Chapter 13

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          As I was walking back to Bakugo I thought of how stressful today had been. A lot has happened from the fight between Bakugo and Mydoria to all that happened between All Might and me. I did kinda feel bad about the way I responded to All Might. But also hope he doesn't pay attention and ignores me . I need to blend in more. Bakugo was still where I left him. He honestly waited for me. He kinda reminded me of a dog. I giggled to myself.
Y/N: "I'm back sorry for the wait."
Bakugo: "Took you long enough!"
He looked frustrated. We continue our walk and I could feel the tension. Bakugo was clearly upset and couldn't calm down. He was frowning his brows.
Y/N: "Hey, what wrong you keep scowling and you're making the people around you uncomfortable. Look!"
I said pointing to the people who looked scared as he walked by. The people on the side walk where moving aside, they looked intimidated by Bakugo. Bakugo looked very pissed, I wouldn't dare say anything because he would get even more angry. As we're walking I started to think of ideas that would make Bakugo feel better. I couldn't think of anything on the spot... wait. Maybe I did have an idea. But I don't know if it would work. I'll have to try
Y/N: "Bakugo, follow me I want to take you somewhere!"
I said practically yanking him with excitement. Because it's something I haven't done in a long time. I thought he would like it.
Bakugo: "Oi! Don't yank on me! dumbass."
Y/N: "Wait, let me take my phone out. I need to see where we're going."
He said looking at me straight faced but not angry.
Bakugo: "Ughhh, why are you so useless with directions? Just tell me where you want to go and I'll take you."
Y/N: "Can we go to the beach."
       I said with puppy dog eyes. I wanted him to say yes. He looked at me then looked away. As he started to walk he grabbed my hand so naturally as if he was used to it. I stared at my hand as he lead and I couldn't help but feel my stomach get weird. Not just that but my face started to feel hot. I was blushing. I didn't want Bakugo to see me like this. I looked up and saw his figure, he looked so masculine. Was he always this manly? Ugh, what am I thinking, I need to stop... I need to focus on making him feel better. Why did I care so much?
        We got to the beach and it was so beautiful. The water looked like it was shining because of how the sun reflected on the water. The sun was hot but not over bearing and being near the water it smelled like the ocean. The air was nice and cool due to the water. I couldn't help but admire it. I looked at Bakugo and he looked different than usual, he had a calmer expression. Throughout all of this he was still holding my hand and didn't let go. Usually Bakugo doesn't like it when you grab his hand, but lately he been softer. We where in silence. I decide to speak.
Y/N: "This is perfect. Now ready for what's next?"
Bakugo: "What now."
He said with a growl.
Y/N: "We're going to have a friendly match, of course no quirks just fist. If you're up for it that is?"
I said with a bit of attitude. I was also smirking which would usually made Bakugo mad. He looked at me for a second and smirked as well.
Bakugo:"Bring it on, Y/N!"
He looked excited to release some anger, but... he called me by my name, not dumbass but my actual name. This made happy. I smiled at him, but a genuine smile. He stared at me. We made eye contact for a few seconds with out braking it and neither of us looked away. Looking into each others eyes felt weird but it felt like it was just me and him on the beach. I looked away feeling a little confused.
Y/N: "Okay! Lets begin!"
I said as I took off my jacket and Bakugo did the same. I got into my position. This is probably not a good idea because we could get seriously hurt but I doubt he will try to beat the shit out of me. He got into position. boxing is just arms and we have to wear gear but this is just a normal street fight so no gear and we can fight however we want. This is going to be interesting.        
Who was going to make the first move? We stood there for a minute and I decide to go first, I lunged at him in the hopes of tackling him. This was honestly a bad idea because he grabbed my arm and through me on the ground. It hurt like hell. but I wasn't about to give up so I got back up and threw a right hook which he blocked but as soon as he blocked it and smiled at me with a smirk, I made the choice of doing a fast kick to his side which he didn't see coming. I hit him on his side and he grunted in pain. I kinda hesitated as I went for another punch as he managed to punch me on the stomach causing me to cough in pain. he wasn't going easy so neither am I. I keep throwing punches and kicks some landed, other where blocked and I was also hit. I had fun though. it was thrilling to be able to fight someone on a one to one fight. Bakugo was also having fun he had his evil smirk on the whole time. We went at it for a while. Before we knew it, we were exhausted. I was also in pain in some areas.
Y/N: "Bakugo let's stop I'm so tired, I can't even punch properly anymore." 
Bakugo: " I guess you're right, I'm also getting tired."
We sat on the beach huffing because we where both out of breath and in need to rest. I look over to Bakugo to he was sweating a lot, his hair was damp and his shirt had become see through with all the sweat. My eyes couldn't help but start to look down and I saw his pecs and abs. the shape was so nice and they where nicely defined. Bakugo saw where I was looking and blushed. His face was red.
Bakugo: "Where do you think you're looking? You pervert!"
He crossed his arms over himself in an attempt to cover up which didn't help, you could still see the rest of him. I giggle a little at how he was acting. It was funny. Then I had a though... Wait... I looked down at my shirt and just as I had expected, may shirt was also see through. I turned pale and then blushed Bakugo looked over at what I was looking at, he saw and he blushed even harder as he grabbed his jacket. He threw it over to me, it landed on my chest.
Bakugo: "Cover up! People don't want to see that!"
His Statement only made me feel more embarrassed. but I took his  jacket and put it on even thought I had mine. It was a bit big on me. It looked like a dress on me and the sleeve hung loosely. Bakugo looked at me and looked away but his face was still flushed. We both walked back home and he was the same as always. We got to my front gate and I took off the jacket to give to him. 
Bakugo: "Keep it . Give it to me another day."
Y/N: "But we're already here just take it."
Bakugo: "No, just give it to me another day. do you understand dumbass."
Y/N: "Ughh, ok stop being stubborn."
We said our goodbyes and I waited for him to get home before walking in only to be punished by my family.

A/N: I'm so sorry guys, I know I haven't posted in long a time. A lot of stuff has been happening but now I want to start up loading more often. They chapters might not be as long but I'll try. Thank you guys so much for the support.

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