the same time. And his costume is so adorable, I went up to Midoryia.
Y/N: "Ooo, you custom looks good!"
Midoryia: "T-Thanks, you also look very good in your cus- I mean your custom is also cool."
He was all red, he looked kinda cute like a rabbit, I giggled. I turned and saw Bakugo, he looked better in person with the custom on. His costume emphasize his good build even more. I noticed Bakugo  had a very nice physique even through the school uniform. His hero costume was tight on his body which emphasize his chest. All Might interrupted my thoughts when he announced himself.
All Might: "Let's see what you're made of you embryos. It's time for the trail of battles!!!"
He explained that we would battle each other but there would be 2 groups of 3, one group would be the villain and the other would be the hero group. The villains would guard the missile and the hero's have to take the missile.  Uraraka, Midoriya and Todoroki where a group while me, Bakugo and lida where a group. We where the first groups to against each other. I was so nervous. They are so strong, ugh. This is going to be tiring.
I was part of the villain group and Mydoria, Todoroki and Uraraka are part of the hero group. I hate team work, some people can't cooperate. We where standing next to the missile when the start alarm when off.
Bakugo: "You losers stay here I'm going to fight Deku!"
Y/N: *sigh* "Wait don't just rush off that rash and we need a plan..."
I was rubbing my temples trying to find a solution maybe we can win. But... is it right to win... maybe we should just lose.
Iida: "Bakugo! Y/N is right!"
Honestly speaking Bakugo is actually a good villain because of his personality. But he's would be amazing hero. He has the ability to help people. You could honestly become the number one hero with his quirk. Honestly I'm kinda annoyed we have to fight I don't really like fighting but this is a good chance to check my quirk out so why not.
Y/N: "Iida you guard the missile! Bakugo let's go."
Iida was trying to stop us but honesty we kinda need to fight, with Todoroki in the group he'll try to freeze everyone and everything. We need to move. As we where about to leave the floor started to freeze over, I didn't have time to think. I opened a portal and creating a wall to reflect the ice back to the first floor. Thus allowing us not to freeze. The only problem is I started to get dizzy with such a big portal. Shit... I have to use it in moderation.
Iida: "Nice thinking Y/N, we would have been frozen."
Bakugo: "Tsk"
Y/N: "Come on let's go!"
We rushed down the stairs. I don't want to teleport again it's bad for me, it uses too much energy and I get fatigued. I don't want to pass out in the middle of a fight.
Bakugo: "Why don't we just teleport down there and surprise them! We can use the element of surprise."
I was honestly getting irritated, had he not noticed that I can't handle opening a portal too many times. It wasn't a bad plan but it still wouldn't have worked it takes too long for humans to pass through a portal.
Y/N: "We can't, it takes to long and I will be immobilized if I do."
Bakugo: "You're weak!"
He had an irritated look on his face. Did he just... he has the audacity to call me weak when he hasn't done anything himself. He's just rushing in and not thinking things through. But I'm the weak one. I was going to try but... don't weak people lose then. I didn't reply.
        We got tot the first floor and he rushed over to Midoriya to attack him. I was behind him and then there was a loud sound of an explosion. He had attacked Midoriya. They continue to fight and talk at the same time. I couldn't interfere. I don't particularly want to fight or win but the thought of being able to win kinda sounded nice. My adrenaline started to make me excited. I need to clam down, I can't do anything irrational. I'm assuming my opponent is Todoroki. This going to be tough. He's not a person to go easy on someone.
Y/N: "Well... do we fight? Or maybe we can talk it out?"
Todoroki: "No, I intend to win."
Y/N: *sigh
At least he was always blunt and said what was in his mind. This is going to be tiring. I don't really have fighting experience with quirks only hand to hand combat. I don't really like fighting, I'm scared I'll hurt my opponent. I didn't know whether to attack first of let him attack. He stood there for a minute till he decide he was going to attack first. He tried to freeze the ground again to immobilize me, but I'm not that easy to catch. I opened a portal for my feet right behind him. He didn't notice my feet where gone until the mist was gone but by then it was too late, I had already kicked him on the leg. He fell on one knee. He looked up at me with surprise but then glared at me. It sent a shiver down my spine but it made me smirk. I was actually enjoying this fight. It only just begun so I can't get cocky. I had totally forgotten about Bakugo and his fight and about Uraraka. Todoroki got up and looked at me and ice spikes came towards me at a fast speed, this was going to be hard to block. I can't teleport, I've used it quite a bit and I'm going to get dizzy. The only thing left was to run. I barely managed to dodge, I was almost hit by the ice. I looked to my side and saw Bakugo fighting Midoriya, he wasn't holding back, he was takings him serious. I got distracted and that was enough for Todoroki to hit me with the ice and sending me flying. I thought I was about to hit against the wall but instead and hit something different. I hit Bakugo. I fell on top of him...

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