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We were married yesterday and will divorce tomorrow because we didn't love each other today...

It's a bright morning when I hear you open the front door. I move over to the window and look down to see him smile as he wraps his arms around you. You take the coffees from his hand and lean into his face. My heart bleeds from the wounds you cut.

You both walk away into the car and drive off. Left alone in this large house, I wonder when I allowed any of this to happen? Is it because I didn't care about you or didn't give you enough attention? I don't love you so why does it still hurt seeing others take what's mine?

I wear a wry smile because you've aged me beyond my years. And you wear a flirtatious grin because you're surrounded by youths.

I climb down from the window and get dress. It seems that I'll need to buy a new set of clothes as I've gotten fatter. I don't remember overeating but I guess it's because I don't remember that I've gain weight.

You still look young and healthy. The muscles on your belly are tight and your shoulders are broad. As a man, I am very jealous of you.

When I walk out the door, no one greets me with coffee and a smile. I wish that I was married to someone who would care for me like how your lover care for you. And I'm sure I have not fulfill your wishes either, isn't that why you're open and about?

On the way to work, Penny calls, "I saw your husband cuddling with another man again! Why aren't you doing anything about it? Do you want your marriage to end?"

"What can I do about it? If I speak up, we'll have a fight over it. It is too exhausting as is with work."

"So you knew? If you can't do anything, I'll do it for you! I'll help you file the divorce papers and make sure you get at least half of his money if not more."

I sigh because I don't understand revenge. It doesn't make me happy to see (bad) people suffer. It's annoying to watch them wail about their misery. So I tell him, "No need. I'll email him the signed divorce papers after lunch."

"You can't be lenient on him, you know? What if he wants half if not all of your money?" His breath is quiet, and I hear him slam his phone onto a hard surface. I hear him apologizing to another person, so I hung up.

Soon, I arrived at the establishment you and I build twenty years ago when we were seventeen. Even now it's a little hard to believe everything started on a night during summer camp. We were throwing ideas back and forth. I said that I'll do the startup if you were willing to partner with me and you said the same. We laughed and didn't sleep for three days.

When I enter the tall building and climbs the floors, you are hovering above a nervous Penny while others lecture him. Your young lover crosses his arms and leans back to lift his chin.

"Penny! Come to my office!"

The nervous man grabs his phone and follows me. I lock the door and closes the blinds, "Want breakfast? I haven't ate yet."

"I—I think I'm fired..." His voice is muted like he couldn't believe his own words. His hands tremble and his eyes never raise above negative thirty degrees.

"You're not fired," I grab his shoulders and seat him on the couch. I sit beside him, "Why do you think you're fired? You're my best friend and this is also my company. You haven't done anything worthy of—"

"I told his lover that he is married. That he shouldn't steal a married man."

"Was that before you call me?"

Penny nods and clamps his sweaty hands together. I sigh and place a hand on his shoulder, "Some people don't want to hear the truth... Nevertheless, I'm on your side. If he wants to go behind my back and fire you, I'll leave with you. Come on. Let's get breakfast. I'm hungry."

I open the door for Penny and we go down some floors to the canteen. We go through the line like everyone else and get out trays. Then we sit by the window with a decent view of the city.

"Leo, why did you even marry that guy anyway?" Penny glares up at me after a few minutes without touching his food. His back is still hunch over like he's hiding his frame.

Before I can answer, you rush to the trash bin and vomit out the coffee you had on your way here. Your lover rubs your back and you're both surrounded by people.

I get up and tell them to back off. I look at your lover and ask, "Do you think he'll be okay? Should I call the ambulance for him?"

Your lover stares at me dull in silence, and I realize that I should've been the one receiving those questions. Your face pales and your limbs are numbed. I ask your lover to take you rest and if you get worst to call for the ambulance.

"I'm fine. The sausages have a sickening odor this morning. Have someone inspect the kitchen," you furrows your brows as you speak. I see that you're still very dependable and independent.

"Yes. I'll call your secretaries for you. I'm sure they'll handle the situation to your liking," I reply and return to Penny after sending the intended text.

Penny is quick to judge, "What was that! Why do you always act like you're an outsider when you're his spouse?"

"Somehow, my presence has become intolerable to him... Anyway, I already promise you that I'll send him the email, so I will."

After breakfast, the day is slow starting and slow going. The busy holidays like Christmas and New Year have just passed and business is slow. Next week, I need to present last year's goals and failures and this year's plan for more profits for the shareholders... And I am dragging this simple assignment because the purpose of this establishment has changed.

I don't know when it changed or why it has turned out this way when I was watching every step of the way, but it has changed.

And none of the plans presented for me to choose from are any plan I feel like it's the goal of my establishment. Firing people. Expanding more internationally. Opting for international production.

I put these aside, video call my lawyer, and send you the email before lunch.

"Penny, want to get lunch?" I come out of my hell office and see you threatening my best friend. I walk over and brushes your hand from his desk. "Penny, let's go. I'm hungry."

"Leo, I'm here too," you try to take my hand but I step aside in anticipation.

"I'm sorry. This is my lunch time. Please make an appointment through Penny," I tap Penny's shoulder, gesturing for us to leave.

"I know you're pregnant." Your eyebrows are very low above your eyes. The tone you chose to threaten me is heavy and dry like it's a chore. "Is it his child?"

"Check your email," I answer and take Penny with me.

We go to the Thai restaurant down the street because I didn't want to be in a close proximity to you. Knowing you, you would sign the paper in a heartbeat since you somehow come to the conclusion that I'm pregnant although I've just been gaining weight.

"Are you pregnant?"

"No. I just got fatter," I lick my lips. The spicy papaya salads somehow taste better than I remembered. Perhaps they hired a new cook.

"Sure... He's the father isn't he?"

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