2022.02.28🍓break in

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silence. the one thing aislinn cherishes more than her members.
the boys were finishing their solo schedules for the day whilst aislinn sat in bed, reading a book. not any particular book, it was just the first one she pulled off the shelf.
mingi should be the first to arrive home, followed by jongho about twenty minutes after. she knew the boys solo schedules off by heart. she had to if she wanted to plan what she was going to do during her free time.

a knock on the main door interrupted her reading. well that's odd; the boys have keys. aislinn sighed and placed the book down, mentally noting the page number she was on. she left her room and went to the door, seeing the door handle moving as if someone was trying to open it. she moved as quietly as she could to look through the peep hole. a group of people she didnt recognize, they all looked like they were in their late forties.
the girl pulled her phone out of the pocket on her shorts and called the groupchat as she made her way back to her room.

"what's wrong, lina? are you alright?" hongjoong asked as he heard the harsh breaths of the girl.

"stupid question but did any of you guys send anybody to the dorm?" she asked, locking the door and sitting against it.

"no, why?" they all spoke in unison.

"because there is a group of men trying to open the-" she stopped herself when there was a knock on her window. "they're trying to get into the dorm."

"where are you?" san asked as he packed his things into his bag.

"im in my room. all of the doors and windows are locked and all of the blinds and curtains are closed," she answered hastily.

"im on my way back with jongho and mingi." the two mentioned boys hummed as they followed yeosang out of the cafe, walking toward their dorm.

"aislinn where are you sweetheart? i know you're in here," a voice called from the now open main door.

"hurry, please," she begged, hearing slow footsteps approaching.

"you guys check those rooms, I'll look in here." the door handle jiggled and the girl moved away from it, heading to her study.

"im in my study, now. yeo, how far are you guys?"

"we are just around the corner." the three boys were running as fast as they could to get to the dorm.

"lina, the police are on the way," yunho announced as he came to the skatepark near their dorm. "lights and sirens are off so they dont scare the guys away."

"thanks," she whispered, moving around her study. aislinn smiled when she saw her baseball bat in the corner. just as she picked it up, the door opened and a tall man walked in.

"its nice to-" she hit him with the baseball bat, making him fall back. she had a good arm, that's for sure.

"you missed me so much that you hit me?" he asked cockily as he took three steps toward the girl. only now did she realize he was about a foot and a half taller than her. he placed a hand on her shoulder, gripping it harshly.

"linlin? aislinn! lina, are you there?" wooyoung shouted through the phone as he ran with hongjoong next to him. the girl ignored the distressed boy and lifted her leg. as she was about to kick him, he grabbed her leg and twisted it, causing her to let out a loud yelp which caught the attention of the eight boys on the phone and the six police officers who had just ran up the stairs with yeosang, mingi and jongho behind them.

"l-let me go," aislinn growled as she swung the bat, hitting him in the balls. he groaned and let go of her as he doubled over, aislinn falling to the ground with a soft thud and a loud cry of pain.

"this is the police!" a deep voice shouted from the lounge. "come out with your hands up!"

"lina, are you still in your study?" mingi asked through the phone despite being in the other room.

"mhm," was all she could let out along with a groan when the man stood on her leg.

"one more move, one more sound... and i will break your leg, understand?" he growled through gritted teeth. aislinn put her hand up to her mouth, biting it so hard that is started bleeding. anything to stop her from making another sound.

"sir, step away from the girl!" a police officer shouted as he walked toward the pair, holding his gun out in front of him. aislinn let out a curse followed by yet another cry of pain when the man brought his foot up and pushed it down onto her leg with full force before moving away with his hands up.
whilst the five intruders were being taken from the dorm and put into the police cars, an ambulance arrived. seonghwa called for one after he heard the thud of the baseball bat connecting with the mans head. he didnt know who got hit but he knew better than to take the chance.


aislinn woke up in a white room, squinting and blinking as her eyes adjusted to the bright light. she sat up with a groan, alerting the boys she hadnt yet noticed.

"hey," wooyoung greeted quietly as he and the others looked at her. aislinn furrowed her brows before pushing herself against the wall.

"wh-who..?" she scanned the faces that were staring at her before reaching out a hand to the boy who stood at the back with a lost expression. "hwa.." she mumbled, seonghwa walking over to the side of the bed and taking her small hand in his.

"hey, baby," he whispered, caressing her knuckles with his thumb.

"why am i..?" she questioned as she shut her eyes, ready to sleep again.

"we will explain when you come home, alright? for now, we just want you to rest." aislinn nodded, humming the tune of a song before letting out a shocked gasp. the boys were ready to call the doctor until they saw the huge smile on the young girls face. that smile soon turned into a frown, though.

"i cant believe i didnt even get to finish that book.." she pouted. "but the way jongmin was so in love with yeoreum, i wish love was always like that. what happened to hyerim? please tell me she wasnt sent to her grans house.." the boys laughed as aislinn kept rambling on to herself about the book she was reading.

from what the boys saw, she was back to her old self. little did they know, it would take a lot more than just a bit of TLC to have her back to her old ways.

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