Epilogue 1

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For the past few weeks, mommy only slept with papa. I didn't like it at first but when mommy went to shower, papa explained to me that every time mommy only sleep with him I'm more likely to have a new sibling.

This morning, I wake up early and try to sneak into mommy's bed. I am stopped by papa. He carries me as we move to the kitchen, saying, "Mommy isn't feeling well. Spend the day with papa okay?"

"Where's mommy hurt?"

"Mommy is hurt here and here," papa places his hand on my forehead and tummy. "Mommy said he really wants to play with you but he can't. Will you wait until mommy is well to play again?"

I purse my lips and then nod. There is nothing I can do but wait.

"Have you already brushed your teeth this morning?"


"Good. That's my girl."

Papa seats me on the counter, and he begins to prepare breakfast. He makes pancakes, oat milk, and some cut strawberries for me and himself. He also makes oatmeal with nuts and strawberries for mommy.

We enjoy our meal. Then papa asks, "Do you want to feed mommy with me?"


He and I put on masks and sanitize our hands. I open the door for papa as he carries mommy's breakfast. I climb onto the bed from the other side of the bed.

"Leo?" Papa places the food on the drawer and brushes the stray hair strains from mommy's pale face. "Where are you uncomfortable?"

"I'm okay... My head feels heavy, honey." Mommy turns to me with a smile, "Did you and papa eat breakfast yet?"

"Yes. We had pancakes! Um... Is mommy okay?" I feel a knot at my throat.

Mommy tries to chuckle but he ends up coughing. My heart is overwhelmed, crying for my mommy.

Papa helps mommy sit up, "Don't overwork yourself."

"I didn't."

Mommy lifts his arm, making a space for me. I can see papa's dissatisfaction, but I ignore him and hug mommy.

"Papa said mommy's hurt here," I place my head against his tummy. "Does it still hurt?"

"Only a little bit. Mommy is okay." Mommy pinches my cheek and also papa's. He says to papa, "Are you feeding me or am I eating by my—"

"I'm feeding you," papa says in a low tone. He gives mommy water first through a straw. Then with each spoon of oatmeal mommy eats, papa's face relaxes more and by the end he smiles. "Don't force yourself to eat all of it if you can't. Tell me when you want to stop."

"Okay. I can eat a few more bites."

Hugging mommy makes me sleepy, so I lay my head on his lap. I close my eyes by accident.

I wake up again when papa carries me to my room. I jump and grab papa, "Mommy asleep?"


"Mommy gets medicine?"

Papa nods. He smiles at me, "Yes, mommy took his medicine. He should be better soon. Why don't we make a get well card for mommy?"


I have no idea what is a get well card but papa helps me cut some hearts and asks me to draw a picture. So I draw a big rainbow and traces my hand under it. This takes me a long time because I want it to be perfect since it's for mommy.

"Do you want to write something for mommy to read?"

I grip the crayon in my hand and ponder for a long time. Then I write with my best handwriting: No more sick please. Love, me.

"Should we share the same card? Or should papa makes his own?"

"This is mine. Papa makes something different for mommy, okay?"

"Alright." Papa smiles and does something else while I'm finishing up my rainbow still.

When I finished my rainbow, I run to mommy's room but papa stopped me again. He says that we can't go in until lunch or until mommy calls for us. Whichever comes first.

I lie flat on the rug and stare at the spinning fan thing stuck on the ceiling. It goes round and round. But I quickly got bored by it.

Papa takes us outside and he lets me pick tomatoes. He reminds me to only pick the red ones, so I eat some while he isn't looking.

While I am still not done picking all of the red tomatoes, papa says we have to go inside again. I help him wash the tomatoes and greens. We make tomatoes jam for our burgers. Lunch is super sweet and delicious.

"Will mommy eat burger too?"

"No. That's too tough for mommy. We'll make tomato and mushroom soup."

When we go to mommy's room again, papa gets the food and I get the get well cards. Papa wakes mommy up again and I slip under mommy's arm.

"Papa and I make these for mommy."

"Really? Thank you both so much. Mommy is feeling a lot better already." Mommy takes our cards and reads mine first, "'No more sick please. Love, me.' Aw, mommy will try to not get sick anymore... Then, from papa it says 'Get better soon. Your husband. P.S. I love you.' I love you too, honey."

"I'll treasure these," mommy hugs the cards.

I raise an eyebrow, "Treasure me!"

"Yes. Treasure us more," papa takes the cards away and brings us together.

Mommy only laughs. Then he turns toward the drawer and sees the food. He frowns and says to papa, "No more of these soups. I want donuts with jam filling, thousand layers moon cakes, triple layered boba... no more soups."

"Leo, it's your second soup," papa pinches mommy's cheeks.

"Then add noodles to the soup, not chicken noodle soup, like beef noodles."

"I want beef noodles too! Also donuts, moon cakes, and boba. Mommy and I eat the same." I look up at my papa's defeating eyes.

Papa shakes his head, "We'll eat those after mommy's better. Mommy is still very sick... Let me check your temperature, Leo."

"Fine." Mommy opens his mouth for the thermometer. Papa checks it and frowns.

"Mommy is still sick?" I ask.

"Mommy is more sick." Papa places his forehead against mommy's, "Your temperature is higher than last time. Should we go to the hospital?"


Mommy chuckles, pats my head, and leans on papa's shoulders, "I'm just pregnant. See, I did a few tests earlier."

Hope y'all like that 🥲 I tried to make the writing more childish to fit the perspective but idk if it makes a difference. Lol

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