Chapter 3

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      I got ready to leave, I wasn't really feeling nervous. I guess it hasn't hit me yet. If your late to the entrance exam you aren't able to participate, I hurried my way to UA. As I was at the front gate that's when the anxiety hit me. I started to walk in slowly, I happened to see Midoriya. I decided that talking to him might make me less nervous.
Y/N: "Midoriya! Are you ready? Ugh, I'm so nervous."
Midoriya: "I-I'm F-Fine."
Y/N: "you don't look to good, I guess your nervous too."
Midoriya: "Your nervous? You always act indifferent to everything, this must be a big deal then. Omg, what should I do?"
Midoriya started to look more anxious, I guess I didn't help. I need to calm him down.
Y/N: "Don't worry we're going to pass."
Midoriya didn't say anything but just smiled. I told Midoriya that I didn't feel too well and headed towards the bathroom but when I turned around Midoriya was falling I was about to open a portal when a girl with brown hair helped him up. I knew who this girl was, it was Uraraka. I didn't feel sick anymore and headed towards the auditorium. I was seated between Midoriya and Bakugo. I honestly didn't want to sit there but what can I do. As Magic Mic was talking I could hear Midoriya mutter to himself, I thought it was kinda funny in a way. Bakugo on the other had got more irritated.
Y/N: "Does it bother you? I could tell him to stop."
Bakugo: "No I'll tell him! Deku shut up, I can't pay attention with all your muttering!"
Midoriya: "I-I'm sorry ka-chan"
Y/N: "Shut up Bakugo other people are also trying to pay attention."
Bakugo sat down and didn't say anything but he looked mad. He was growling.
       We headed towards the training grounds, where they were going to test our abilities. I was scared, I didn't know if my quirk could help me but I had to try. I was going to go for all the robots with the least points because everyone would be going after the most points robot. I was worried but I knew my dad had thought me well. I need to concentrate and remember what dad thought me to stay calm no matter what. The gates opened and everyone head toward the robots worth the most. I couldn't beat them so easily so I took out my slingshot and teleported to the top of buildings. I observed the robots, I saw there gears and how they moved. I found there weak spot, aimed and shot. The robot exploded I continued with the same tactic, if not I would open a portal in front  of me and one behind the head of the robot. The robot would try to shot or hit me and the attack would appear in the other portal, inevitably killing it's self. till I saw the 0 point monsters and head toward where they needed help. When I got there I saw Midoriya punching the robot. I saw him free fall I panicked and opened a portal in the air and one on the ground. When he passed through the portal he would land on the ground. Midoriya landed safely on the ground with his limbs broken. When I realized that he had helped Uraraka I realized I shouldn't have interfered. The exam ended and I had about 35 villain points and 30 rescue points. I was worried for Midoriya but I saw recovery girl come and help him. I felt reassured and went home.
I was actually quite excited during the entrance exam, I liked the thrill. The adrenaline rush was quite exciting. I'm not sure if I'll be accepted because I didn't really use my quirk. I continued to train, I'm not sure if I'm accepted but I hope I am. Days later the letter came I was scared, what if I'd fail. I had no expectations because I'm not particularly skilled and my quirk isn't that strong. My parents where so excited when they received the letter. I want to make them proud. I opened the letter in my room, it was All Might telling me that... I had been accepted.
I was so excited and happy, I went to tell my parents. I couldn't wait. The only thing left was to submit my hero costume. I didn't know what to choose but it had to look edgy but it had to be comfortable.
Of course I got lost on my way to UA, ugh and it's the first day. I tend to get lost, I have no sense of direction. I only manage to get to UA the first time because my parents dropped me off and picked me up. The only thing I could us was the GPS on my phone. I'm always so embarrassed that I have to use my phone to get anywhere. On my way I saw a familiar back. It was Bakugo. Damn, why do I keep meeting him, I want to meet other characters. I was walking behind him. I tried to match his pace, instead of using the GPS, I was going to follow Bakugo. He turns around and grabs my arm and slams me against the wall. The wall was hard and cold, My hand above my head. It hurt, I only cringed not making a sound. He led my hand tightly.
Bakugo: "Why the hell are you following?"
He looked at my face confused and trying to process what was happening, with an angry expression.
Bakugo: "Y/N! Why where you so following me like a stalker, do you have a death wish!"
He let go of my hand which now had turned red. I rubbed them to ease the pain. I guess it's my fault for being weird about following.
Y/N: "I didn't mean to surprise you. It's just that..."
Bakugo: "What is it, spill it out!"
Y/N: "I just... got lost, I've got a bad sense of direction! This is so embarrassing..."
I lowered my head in embarrassment.
Bakugo: "Haha... I guess you've always been like that. For a moment I thought you were a reporter, they've been after me after.... the incident. I would've killed you if you were a reporter."
I looked up and saw Bakugo laugh, I didn't know what to think. He usually has a scold but he looked better with a smile. I kinda wanted to see him smile again. His smile reminded me of a spring gust of wind, fleshing and new.
Y/N: "Oh! Yeah, I head about it are you ok? Like are you hurt?"
Bakugo look a little annoyed.
Bakugo: "I don't need your pity, die!"
Y/N: "it's not pity, it's more like concern."
Bakugo didn't say anything, he turned around and started to walk. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable so I wanted to wait then I'll continue walking. But then Bakugo stopped.
Bakugo: "What the hell are you doing just standing there, idiot."
I was shocked he wanted me to follow him, I thought he hated everything and everyone. My opinion of Bakugo started to change a bit maybe he wasn't that much of a jerk.
Y/N: "Ok!"
I followed a few steps behind him, trying not to walk to close. We finally made it to the entrance.
I didn't know whether to follow Bakugo of go my own way, I saw that everyone was going to a board where they had put the classes. I headed there and saw I was in class 1A, I was thrilled. I headed to class but I got lost. I didn't know where I was, I was too embarrassed to ask anyone so I kept walking even though I didn't know where I was going. I was looking around when someone grabbed my hand and started to pull from behind me. I didn't have time to react and stated to fall. I saw that it was Bakugo and he pulled towards his chest so that I wouldn't hit the ground. My face landed on his chest, he looked unfazed by the fact that I landed on him. His chest was surprisingly soft and squishy. It was honestly comfortable. I didn't know he was this muscular. I quickly got up, I was ashamed he had seem how dumb I looked.
Bakugo: "Do you even know where you are dumbass?"
Y/N: "... No. I tried to do it myself but I got lost."
Bakugo: "Tsk. If you don't know where you are, you should ask someone."
Y/N: "How did you find me? I was so lost."
Bakugo: "dumbass, I happen to see you walk the wrong way."
Y/N: "Thank you, I'm sorry. You are always helping me. How can I repay you?"
Bakugo didn't say anything nor turn around the whole time as we walked together to class but he held my hand the whole way to class. Almost everyone was seated. I wanted to sit next to Midoriya but there where no seats next to him but there was the seat in front of him and behind Bakugo, I was in the middle of both of them. I don't particularly care where I sit, I'm going to sleep though all of the classes anyways. I looked around my class and saw some of my favorite characters. I was excited for the first day of school.

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