Chapter 8

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Why? Why would he try to go there, after I told him not to. This is going to be a pain. Ugh!! I got to the door, I saw that the door was s slightly open. I'm afraid to open the door. All the memories I've been trying to oppress are going to resurface. When I looked through the door. I know I wasn't strong enough but I have to brave. My brother was right, I need to get a grip. I took a deep breath. I grab the handle and pushed the door open. I shut my eyes for a second and the smell of vanilla reaches me. I open my eyes. I saw Bakugo looking at a book. Everything was the same. Everything was in the place it was left after she died. Nothing was moved and it was clean. I could feel a lump in my throat forming, I wanted to cry. I can't. I told my self, I have to be brave. Bakugo turned to me.
Bakugo: "This is what you were hiding, another room. Whose is it?"
The lump in my throat made it hard to say anything.
Y/N: "... my... sister's..."
Bakugo: "why didn't you just tell me that instead of acting suspicious!"
Y/N: "..."
I didn't reply, I felt that if I replied I would start to cry so I walked over to him and noticed that he was looking at a photo album. The photo he was looking at was a picture of me and my sister laughing, I could my feel my eyes hurting as tears stared to form in my eyes. My vision was started to get blurry. I turned away. I think Bakugo noticed something was wrong.
Bakugo: "Yo Y/N what wrong?"
Y/N: "..."
Bakugo: "Answer damnit!"
Y/N: "..."
I didn't reply because if I did he would have noticed my shaky voice so I stayed silent.
He grabbed my arm and forcefully pulled me and made me face him. I couldn't look him in the eyes, I was facing down.
Bakugo: "Hey, what's wrong? Are you ok?"
He sounded genuinely worried but I couldn't bring myself to answer. I didn't know how to hide the fact that I wanted to cry. I took a deep breath and smile and replied.
Y/N: "I'm fine, this is my... first time here in a while."
Bakugo: "Are you sure, you're acting kinda... weird."
I wasn't ok but I need to be strong. I'm not going to cry anymore. I clenched my fist
Y/N: "I'm sure. Let's go and finish the project."
Bakugo: "Tsk, I get it I'll get out but I already saw everything."
Y/N: "what do you mean everything?"
Bakugo: "The box that has all your photos with her."
Y/N: "..."
I didn't reply but just nodded my head. We walked out and went to the library. I was feeling absent minded thinking about all the memories I had with my sister. I couldn't concentrate.
Bakugo: "Dumbass what wrong with you?! Come on get to work! I don't want to fail because of you!"
Y/N: "Huh? ...Sorry... I was thinking of something else."
Todoroki: "Are you feeling sick or something? I think we should end our meeting today and finish the rest at school."
Bakugo: "Huh, why? I think we-"
Y/N: "I think it's a good idea, sorry I'm not feeling well. At least we managed to do more than half."
Bakugo didn't say anything after. I think he knew I didn't feel well. I started to show them out the door when the door swung open and my brother and dad started to walk in. I started to panic, this can't be happening. They should've been working. Me and my brother are kinda in an awkward situation. Me and my brother made eye contact and instead of getting mad that I had boys over he only patted my head with a gentle smile. I wanted to apologize but I couldn't, I didn't have the courage. My brother greeted Bakugo and Todoroki.
B/N (Kai): "Nice to meet you boys, I'm Y/N's brother, B/N (Kai)!"
They seemed surprised because my brother is more energetic then I am. He's kinda like a dog when he's home. I saw Bakugo straight himself and act more formal.
Bakugo: "Nice to meet you, we are Y/N's classmates. We came to work on a project."
Todoroki: "Hello, nice to make your acquaintance. As Bakugo said we came to work, but we are on our way."
Dad: "Hello nice to meet you boys, I'm happy you're our daughters friend."
Bakugo didn't seem pleased that he was called my friend, he doesn't consider me one. Todoroki didn't say anything and had a blank face. I've never really had friends so he was happy I was socializing again.
Bakugo: Nice to meet you sir, my names Bakugo."
Todoroki: "Hello sir."
B/N (Kai): "What!? You're not staying for dinner, we would love to have you over."
Bakugo: "We where actually going home."
Todoroki: "I really can't stay, I have to get home by curfew and make it in time to train. Thank you for the offer."
B/N: "I guess you can't make it. How about you? I know you live close by, we can ask you parents."
He was being very president with Bakugo I didn't want to make Bakugo uncomfortable.
Y/N: "Brother, maybe he's busy-"
Bakugo: "Sure, I have time."
What? What just happened did Bakugo actually want to stay over for dinner. We only recently became "friends," at least that's what I think we are. He probably doesn't think of me as a friend.
We lead Todoroki out.
Y/N: "How are you going to get home?"
Todoroki: "I think I'm going to run, it good cardio."
It was kinda late and I didn't want him to be out late. What if something happened I wouldn't forgive myself.
Y/N: "Wait here."
I walked inside. I went up to my dad.
Y/N: "Dad can you give Todoroki a ride home, he plans on running home, that's dangerous?"
Dad: "Sure, let's go."
Dad has always been a considerate man.
We walked out where Todoroki was waiting.
Y/N: "I told my dad to give you a ride home. I just don't want you to be out so late."
Todoroki: "you didn't have to do that, I had already told you I was going to run. This is meaningless."
I was kinda hurt be rejected me.
Y/N: "I'm worried... something could happen."
Todoroki just stared at me.
Todoroki: "Thank you, I'll... take your offer."
I looked up at him and smiled and we said our goodbyes. I walked back inside to the living room where Bakugo was sitting.
Y/N: "Are you sure? My brother can be too much sometimes."
Bakugo: "You think I can't handle him?! Tsk."
Y/N: "No, it's not that. It's just he can be kinda annoying."
Bakugo: "I'll be fine! Who do you think I am!"
As always Bakugo is so confident. It made me smile.
Y/N: "Of course I don't doubt you."
Bakugo started to raise his hand to pet me but him brother walked in and saw and pulled his hand away. I could tell my brother grabbed him with force because Bakugo was scowling at my brothers hand. He wasn't letting go.
B/N(Kai): "Opps, I didn't mean to grab you hand too hard man, you know us men can't control our strength."
My brother was smirking at Bakugo. He then reached out to pet me but I stopped him.
Y/N: "You should apologize, look it's red."
I grabbed Bakugo's arm to show him. He only stared.
Bakugo: "It's fine im strong enough to not get hurt but such little strength."
My brother was still starring at me who was rubbing his arm where it was red. He put on a fake smile, which made me uncomfortable because I knew he was mad.
B/N(Kai): "I'm sorry. Y/N he's a man, he said it didn't hurt. Let him go."
I let go. I didn't want to anger him anymore.
Y/N: "Is it time for dinner?"
I wanted to change the Conversation.
B/N: "Yes! It's time to go eat. Let's go!"
He grabbed me, wrapping his arm around me and walking to the dining room like that. This is going to be troublesome .

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