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It's Thursday, two weeks after I've been released from the hospital. I find it hard to work and communicate with the law firm I've hired to work my case since you and our daughter are always around.

It is a relief that I received an email indicating the claims and evidences are sufficient for a case. Shortly after reading it, my daughter waltzes in the bed room with her hands behind her back. She smiles from ear to ear, "Mommy?"


"Will mommy be sleeping with me and papa tonight?"

I close the email and turn to her, "Only if mommy gets a kiss on the cheek."

"That's easy!" She takes my hand and pulls me to follow her. She calls, "Papa! Papa! Mommy said he needs a kiss on the check to sleep with us tonight."

"Have you kiss mommy yet?" You asks from the kitchen.

"No. I'm waiting for you papa. We can kiss mommy together."

She and I sit on the couch, waiting for you. You come to us with an apron on and traces of flour all over you.

"Papa, you kiss that side and I'll kiss this side."


"One... Two... Three. Kiss!"

Both of my cheeks are a little wet. I can't help smiling. I feel happy to be loved so much by you both. So before you both can pull back, I kiss our daughter and you each on the cheek.

Your eyes widen by shock. Our daughter chuckles and sits on my lap, "Kiss me again, mommy. I want another kiss."


"This side," she points to her other cheek.

"Okay. Mommy's going to kiss you now." I lean down to kiss her other cheek. She laughs and hooks her arms around my neck. She rests her head against me and sighs.

You rubs your hands together with puckered lips, "What about me, Leo?"

I hide my face.

"Then I'll give you another kiss." You place a knee on the couch and lowers your lips to the temple of my head. I feel the soft and warm lips.



"Your heart is getting faster. Is that okay?" She looks up with knitted brows.

"Mommy is okay," I say while covering your lips. I turn to you, "I'll be waiting for your food."

You gesture a hand toward our daughter, "Want to help papa finish making dinner?"

"No. I want to stay with mommy. I'll help papa another time, promise."

"Alright. Be good and watch over mommy for papa," you kiss on her temple and return to the kitchen.

Her arms are still hooked around my neck, "Mommy?"


"Mommy, I like you a lot. You spoil me and love me. I want you to go home with papa and me. Will mommy come home with me?"

"Let mommy stays here for a while longer. Then mommy will go home with you and papa, alright?" I pat her soft hair and hug her close to my body. I love how clingy she is, and I love to spoil her, but I don't think I'm ready yet.

I know they said they chose me, however, I still worry about the person waiting for them at the house. I don't know if I've done enough to deserve their unconditional affections.

We have dinner and go to sleep. The next morning, you wake up before the sun rose. You sit by the bedside and stroke my hair, "I'll be back later. Watch over our daughter for me, alright?"

"Be careful," I mumble as I grip your hand tighter.

"I will." You lean down, kiss my temple, and then reach for our daughter's cheek. You let go of my hand and close the door behind you.

It's later that our daughter wakes up and snuggles up against me. I reach an arm over to hug her.

"Mommy, you're awake?" She chuckles.

"A little. Are you hungry?"

Her strong little legs push her up to face me. She smiles and answers, "Not very, but where's papa? I already search everywhere in the house. I can't find papa."

"Papa went out. He'll be back later. You get to spend some time with just mommy. Should we get up and do something less we spend our time together asleep?"

"Yes." She rises from the bed and pulls on my arm. "Apple and cinnamon pancakes?"

"Sounds tasty," I follow her into the kitchen. She stands by attentively, helping out in whichever way she can.

Then we go out for a walk through the park. She holds onto my hand the whole time. I'm very happy to have such a simple walk with her.

However, it's a little hot and we both sweat a little. We stop by a café for water and frozen yogurt. Although she's very independent, yogurt still gets onto her shirt.

"I'm sorry, mommy. I really meant to be careful."

"It's okay. We can wash it later," I try to get as much the stain as possible out. Although I'm not worried, she is displeased by it. She really takes after you who likes to be clean.

"Are you Leo?"

I look up to see a gun pointed at my face. My daughter is still busy looking at her shirt to notice. I am incredibly dumbfounded at what to do or say. This has never happen before.

I shield my daughter behind my back, "Sorry, you got the wrong person."

"If you're not Leo, would you act this way?"

"You have that thing in my face! Of course I'll act this way regardless!"

I feel her little hands pull on my shirt. I throws a hand back to keep her head hidden behind me.

The customers around finally notice. A few rush to the exits but the gun fires in those directions and breaks the windows. The people screams and cries in hurdles.

"Well, either you die or everyone else die."

You know, with the cliche tag we gotta have one of these right 😵‍💫
It's a requirement at this point XD

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