Chapter 9

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The table was set nicely with nice table ware. My mom doesn't usually use nice table ware unless we have a guest. The food was already set on the table for us to eat. Me and Bakugo sat together with my brother across from us, with my parents on the sides. We were all quite not sure what to talk about. My mom broke the silence.
Mom: "Do you guys like school?"
Bakugo: "If I want to be the number one hero I have to go to UA."
Bakugo wasn't screaming nor yelling, he was talking normally.
Y/N: "I think it's a good school to help hone my skills but I do get lost a lot..."
My family turned there faces and looked at me with worry.
B/N (Kai): "This is why I told you to carry a map on your phone! Also I heard you haven't been taking a ride to school, why?"
Y/N: "I know. I do. And I've been getting help and I'm learning how to get to my destination without help."
Brother (Kai): "Who? We need to know them just to make sure."
Y/N: "Ummm... It's actually... Bakugo."
My brother got up a bit with force shaking the table. He was leaning his hands on the table.
B/N (Kai): "What you mean this brat!?"
My brother was pointing at Bakugo causing Bakugo to glare and snarl at him.
Bakugo: "Listen here! I've been helping her just fine so back off!"
Mom: "B/N (Kai) what are you doing? You should apologize, he is our guest!"
Dad: "Honey calm down, he just wanted to see if he actually wanted to help her. And it seems that he's a good friend to Y/N."
Bakugo: "Huh! So you were testing me, me and Y/N aren't friends!"
Y/N: "What? Stop lying, we're friends."
Mom: "I'm sorry Bakugo, I wanted to have a nice calm dinner but it turned out like this."
Bakugo: "It's fine ma'am."
The rest of the dinner Bakugo and my family talked and argued but it was fun none the less. I enjoyed it. It didn't feel awkward or forced.
When dinner was over Bakugo decided it was late and he need to go sleep. He slept really early. I walked Bakugo to the front gate of my house.
Y/N: "It was fun having you over!"
I was happy.
Bakugo: "Whatever, dumbass."
He was looking to the side but he didn't disagree.
Y/N: "I hope you can come over another time, my family likes you."
Bakugo: "I mean who wouldn't, I'm strong!"
I chucked, he was always so confident, it was cute.
Y/ N: "I guess good night... see ya in the morning?"
Bakugo: "Whatever, you stalker."
Bakugo started to walk away, I wanted to make sure he got home but I felt the need to do something spontaneous. I ran up to Bakugo who was walking. I stumbled causing me to bumped into him causing us to fall. I fell next to Bakugo.
Y/N: "Oh my god! Are you ok! I didn't hurt you? Right?"
Bakugo: "What the fuck! I'm fine calm down!"
I sighed from relief. I just wanted to thank him for coming over.
Bakugo: "Why did you do that?!"
Y/N: "I'm sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen... I just wanted to thank you."
I heard Bakugo tsk. I hung my head.
Bakugo: "Oi!"
I looked up and Bakugo was offering me a hand up. I took it. He helped me up. We where face to face starring at each other. We stayed like for a moment until I broke the silence with a sneeze.
Bakugo: "Here, it's getting cold, go home."
Bakugo wrapped his sweater around my shoulders. I blushed. It smelt like him, it smelled sweet and it was warm. I wanted to thank him but he started to walk again so I did something even more outrageous. I ran up next to him, got on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on his cheek
Y/N: "Thank you, Katsuki."
I whispered to him. He looked at me not saying anything, until he realized what had happened and looked surprised. He looked away.
I smiled at him and ran back to the front gates waiting to make sure he got home safely.
     I walked inside and everyone was in the living room. This doesn't usually happen.
Y/N: "What's going on?"
Mom: "Nothing we just want to talk with you."
Y/N: "Did I do something?"
Mom: "No. we just wanted to talk so sit down."
I sat down next to my brother, he smiled at me to reassure me.
Dad: "we want to talk about your new friend, he seems like a nice friend."
My dad was smiling.
Dad: "I'm happy you're being more open to having friends again, you were very depressed a couple months ago, this is a good change."
Mom: "we knew you hated hero's so we didn't expect you to go to UA but I think that was a positive change. I know we said it would be best for you to be a rescue, we said that cause we didn't want you to get hurt or suffer."
Brother: "We also know how hard you've been working to get to where you are. We saw you come home exhausted and tired but continued to push through. We are proud of you!"
I was starting to tear up, they actually care, I felt so disconnected from them since my sister died.
Mom: "I'm happy you've moved on. It wasn't health to keep blaming yourself for everything. I think it's for the best."
Y/N: "I haven't moved on, I just accept that she's not here anymore and that no matter how much hate I have, she won't come back. I also know she doesn't like it when I'm sad so I'm trying but sometimes it's hard. I can't just move on. It takes time, healing a deep wound is hard and mentally draining. I still love her."
I still blame myself though, that won't go away so easily. I felt guilty. My family smiled, the seem content with how much I've changed. Most of it is due to Bakugo and the rest of the class. I want to change. It was late so everyone went to bed saying good night.
       The next morning I saw Bakugo standing in front of the gate of my house. He didn't seem to notice me until I was about to scare him.
Bakugo: "You won't be able to scare me like that dumbass." He sighed
I giggled I guess he could sense me.
Y/N: "Thanks for waiting for me."
Bakugo: "Whatever, I wasn't even waiting, I was walking by."
Y/N: "Sure whatever."
I rolled my eyes, he never wants to admit he's being nice. I walked beside him. Nothing seemed off even after the kiss I gave him, I guess it wasn't a big deal so I let it go. We were both listening to music so we walked in silence most of the time. This is how it usually is and I don't mind it. As we where getting to the entrance I got a text from Todoroki. I was walking slower and behind Bakugo. I read the text.
Todoroki 🔥❄️
Todoroki: Hello. I think today is a good day to finish the project. You didn't forget it did you?
Y/N: Don't worry 😉 I got it!
Todoroki: Ok
I was replying to Todoroki when I slammed into something hard and it hurt but it smelled nice. I looked up and it was Bakugo's back. He stopped right before the stairs. He didn't want me to fall, he stopped to make me pay attention. Even though he acts mean he actually cares.
Bakugo: "Watch our dumbass your going to make me fall."
Y/N: "Thank you for getting my attention and sorry."
Bakugo: "Huh? What are you talking about I don't care if you fall or not."
Y/N: "Ok sure."
I was giggling. We were almost at the top when someone pushed me as they were going down. I started to fall. I was going to use my quirk but Bakugo doesn't like it when we use it out of training and I don't think I can use it in time anyways. My only option was to fall and hope I don't get too hurt. I was about to hit the ground when something caught me. I had my eyes closed due to the fact I was about make impact. I was relieved to see kirishima had caught me.
Kirishima: "Woah there, be more careful. You're lucky I caught you."
He had caught me princess style and was still holding me. I sighed of relief.
Y/N: "Thank you so much, I could have been seriously hurt. I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there."
His arms weren't losing there grip and he didn't seem tired, he seemed calm and was breathing normally.
Kirishima: "Do you think you can stand?"
Y/N: "I don't know, maybe not because I feel like my legs gave out."
He chucked. His teeth reminded me of shark teeth, they were cool.
Kirishima: "I guess it can't be helped."
I looked up the stairs to see Bakugo glare at us not saying anything and walking away. He didn't seem to care that I almost fell, we were... friends. Kirishima carried me up all the stairs making sure I was okay.
Y/N: "Thank you once again."
I bowed to him.
Kirishima: "Dont worry about it, it's manly to help people in need."
I laughed and we walked together to class talking till the bell.

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