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"So have you decided?"

"Yes. I want this child to live," I rub my belly with a sigh of comfort, knowing that from now on I have this child.

The doctor nods in response and begins his treatment plan. He will hand me over to his colleague. They wants to inject the baby with steroids so that the lungs will develop faster. Then in a month, I will give birth. Following that, we hope that there will be a heart ready for me.

"Do you have any questions about any of this?"

"Um, I want to ask if my condition is hereditary?"

"No. Your condition is caused by environmental factors such as a broken heart, stress, trauma, and or malnutrition. Your baby will be okay."

I rub my stomach again, "Thank you."

"Are there anymore questions you may have for me?"

"No. Thank you, again."

"You're welcome. Then, I shall get going. Have a good day, Leo."

"You too."

After my doctor leave, I go on a walk around the children indoor playground and the community greenhouse garden. The children don't look sick at all, they're playful and cute. They're kind to one another and say some questionable words. The garden make me miss my vegetables at the house, but also hopeful that I'll get to plant next year's harvest with my child.

When I return to the room, you're waiting with my lawyer and someone else. Your expression is stout and your brows are already furrowed.

"Why aren't you out of the hospital yet?" Your tone is firm and has the hoarse texture that I like.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I have a meeting with you three today. Please go through my secretary for a reappointment as I am busy these days."


The painful look on your face pangs my chest. I can feel it throbbing like I've predicted.

"Leo, I don't know about them, but I'm here for a serious matter," my lawyer comes and helps me get onto the bed.

"Whisper to me what the serious matter is."

"Your parents and siblings heard about your long hospital stay and the divorce. They are filing to get all of your assets as if you're already dead."

I frown and reply, "I'll send you a date and time for a better meeting. Thank you for informing me this."

"Then, I'll get going."

"Don't go yet. I have my lawyer here, it's only right that you stay for Leo. I want to discuss some parts of the divorce here."

You and your lawyer sit on the opposite side of my lawyer. You still have that painful look on your face, "What's going on with you? Why won't you let the doctors tell me anything?"

I look at my lawyer and she answers that it's my right.

"Then the child. According to the doctors, when will we be expecting to sign the divorce?"

"In a month."

"In a month?" Your jaw drops slightly, and you grab my hand, "What's going on? The baby will barely be six months!"

"I know," I say as I try to retrieve my hand.

"Leo, tell me. What's going on? Why will the baby be born prematurely?"

Your eyes plead and I can feel my heart softens. Yet I sigh and rub my bump, "I think that since I'm negotiating for half custody, I ought to tell you this in case there are complications in the future... Yes, I want some custody over this child. Anyway, it is due to my medical condition that the premature birth must happen, but don't worry because it's not hereditary."

"Your heart is weak. You're unable to carry the baby to full term else you both won't make it," you say as it's an obvious conclusion.

I feel that your grip is weak and I withdraw my hand back. I avoid your gaze, "Do you have any other 'parts of the divorce' that you'll like to discuss? Else..."

My hands take hold of your face, and my voice asks, "W... What's wrong?"

Tears fall from your eyes. The pain in your face cuts deep in me like a serial killer on a murdering spree.

Why do you look so sad like you're not ready to lose me? Why aren't you saying anything? Tell me that you still want the divorce. Tell me that you hate me. Tell me that without me your life would be better. Leave me like you always had when things get tough. Why are you still here, not saying anything?

"Do you love me, Leo?" Your voice is deep like the depths of despair. Your hands holding mine are cold like a vacuum void. Why are you asking me this now?

From the reflection in your eyes, my face is clear and emotionless. No tears have jerked like before.

"Why does it matter? Don't you love someone else and they love you back? Or do you want my shares of the company we started since you know that I might not make it? Or is this a last attempt to disappoint—"

"It matters because those things aren't true."

You grab my shoulders and embrace my hallow-ness in your arms. The lawyers excused themselves, leaving us alone.

"If anything, it matters because I love you, Leo. Why have things come to this? How do you so easily abandon my existence in your heart?"

I wait for you to pull back and see that your words didn't touch my heart, not this time and not anymore. I will not be made a fool because of you. You cannot influence this heart of mine that is beaten to death. You are a stranger.


I should've named this: You Are A Stranger. Lol

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